Perancangan Aplikasi Pada Pengelolaan Sewa Barang

Hartasih, Windya (2019) Perancangan Aplikasi Pada Pengelolaan Sewa Barang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dalam penyewaan, aktivitas yang biasa dilakukan penyedia jasa sewa memuat pemesanan barang, pengambilan barang, pengembalian barang, pengecekan stok barang, dan pembukuan. Namun, pada saat ini banyak penyedia jasa sewa yang menemui kendala dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnis tersebut, seperti pada penjadwalan barang, pencatatan pesanan, perbedaan stok barang dan pembukuan rutin sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerugian dan masalah dengan pelanggan. Selain itu, penyedia jasa sewa memiliki keterbatasan infrastruktur, dengan masih menggunakan nota penyewaan, papan tulis, dan software Microsoft Excel dalam melakukan pembukuan. Oleh karena itu, penyedia jasa sewa membutuhkan aplikasi pengelolaan sewa barang yang independent atau mandiri, agar tidak bergantung pada infrastruktur atau membutuhkan infrastruktur yang lebih, sehingga jasa sewa hanya menggunakan smartphone saja tanpa perlu menambah infrastruktur lain dalam mengelola jasa sewa. Aplikasi ini dirancang menggunakan metode OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) dan web service REST. Perancangan yang dilakukan adalah perancangan service, arsitektur, komponen, data, dan antarmuka, serta desain arsitektur aplikasi. Perancangan aplikasi ini telah diuji menggunakan Traceability Matrix, (Coupling Between Object Classes) CBO, (Response for a Class) RFC, (Lack of cohesion in methods1) LCOM1 metrics, dan (Lack of cohesion in methods2) LCOM2 metrics. Hasil perancangan aplikasi ini memiliki kopling rendah karena rata-rata nilai CBO<=5 dan RFC<=100 sehingga understandability tinggi dan kohesi rendah karena memiliki LCOM1>1. Hasil perancangan juga memiliki Adaptability tinggi karena rata-rata nilai CBO diantara 1 hingga 3, rata-rata nilai RFC diantara 1 hingga 69, dan memenuhi nilai LCOM2 0 hingga 1. Selain itu, semua artefak dibuat berdasarkan use case yang telah dibuat sebelumnya, karena setiap kolom dan baris pada traceability matrix memiliki nilai 1.

English Abstract

In rental services, activity that usually do by rental provider are item ordering, item taking, item returning, item checking, and bookkeeping. Nowadays, many rental providers have difficulties for running their business activity, such as item scheduling, order recording, differences between item inventory and routine bookkeeping that causes losses and problems with customers. Moreover, the rental providers have limited infrastructure, by keep using rental note, whiteboard, and Microsoft Excel software for bookkeeping. Therefore, the rental providers need an rental management application which is independent in order to not depend on infrastructure or need more infrastructure, so that the service providers can only use smartphone without adding other infrastructure to manage rental services. This application designed using OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) method and REST web service. Designing this application include service design, architecture design, component design, data design, user interface design, and application design architecture. This design of application has been tested using Traceability Matrix, (Coupling Between Object Classes) CBO, (Response for a Class) RFC, (Lack of cohesion in methods1) LCOM1 metrics, and (Lack of cohesion in methods2) LCOM2 metrics. The result of this application design has low coupling because of the CBO’s average value<=5 and RFC’s average value<=100 so it have high understandability and low cohesion because of LCOM>1. The result of this application design also has high adaptability because of the CBO’s average value is between 1 and 3, RFC’s average value between 1 and 69, and fulfill LCOM2’s value between 0 and 1. Furthermore, all artifacts are made based on the use case that was made before, because each column and row in the traceability matrix have a value of 1.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/127/051902297
Uncontrolled Keywords: penyewaan, infrastruktur, pengelolaan sewa barang, OOAD, web service REST, rental services, infrastructure, rental management, OOAD, REST web service
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 005 Computer programming, programs, data > 005.5 General purpose application programs
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2020 03:07
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2021 03:58
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