Batasan Ex Officio Hakim Terhadap Hak Istri Pada Permohonan Talak Dalam Upaya Memberikan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Istri

Irmawati, Novika (2019) Batasan Ex Officio Hakim Terhadap Hak Istri Pada Permohonan Talak Dalam Upaya Memberikan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Istri. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Akibat putusnya perkawinan karena perceraian dijelaskan dalam pasal 41 huruf (c) Undang-Undang Perkawinan yang menyatakan bahwa Pengadilan dapat mewajibkan bekas suami untuk memberikan biaya penghidupan atau menentukan kewajiban lain bagi bekas istri. Sedangkan Pasal 149 dan Pasal 152 Kompilasi Hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa akibat putusnya perkawinan karena talak maka bekas suami wajib memberikan nafkah kepada istrinya selama masa iddah. Namun tidak semua istri mengetahui haknya sehingga seringkali tidak menuntut haknya. Dalam perkara perdata, hakim dilarang menjatuhkan putusan terhadap hal-hal yang tidak diminta atau mengabulkan melebihi daripada yang dituntut atau disebut dengan asas ultra petitum partium. Dalam permohonan talak, hakim menggunakan hak ex officionya untuk mewajibkan bekas suami membayar nafkah iddah yangmana tidak diminta dalam petitum. Di Pengadilan Agama dalam memutus permohonan talak masih terdapat perbedaan penafsiran di kalangan hakim dalam menyikapi pemenuhan hak-hak istri berupa nafkah iddah yang tidak dituntut oleh termohon. Sehingga hal itu tidak memberikan kepastian hukum terhadap terpenuhinya hak-hak bekas istri. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya ketidakseimbangan norma mengenai penggunaan hak ex officio hakim yaitu pada pasal 41 huruf (c) Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Pasal 149 Kompilasi Hukum Islam serta adanya asas ultra petitum partium yang tidak boleh dilanggar dalam hukum acara perdata. Maka dari itu perlu adanya batasan ex officio hakim terhadap hak istri dalam permohonan talak yang tidak dituntut dalam petitum, agar tidak dikategorikan ultra petita partium. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka permasalahan hukum yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa yang menjadi batasan hak ex officio hakim dalam menentukan biaya penghidupan kepada bekas istri yang tidak dituntut dalam petitum. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah batasan hak ex officio hakim dalam menentukan biaya penghidupan kepada bekas istri yang tidak dituntut dalam petitum terbatas pada hakim mewajibkan bekas suami untuk memberikan nafkah iddah kepada bekas istrinya walaupun hal itu tidak diminta dalam petitum dengan ketentuan bahwa istri mau menerima haknya, istri tidak merelakan haknya, istri tidak terbukti nuysuz, istri tidak dalam keadaan qobla al dukhul, dan suami berkemampuan secara ekonomi untuk memberikan biaya penghidupan kepada bekas istri. Dalam keadaan tersebut sepatutnya hakim menggunakan hak ex officionya walaupun hak tersebut tidak diminta dalam petitum untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak istri.

English Abstract

Article 41 letter (c) of Act concerning Marriage states that Courts have made compulsory for an ex-husband to financially support or be responsible for his ex-wife, while Article 149 and Article 152 of Islamic Law Compilation state that a husband is responsible to financially support his wife during iddah period upon a divorce. However, only a few wives are aware of their rights and they end up with no attempt to fight for their rights. In civil case, a judge is not allowed to deliver a verdict concerning things not asked for or to grant more than what is being sued, which is known as ultra petitum partium. In a divorce petition, judges use the right of their ex officio to require an ex-husband to financially support his ex-wife during iddah period in which this financial support is not asked for in petitum. In Religious Courts, there is different interpretation among judges in terms of deciding a case in divorce petition, especially concerning the way the judges respond to the fulfilment of wife’s rights in the form of iddah financial support which is not asked. Therefore, this issue does not provide any legal protection regarding fulfilment of ex-wife’s rights. This is mainly caused by imbalanced norms regarding the use of ex officio rights of the judges between Article 41 letter (c) of Act concerning Marriage and Article 149 of Islamic Law Compilation in addition to the existence of ultra petitum partium in civil law that must be obeyed. Therefore, it is considered essential that the scope of definition of ex officio held by judges be determined for the sake of wife’s rights regarding divorce petition not sued in petitum, so that it is not categorised in ultra petita partium. Normative juridical research method along with statute and case approaches was used in this research. The research result reveals that the scope of definition of ex officio rights held by judges determines the amount of financial support given to an ex-wife not sued in Petitum. It is restricted to the judges who make it compulsory for the ex-husband to financially support to his ex-wife during iddah period despite the fact that it is not asked in petitum with the condition that the wife is willing to receive the support as she should, that she does not release her rights, that she is not proven nuysuz, that she is not in the state of qobla al dukhul, and that the husband is financially capable of supporting his ex-wife. Under those conditions, judges are supposed to use their ex officio rights although the rights are not asked for in petitum to provide legal protection for the rights of the wife.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2019/100/051902791
Uncontrolled Keywords: Batasan, Ex officio, Permohonan talak, Ultra Petitum Partium-scope of definition, ex officio, divorce petition, Ultra petitum partium.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 346 Private law > 346.01 Persons and domestic relations > 346.016 Marriage, partnerships, unions > 346.016 6 Divorce, annulment, separation
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2020 04:59
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2020 04:59
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