Rancang Bangun Sistem Deposisi Karbon Dengan Metode Sputtering Dan Studi Pengaruh Tekanan Chamber Terhadap Deposisi Lapisan Tipis Karbon Berbahan Tempurung Kelapa

Surya, Rifky Adi (2018) Rancang Bangun Sistem Deposisi Karbon Dengan Metode Sputtering Dan Studi Pengaruh Tekanan Chamber Terhadap Deposisi Lapisan Tipis Karbon Berbahan Tempurung Kelapa. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Telah dilakukan perancangan pada sistem plasma dan pengaruh variasi tekanan chamber terhadap deposisi lapisan karbon dengan metode sputtering. Penambahan alat pada sistem plasma berupa holder karbon, pemanas, teflon sambungan pemanas, saringan atau filter, flowcontrol. Deposisi karbon dengan metode plasma sputtering dilakukan dengan beberapa parameter yaitu variasi tekanan 20, 40 dan 60 pascal, laju alir sebesar 60 mL/menit, tegangan RF 100 volt, jarak antar bahan target dengan substrat 55 mm, waktu dan suhu substrat 60 menit dan 200oC, dimana akan mempengaruhui morfologi lapisan karbon di atas substrat kaca. Data spektrum emisi plasma diperoleh dengan mengukur sepektrum menggunakan Optical Emission Spectrocopy (OES) (AURORA – 4000). Didapatkan dalam bentuk data dari hubungan panjang gelombang dengan intensitas emisi plasma, dianlisa melalui database NIST. Hasil pengolahan data OES menunjukkan spesies plasma yang paling dominan adalah Ar I dengan panjang gelombang tertinggi yaitu 748.781 nm dengan intensitas tertinggi yaitu 7750.5 nm pada tekanan 20 Pa tanpa karbon. Morfologi lapisan tipis karbon di atas substrat kaca menunjukkan terdapat karbon yang menempel di atas substrat kaca dan belum merata. Deposisi lapisan tipis karbon yang optimum dihasilkan pada tekanan 40 Pa dalam proses pembangkitan plasma argon

English Abstract

The design of the plasma system has been carried out and the effect of pressure variations in the chamber on the deposition of carbon layers with sputtering method. Addition of tools in the plasma system in the form of carbon holders, heaters, Teflon heating connections, filters , flow control. Carbon deposition using the plasma sputtering method is carried out with several parameters, namely variations in pressure 20, 40 and 60 pascal, flow rate of 60 mL / minute, 100 volt RF voltage, distance between target materials with substrate 55 mm, substrate time and temperature 60 minutes and 200 oC , which will influence the morphology of the carbon layer above the glass substrate. Emission spectrum data obtained by measuring the spectrum using Optical Emission Spectrocopy (OES) (AURORA - 4000). Obtained in the form of data from the relationship of wavelength with plasma emission intensity, analyzed through the NIST database. The results of the OES data processing showed that the most dominant plasma species was Ar I with the highest wavelength of 748,781 nm with the highest intensity of 7750.5 nm at a pressure of 20 Pa without carbon. The morphology of the thin carbon layer above the glass substrate shows that there is carbon attached to the glass substrate and not evenly distributed. The optimum deposition of the thin layer of carbon is produced at a pressure of 40 Pa in the plasma generation process of argon.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2018/543/051901794
Uncontrolled Keywords: rancangan, plasma argon, tekanan, intensitas, panjang gelombang, morfologi / design, Argon plasma, pressure, intensity, wavelength, morphology.
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 546 Inorganic chemistry > 546.6 Groups 8, 9 ,10, 11, 12, 13, 14 > 546.68 Group 14 > 546.681 Carbon
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2020 02:41
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2020 02:41
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/168871
Full text not available from this repository.

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