Fuadati, Ayu Zahrotul (2018) Karakter Morfologi, Fisiologi Dan Gen Ccs (Capsanthin-Capsurobin Synthase) Pada Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens) Mutan G1m6. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Buah cabai rawit memiliki pigmen karotenoid yang disintesis oleh enzim Capsanthin-capsorubin synthase (Ccs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter morfologi, menganalisis kandungan karotenoid dan profil gen Ccs pada mutan cabai rawit G1M6 dibandingkan dengan G1 kontrol. Sampel tanaman yang digunakan merupakan tanaman cabai rawit Genotip 1 generasi kedua hasil induksi mutasi dengan Ethyl Methane Sulphonate atau EMS 0,01% (G1M6) dengan total 10 tanaman. Parameter morfologi yang diamati (120 hari setelah tanam atau HST) meliputi bagian vegetatif (tinggi tanaman, dan jumlah cabang) dan generatif (bobot buah, panjang dan diameter buah, dan jumlah biji). Parameter fisiologi dengan mengukur kandungan karotenoid buah cabai rawit yang dipanen 35 dan 65 HSP. Analisis klaster dilakukan untuk pengelompokkan berdasarkan parameter morfologi dan fisiologi. Profil parsial gen Ccs diidentifikasi melalui teknik PCR-sekuensing. Variasi morfologi cabai mutan G1M6 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan G1 kontrol. Kandungan karotenoid yang dihasilkan pada cabai berwarna hijau (35 HSP) mutan G1M6 berkisar 0,297 ̶ 1,045 mg/g berat basah sedangkan pada cabai berwarna merah (65 HSP) mutan G1M6 berkisar 0,454 ̶ 1,542 mg/g berat basah. Hasil analisis klaster membentuk 4 kelompok. Perwakilan masing-masing kelompok mengindikasikan adanya polimorfisme dibandingkan dengan sekuens Capsicum annuum L. kode aksesi KM037706.1 pada urutan 124 bp dan 556 bp. Namun, tidak ada perbedaan sekuens DNA antara cabai mutan G1M6 dibandingkan dengan G1 kontrol.
English Abstract
Chili fruit has carotenoid pigments synthesized by Capsanthin-capsorubin synthase (Ccs) enzymes. This study aims to identify morphological characters, analyze carotenoid content and gene profile of Ccs in mutant chili G1M6 compared with G1 control. Sample used is cayenne pepper plant Genotip 1 generation M2 inducted for mutation with EMS 0,01% (G1M6) with total 10 plants. The morphological parameters observed in the vegetative phase (120 days after transplant or DAT) were include plant height, number of branches, fruit weight per gram, length, diameter of fruit, and number of seeds. Physiological parameters were performed by measuring carotenoid content of fruit 35 DAF and 65 DAF. Morphology and physiology characters among plant were analyzed by clustering. In addition, the gene profile of Ccs was identified by PCR-sequencing technique. Morphological characters of G1M6 mutant chili were more varied compared to G1 control. The content of carotenoids produced on green chili (35 DAF) G1M6 ranged from 0.297 ̶ 1.045 mg/g fresh weight, while in red chili pepper (65 DAF) G1M6 ranged from 0.454 ̶ 1.542 mg/g fresh weight. The cluster analysis formed 4 groups and representation of each group indicated polymorphism compared to Capsicum annuum L accession number: KM037706.1 in the base sequence of 124 bp and 556 bp. However, the partial profile gene between the G1M6 mutant chili compared with the G1 control did not exist a difference. Thus, mutation induction had not an effect to Ccs gene variation among mutant G1M6.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/MIPA/2018/253/051807012 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Cabai rawit, Capsanthin-Capsorubin Synthase, G1M6, karotenoid, Capsanthin-Capsorubin Synthase, Capsicum frutescens, carotenoids, G1M6 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.8 Other crops grown for industrial processing > 633.84 Hot spices |
Divisions: | Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 03 Jun 2020 09:20 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 08:00 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/168570 |
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