Formula Bioaditif Berbasis Minyak Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon winterianus) dalam Bahan Bakar Minyak untuk Meningkatkan Angka Oktan

Istiazis, Dinar (2018) Formula Bioaditif Berbasis Minyak Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon winterianus) dalam Bahan Bakar Minyak untuk Meningkatkan Angka Oktan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dilakukan formulasi bioaditif berbasis minyak sereh wangi yang mengandung komponen utama sitronelal, geraniol, dan sitronelol ke dalam bahan bakar minyak pasaran dan bahan bakar standar untuk meningkatkan Research Octane Number (RON). Bahan bakar minyak standar dibuat dari campuran isooktana dan n-heptana, perbandingan volume 88%:12% (BBMS1), 90%:10% (BBMS2), 92%:8% (BBMS3), 98%:2% (BBMS4). Formulasi dilakukan menggunakan variasi penambahan minyak sereh wangi sebanyak 1% (v/v) dan 2% (v/v). Kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi dengan spektrofotometer inframerah pada bilangan gelombang 2900-700 cm-1 untuk menentukan RON masingmasing produk. RON dihitung berdasarkan tiga persamaan menurut persamaan linier Rashid [43] dan persamaan polynomial Iob [39], penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengukuran karakteristik berat jenis dan titik didih. RON hasil perhitungan persamaan Rashid YRON = 777.8(X) + 39.87 dan persamaan Iob YRON = - 10,329 + 3,1303 x 103(X) - 3,3397 x 104(X 2) + 1,30730 x 105(X 3) cenderung menurun, sedangkan persamaan iob YRON = 129,48 - 1,9838 x 103(X) + 2,8296 x 104(X 2)– 1,14650 x 105(X 3) cenderung meningkat. Hasil pengukuranberat jenis BBM meningkat setelah ditambah minyak sereh wangi. sedangkan titik didih BBM pasaran menurun, namun BBM standar meningkat. Kemiripan antara bahan bakar standar dengan bahan bakar minyak pasaran, ditentukan melalui metode Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Hasil analisis, menunjukkan bahwa kemiripan karakteristik bahan bakar minyak cenderung berkorelasi juga dengan volume minyak sereh wangi (v/v) yang ditambahkan.

English Abstract

Bioadditive formulation based on citronella oil containing main components, namely citronellal, geraniol, and citronellol, into fuel both fuel in market and standard fuel (BBMS) to increase research octane number (RON). Standard fuel made from isooctane and nheptane mixture with 88%: 12% (BBMS1), 90%: 10% (BBMS2), 92%: 8% (BBMS3), 98%: 2% (BBMS4) . The formulation was performed using a variation of citronella oil addition of 1% (v/v) and 2% (v/v). Each of these products, then characterized by infrared spectrophotometer at the wave number 2900-700 cm-1 to determine the Research Octane Number (RON) on each product. RON is calculated based on three equations according to Rashid [43] with linear and Iob equations [39] with polynomial equations. The characterictic of fuel included its specific gravity and boiling point were also investigated. By using Rashid’s equation of YRON = 777.8(X) + 39.87 and Iob’s equation of YRON = -10,329 + 3,1303 x 103(X) - 3,3397 x 104(X 2) + 1,30730 x 105(X 3), the RON tends to decrease, whereas by using Iob’s equation of YRON = 129,48 - 1,9838 x 103(X) + 2,8296 x 104(X 2)– 1,14650 x 105(X 3) tends to increase. Result of fuel specific gravity increased after added citronellal oil as variables. while the boiling point of the market fuel decreases, but the standard fuel increases. The similarity of the fuel with and without citronellal oil were determined by Linear Discrimination Analysis (LDA). The result of the LDA analysis show that the similarity of fuel oil characteristics tends to correlate also with the volume of citronella oil (v/v) added.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2018/327/051807380
Uncontrolled Keywords: Minyak sereh wangi, Bahan Bakar Minyak, RON Booster, Linear Discrimnant Analysis, Citronella Oil, Fuel Oil, RON Booster, Linear Discriminant Analysis
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.8 Other crops grown for industrial processing > 633.85 Plants producing nonvolatile oils
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Kimia
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2020 02:42
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 13:35
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