Efek Preventif Arang Aktif terhadap Kadar High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) dan Histopatologi Aorta pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Hiperkolesterolemia

Herenda, Hanny (2018) Efek Preventif Arang Aktif terhadap Kadar High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) dan Histopatologi Aorta pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Hiperkolesterolemia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hiperkolesterolemia adalah kondisi meningkatnya konsentrasi kolesterol dalam darah melebihi nilai normal. Penggunaan obat hiperkolesterolemia atau obat sintetis jangka panjang akan menimbulkan efek samping sehingga diperlukan adanya alternatif pencegahan yang berasal dari bahan alami. Arang aktif dapat menyerap zat-zat ribuan kali beratnya sendiri, sehingga diharapkan menjadi bahan yang efektif dan tidak berbahaya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya efek preventif arang aktif terhadap kadar HDL dan histopatologi aorta. Penelitian ini mengunakan 24 ekor hewan coba tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan strain Wistar. Hewan model hiperkolesterolemia diinduksi hiperkolesterol selama 14 hari. Arang aktif diberikan dengan dosis masing-masing 2.250 mg/kgBB (perlakuan 1), 4.950 mg/kgBB (perlakuan 2), 6.750 mg/kgBB (perlakuan 3) dan 4.950 mg/kgBB tanpa pemberian diet hiperkolesterolemia (perlakuan 4). Pengukuran kadar High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) menggunakan metode spektrofotometri, analisa data dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA dan uji Tukey (p<0,05), sedangkan histopatologi organ aorta dianalisa secara deskriptif. Dosis terapi perlakuan 2, 4.950 mg/kgBB, menunjukkan dosis terbaik dalam meningkatkan kadar HDL sebesar 42% dibandingkan kontrol positif. Pemberian arang aktif dapat mengurangi sel inflamasi dan kerusakan endotel pada histopatologi aorta tikus hiperkolesterolemia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, arang aktif dapat mencegah penurunan kadar HDL dan mengurangi kerusakan histopatologi aorta.

English Abstract

Hypercholesterolemia is a condition which the concentration of cholesterol in the blood exceed the normal value. Using hypercholesterolemia drugs or synthetic drugs in a long term will cause some side effects, so it is necessary to have alternative preventions derived from natural materials. Activated carbon can absorb substances thousands times of its own weight. Therefore, activated carbon might be an effective material and harmless one. The purpose of this research was to study the preventive effect of giving activated carbon to HDL level and also aorta’s histopathology. This research used 24 male rats (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar strain. Animal model of hypercholesterolemia were received hypercholesterolemia diet for 14 days. Activated carbon will be given with each dose of 2.250 mg/kgBM (group 1), 4.950 mg/kgBM (group 2), 6.750 mg/kgBM (group 3) and 4.950 mg/kgBM without giving any hypercholesterolemia diet (group 4) for 14 days. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) level was measured using the spectrophotometry method, quantitative data analysis was performed using One Way ANOVA and continued by the Tukey test (p <0.05), while aorta’s histopathology was analized descriptively. Therapeutic dose of 4.950 mg/kgBM (group 2) showed the best dose in increasing HDL levels by 42% compared to positive control. Activated carbon could reduce the inflammation cells and the defect of aortic histopathology. Based on the results, activated carbon can prevent the decreasing of HDL level and a defect of aortic histopathology.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FKH/2018/188/051900917
Uncontrolled Keywords: Arang Aktif, Aorta, HDL, Hiperkolesterolemia, Histopatologi/ Activated Carbon, Aorta, HDL, Hypercholesterolemia
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.08 Specific topics in animal husbandry > 636.089 Veterinary medicine > 636.089 5 Veterinary medicine (Pharmacology and therapeutics)
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 28 May 2020 15:05
Last Modified: 28 May 2020 15:05
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/167987
Full text not available from this repository.

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