Analisis Performansi Sistem Transmisi Data Pada Komunikasi Free Space Optic (FSO) Terhadap Pengaruh Variasi Jarak

Qolby, Adistya Fajar (2018) Analisis Performansi Sistem Transmisi Data Pada Komunikasi Free Space Optic (FSO) Terhadap Pengaruh Variasi Jarak. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Free Space Optic (FSO) adalah sistem komunikasi yang menggunakan sumber cahaya berupa LED atau LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) dan meneruskannya ke penerima menggunakan media propagasi atmosfer. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penelitian yang bersifat eksperimen yaitu menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh variasi jarak terhadap performansi sistem transmisi data pada komunikasi free space optic (FSO). Penelitian ini dimulai pada jarak 5 cm antara dari letak laser pada bagian transmitter terhadap letak photodioda pada bagian receiver sedangkan jarak maksimum ditetapkan sebesar 50 cm. Data Input yang digunakan eksperimen proses trasmisi data berupa jenis data kata, gambar, animasi, dan audio. Performansi sistem transmisi data ditinjau pada parameter Loss, BER, dan delaytime. Nilai loss atmosfir (dB) berbanding dengan jarak. Semakin jauh jarak transmisi maka nilai loss atmosfir juga semakin besar. Serta bergantung pada attetuation factor yang ditetapkan menurut International Visibility Codes for Weather Conditions and Precipitation. Nilai BER yang didapatkan pada setiap jenis data cenderung konstan dengan variasi jarak yang berbeda-beda. Untuk input jenis data “kata” nilai BER sebesar 0. Input jenis data “gambar” nilai BER sebesar 0,0071. Input jenis data “animasi” nilai BER sebesar 0,0075. Input jenis data “audio” nilai BER sebesar 0,0083. BER paling besar terjadi pada jenis data audio dikarenakan bit yang ditransmisikan lebih besar sehingga terjadi banyak error bit. Nilai delaytime berbanding lurus dengan variasi jarak. Semakin besar jarak maka semakin besar nilai delaytime. Nilai delaytime untuk semua jenis data sudah mulai naik ketika jarak 10 cm dengan nilai delaytime terendah pada jenis data kata sebesar 10,13 μs lalu mencapai maksimum pada jarak 50 cm dengan jenis data audio sebesar 27,09 μs.

English Abstract

Free Space Optic (FSO) is a communication system that uses a light source in the form of an LED or LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) and passes it to the receiver using atmospheric propagation media. In this study experimental research was conducted, namely testing and analyzing the effect of distance variations on the performance of data transmission systems in free space optical communication.. This research began at a distance of 5 cm between the laser location on the transmitter part of the photodioda location on the receiver while the maximum distance was set at 50 cm. Input data used experiment experiment data transmission process in the form of word data, images, animation, and audio. Data transmission system performance is reviewed in Loss, BER, and delaytime parameters. Atmospheric loss value (dB) is proportional to distance. The farther the transmission distance, the greater the loss of atmospheric value. And depends on the attetuation of factors determined according to the International Visibility Codes for Weather Conditions and Precipitation. BER values obtained in each type of data tend to be constant with varying distance variations. For input data type "word" BER value is 0. Input data type "image" BER value is 0.0071. Input type of "animation" BER value is 0.0075. Input of "audio" data type BER value is 0.0083. The biggest BER occurs in the audio data type because the bits transmitted are larger so there are many bit errors. The value of the delay is directly proportional to the distance variation. The greater the distance, the greater the value of delay. The delay time value for all types of data has started to rise when the distance of 10 cm with the lowest delaytime value of the word data type of 10.13 μs and then reaches a maximum of 50 cm with the audio data type of 27.09 μs.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/1232/051901071
Uncontrolled Keywords: Free Space Optic, Transmiter, Receiver, Loss, BER, delaytime. Free Space Optic, Transmiter, Receiver, Loss, BER, delaytimes.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.382 Communications engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 11 May 2020 22:33
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2023 01:34
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