Analisis Efektifitas Lini Produksi Beton Spunpile Dengan Pendekatan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Purnomo, Nabilla Fitra (2018) Analisis Efektifitas Lini Produksi Beton Spunpile Dengan Pendekatan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perkembangan dunia industri dan infrastruktur di Indonesia saat ini semakin pesat, menyebabkan iklim persaingan antar perusahaan meningkat sehingga perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat bertahan dan memiliki kemampuan bersaing yang semakin besar. Maka proses manufaktur dan sistem kerja dalam perusahaan harus disusun sebaik mungkin agar dapat beroperasi secara efektif dan juga efisien. PT. Adhi Persada Beton plant Mojokerto merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT. Adhikarya yang berfungsi khusus sebagai plant produksi precast concrete atau beton pracetak. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada jalur produksi spunpile atau tiang pancang merupakan jenis beton yang paling sering dipesan oleh konsumen dan yang paling rutin di produksi oleh pabrik ini.Perusahaan mulai mengalami peningkatan jumlah permintaan yang harus dipenuhi namun penyelesaian permintaan tersebut masih sering melewati batas waktu yang sudah disepakati karena berbagai kendala seperti mesin down ketika tengah berlangsungnya proses produksi, banyak produk defect yang dihasilkan sehingga membutuhkan waktu tambahan untuk melakukan rework dan losses-losses lain yang tidak terdeteksi secara langsung dimana hal ini bisa sangat menghambat waktu proses produksi. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah disebutkan, maka penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) dengan alat ukur efektifitas berupa Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Overall Throughput Effectiveness (OTE) pada setiap mesin yang ada pada jalur produksi spunpile yaitu mesin Wire Caging, Trolley 1&2, Batching Plant 1, Stressing, Over Head Gantry (OH) 1&2, Spinning, Boiler, Portal Gantry 1 & 2. Dari hasil perhitungan menunjukkan rata-rata nilai OEE untuk setiap mesin berada dibawah standar JIPM 85% dan rata-rata nilai OTE untuk lini adalah 31.7%. Pemilihan mesin untuk dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut dengan Six Big Losses adalah OH 1 dan Wire Caging. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan diagram pareto didapatkan bahwa losses terbesar yang berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya nilai OEE dan OTE adalah reduced speed losses. Nilai losses reduced speed yang tinggi dianalisis menggunakan diagram fishbone dengan melihat faktor manusia, mesin, material, lingkungan dan metode . Beberapa penyebab dari losses tersebut diselesaikan dengan pemberian rekomendasi perbaikan menggunakan konsep TPM. Beberapa rekomendasi yang diberikan untuk mengurangi losses reduced speed adalah dengan membuat standarisasi cleaning dan lubrikasi mesin, standarisasi kegiatan maintenance mandiri untuk operator sebagai penerapan pilar autonomous maintenance membuat lembar instruksi kerja untuk operator dan standarisasi waktu kerja baku untuk operator menggunakan metode Stopwatch Time Study (STS) dll.

English Abstract

The development of the industrial and infrastructure in Indonesia are now increasingly rapid. It makes the competition among companies are also increasing so that companies are required to be able to survive and have greater competitiveness. The manufacturing process and work system in the company must be arranged as well as possible so that it can operate effectively and efficiently. PT. Adhi Persada Beton plant Mojokerto is a subsidiary of PT. Adhikarya which functions specifically as a precast concrete production plant. This research focused on spunpile or pile production lines which is the most often type to be ordered by customers and the most routinely produced by this factory. The company began to experience an increase in the number of requests that had to be fulfilled, but the completion of the request still often passed the agreed deadline. It happened due to various obstacles such as engine downtime while the production process was on going, many defect products were produced so that it needed additional time to do reworks and also gave other losses which is not detected directly where this can greatly hamper the production process time. Based on the problems that are already mentioned, this research use Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach with effectiveness measurement in the form of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Overall Throughput Effectiveness (OTE) on each machine on the spunpile production line. There are Wire Caging machine, Trolley 1 & 2, Batching Plant 1, Stressing, Over Head Gantry (OH) 1 & 2, Spinning, Boilers, Gantry Portal 1 & 2. From the results, the average OEE value for each machine is 85%, below the JIPM standard and the average value OTE for lines is 31.7%. Machine selected for further analysis with Six Big Losses are OH 1 and Wire Caging. The results of the analysis using the Pareto diagram there was found the biggest losses that affect the low OEE and OTE values is reduced speed losses. High reduced speed losses will be analyzed using fishbone diagrams by looking at human, machine, material, environmental and method factors. Some of the causes of these losses resolved by making recommendations for improvements using the TPM concept. The recommendations given for reducing speed speed losses are by making standardized cleaning and lubrication of machines, standardized maintenance activity for operators as the implementation of autonomous maintenance pillars, making work instruction sheets for operators and standardizing standard work time for operators using the Stopwatch Time Study (STS) method etc.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/1140/051812133
Uncontrolled Keywords: Diagram Fishbone, Diagram Pareto, OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), OTE (Overall Throughput Effectiveness), Six Big Losses, Stopwatch Time Study (STS), TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) Fishbone Diagram, OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), OTE (Overall Throughput Effectiveness), Pareto Diagram, Six Big Losses, Stopwatch Time Study (STS), TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.2 Plant management > 658.202 Maintenance management
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 May 2020 06:43
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2021 03:31
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