Hubungan Kepatuhan Perawat dalam Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Teknik Menyuntik dengan Pencegahan Kejadian Tertusuk Jarum di Rumah Sakit.

Widyahastuti, Kadek Chintya Nurlita (2018) Hubungan Kepatuhan Perawat dalam Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Teknik Menyuntik dengan Pencegahan Kejadian Tertusuk Jarum di Rumah Sakit. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perawat diXrumah sakit berisiko terkena penyakit dan kecelakaan kerja sesuai dengan tindakanFyang dilakukan. KecelakaanAkerja yang palinggumum terjadi adalahGluka tertusuk jarumDsuntik bekas pasien saat melakukanVtindakan injeksi, lebih seringVdikenal dengan istilahSNeedle StickJInjury (NSI). Jika perawatFtidak patuhGdalamKpenerapan SOP teknikMmenyuntik dapat menyebabkanLkecelakaan kerja tertusukHjarum berdampak padaLpenularan infeksiKpatogen yang membahayakanJdiri perawat dan pasien. SehinggaKperanan program SOP sangatKpenting untuk terhindar dari kecelakaan kerjaKyaitu kejadian tertusukOjarum suntik atauBNSI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasiVhubungan kepatuhankperawat dalam penerapan SOP menyuntik denganNpencegahan kejadian tertusuk jarum diOrumah sakit. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptifLkorelatif dengan pendekatan crossOPsectional designOmenggunakan observasi untukMkepatuhan penerapan SOP tindakan menyuntik danKpencegahan kejadian tertusukTjarum. HasilLpenelitian didapatkan=dari 48Lperawat di 3 ruangPrawat inapKkelas III RSUDKKanjuruhan Kepanjen hampirKsemua perawatMpelaksana patuh dalam penerapanMSOP teknik menyuntik sebanyakK46 perawatJ(95,8%) dan sebagianBkecil kurangGpatuh sebanyak 2 perawatM(4,2%). HasilKobservasi pencegahan kejadianLtertusuk jarum didapatkan bahwaOhampirKsemua memiliki tindakanKaman dalamKpencegahan kejadianPtertusuk jarumAsebanyak 38 perawatL(79,2%) dan sebagianXkecil memiliki tindakan tidakCaman sebanyakM10 perawat (20,8%). Hasil ujiBrank spearmanBdidapatkan koefisienckorelasi sebesarB(0,406) dengan nilai signifikansi sebesarM(0,004) lebihVkecil α (0,05). DapatKdisimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yangKsignifikan antara kepatuhanHperawat dalamDpenerapan SOP teknik menyuntikXdengan pencegahanMkejadian tertusukKjarum di rumahKsakit

English Abstract

Nurses inMhospitals are atNrisk of disease andMoccupational accidentsBin accordance with theBactions taken. The mostBcommonBoccupational accident isVused needleNstick punctureMwound whileMtaking an injection, more commonly knownNas the Needle StickMInjury (NSI). If nursesZdo not complyVwith the application ofXSOP of injectingNtechniques, thisMcan cause needlepuncturedBoccupational accidents thatBhave an impact on the transmissionNof pathogenic infectionsMthat endanger the nurses andMpatients themselves. Therefore, theJrole of SOP programsKis veryLimportant to avoidBoccupational accidents, specificallyKthe incidenceBof NeedleNStick Injury. The aim of this study is to identifyKthe relationshipNbetween nurseKcompliance onLthe applicationKof injectingDtechnique standardBoperating procedureBwith the preventionNof needleKstick injury in theLhospital. The method of this study is DescriptiveKcorrelational study with crossSsectional designBapproach by using observationsVto adhere to theNapplication ofNinjecting and prevention of needle stickBinjury incidence. The results of the study fromI48 nurses in threeIclass III inpatientIwards at KanjuruhanHHospital showed thatIalmost all implementingJnurses adheredJto the implementation of InjectingItechnique SOP were asImany as 46Inurses (95.8%) and aCsmall number ofIimplementing nurses wereOless compliant as many as 2 nurses (4.2%). ObservationFresults of NSI incidenceHprevention of nursesJfound that almostIall nurses had safeIactions in the prevention ofINSIIincidence as manyIas 38 nurses (79.2%) andRa small numberIof nurses hadVunsafe actionsVIas much as 10Inurses (20,8%). SpearmanHrank test obtained by theOcorrelation coefficientIof (0.406) with aHsignificanceIvalue of (0.004) lesserIα (0.05). It canIbe concludedIthat there isIa significant relationshipIbetween nurse adherenceIin the applicationIof Injecting techniqueISOP with the preventionIof needle stick injury incidenceIin hospital.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FK/2018/408/051811832
Uncontrolled Keywords: kepatuhanBteknikHmenyuntik, pencegahan tertusuk jarum / ComplianceOof injecting techniques, needleIstick injury prevention
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 610 Medicine and health > 610.7 Education, research, nursing, services of allied health personnel > 610.73 Nursing and services of allied health personnel
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Keperawatan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2019 03:09
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2023 07:51
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