Analisis Pengaruh Interferensi Antar Kanal WLAN 802.11n Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Video Streaming pada Jaringan dan Kanal yang Sama

Leksananda, Farhan Abdilla (2018) Analisis Pengaruh Interferensi Antar Kanal WLAN 802.11n Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Video Streaming pada Jaringan dan Kanal yang Sama. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pengaruh Frame Rate dan Bit Rate terhadap Kualitas Layanan Streaming Video Mobile Device Communication WLAN 802.11n. Layanan video streaming dengan kualitas baik sangat diharapkan oleh penikmat layanan ini, kualitas video yang baik dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor salah satunya interferensi dari router lain. Video yang baik, tidak lepas dari Quality of Service saat pengiriman data (video streaming). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menghitung 3 parameter Quality of Service (QoS) yaitu delay, throughput, dan pakcet loss. Dengan variasi masukan kanal router penginterferensi kanal 1, kanal 3, kanal 6, kanal 8, dan kanal 11. Selain itu jarak antar router adalah 5 meter, 10 meter, 20 meter, dan 30 meter. Hasil pengujian dari setiap parameter Quality of service membuktikan bahwa jika penginterferensi menggunakan kanal yang berbeda dengan kanal access point, maka kualitas layanan akan lebih baik. Hasil data sesuai dengan standar ITU-T G.114 untuk delay yaitu < 150 ms dan probabilitas packet loss <10%. Kualitas layanan cukup buruk berdasarkan ITU-T G.1010, jika penginterferensi menggunakan kanal yang sama dengan jaringan yang digunakan, karena didapatkan nilai packet loss >10% dan nilai delay > 150ms. Hasil data throughput membuktikan bahwa semakin besar selisih kanal penginterferensi dengan kanal access point, maka nilai throughput akan semakin besar.

English Abstract

Effect of Frame Rate and Bit Rate on the Quality of Mobile Video Streaming Services Device Communication for WLAN 802.11n. Good quality video streaming services are highly expected by connoisseurs of this service, good video quality is influenced by various factors, one of which is interference from other routers. Good video, not separated from Quality of Service when sending data (video streaming). This research was conducted by calculating 3 Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, namely delay, throughput, and pakcet loss. With a variety of channel input router channel 1 interference, channel 3, channel 6, channel 8, and channel 11. In addition, the distance between routers is 5 meters, 10 meters, 20 meters, and 30 meters. The test results of each Quality of service parameter prove that if the interferer uses a different channel with the channel access point, the service quality will be better. The results of the data are in accordance with the ITU-T G.114 standard for delay which is <150 ms and the probability of packet loss <10%. Service quality is quite poor based on ITU-T G.1010, if the interferer uses the same channel as the network used, because the packet loss value is> 10% and the delay value is> 150ms. Data throughput results prove that the greater the difference between interference channels and channel access points, the greater the value of throughput.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/1119/051812112
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kanal WLAN, WLAN 802.11n, Video streaming, Quality of service (QoS) WLAN, 802.11n WLAN, Video streaming, Quality of service (QoS) Channels
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.382 Communications engineering > 621.382 1 Communications networks
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 25 Apr 2020 13:54
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2020 04:36
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