QoS Jaringan WiMax 802.16D Terhadap Perubahan Sudut Pointing Antena Subscriber Unit Outdoor Pada Layanan Video on Demand

Putra, Muhammad Satria Haka (2018) QoS Jaringan WiMax 802.16D Terhadap Perubahan Sudut Pointing Antena Subscriber Unit Outdoor Pada Layanan Video on Demand. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh perubahan terhadap sudut pointing antenna subscriber jaringan wimax standar 802.16d. Perubahan sudut pointing diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap parameter Quality of Service(QoS). Parameter QoS akan diuji pada data Video on Demand. Parameter QoS yang diuji meliputi signal to noise ratio(SNR), throughput, delay, dan packet loss. Perubahan sudut pointing antenna dirubah berdasarkan sudut azimuth dan sudut elevasi antenna subscriber wimax. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan untuk nilai signal to noise ratio (SNR) terbesar terdapat pada sudut 180° di sudut azimuth subscriber 3 dengan nilai 27.7 dB. Semakin besar nilai SNR, maka kualitas transmisi sinyal akan semakin baik. Nilai delay pada perubahan sudut pointing antena berdasarkan standar ITU-T G.114 termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan nilai <150ms. Nilai delay terbesar yaitu 0.0031 s pada perubahan sudut azimuth subscriber unit 4 sebesar 180º dengan scheduling UGS sedangkan nilai delay terkecil yaitu 0.0108 s pada perubahan sudut azimuth 90º subscriber unit 4 dengan scheduling NRTPS. Nilai throughput pada perubahan sudut pointing antena relatif baik. Nilai throughput terbesar yaitu 3.135 Mbit/s pada perubahan sudut azimuth subscriber unit 4 180º dengan scheduling UGS sedangkan nilai throughput terkecil 0.581 Mbit/s pada perubahan sudut elevasi subscriber unit 4 pada perubahan sudut elevasi 30º dengan scheduling UGS. Semakin besar nilai throughput maka proses penerimaan paket data di sisi pengguna semakin cepat. Nilai packet loss pada perubahan sudut pointing antena dengan nilai terbesar 9.26% pada sudut azimuth 270º subscriber 3 dengan scheduling BE. Sedangkan nilai terendah 0.14% pada sudut azimuth 270º subscriber 4 dengan scheduling UGS. Menurut standar TIPHON 2012, nilai packet loss pada nilai tertinggi termasuk kategori sedang karena memiliki persentase 4 -15% sedangkan pada nilai terendah termasuk kategori bagus karena memiliki presentase 1 – 3%.

English Abstract

This thesis discusses the effect of changing the 802.16d standard wimax network subscriber angle pointing antenna. The change in pointing angle was examined for its effect on the Quality of Service (QoS) parameter. The QoS parameter will be tested on video on demand data. The QoS parameters tested included signal to noise ratio (SNR), throughput, delay, and packet loss. Changes in the antenna pointing angle are changed based on the azimuth angle and the WiMAX subscriber antenna elevation angle. The results of the study show that the largest signal to noise ratio (SNR) value is at an angle of 180 ° in the angle of azimuth subscriber 3 with a value of 27.7 dB. The greater the SNR value, the better the quality of signal transmission. The delay value on the change in antenna pointing angle based on the G.114 ITU-T standard is included in the good category with a value of <150ms. The biggest delay value is 0.0031 s at azimuth subscriber unit 4 angle change of 180º with scheduling UGS while the smallest delay value is 0.0108 s at a 90º azimuth subscriber unit 4 angle change with NRTPS scheduling. The throughput value at the change in antenna pointing angle is relatively good. The biggest throughput value is 3,135 Mbit / s at azimuth subscriber unit 4 angle change 180º with UGS scheduling while the smallest throughput value is 0.581 Mbit / s at the change in subscriber unit 4 elevation angle at a change of elevation angle 30º with UGS scheduling. The greater the value of throughput, the faster the process of receiving data packets on the user side. The value of packet loss on changes in the antenna pointing angle with the largest value is 9.26% at the angle of the azimuth 270º subscriber 3 by scheduling BE. While the lowest value is 0.14% at the angle of the azimuth 270º subscriber 4 with scheduling UGS. According to the TIPHON 2012 standard, the value of packet loss at the highest value is included in the medium category because it has a percentage of 4-15% while the lowest value is in the good category because it has a percentage of 1-3%.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/1120/051812113
Uncontrolled Keywords: WiMAX 802.16d, sudut pointing antena, QoS, video on demand 802.16d WiMAX, antenna pointing angle, QoS, video on demand
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science > 004.6 Interfacing and communications
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 03 May 2019 06:55
Last Modified: 03 May 2019 06:55
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/167187
Full text not available from this repository.

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