Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Jagung (Zea Mays L.) (Di Desa Kedung Malang, Kecamatan Papar, Kabupaten Kediri)

Wijayanti, Verina (2018) Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Jagung (Zea Mays L.) (Di Desa Kedung Malang, Kecamatan Papar, Kabupaten Kediri). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jagungmemilikikedudukan yang pentingsetelahberaskarenajagungtermasukkedalamsalahsatubahanmakananpokok di Indonesia.Jagungdigunakanuntukuntukkebutuhankonsumsirumahtangga, kebutuhanindustri non makanan, dankebutuhanpakansecaralangsung.Di Jawa Timur,Kabupaten Kediri merupakansalahsatusentraproduksijagungdimanakecamatan yang memilikikontribusibesarsebagaipemasokjagung di Kabupaten KediriadalahKecamatanPapar. Dan desa yang memilikikontribusibesarsebagaipemasokjagung di KecamatanPaparadalahDesaKedung Malang dimanaDesaKedung Malang merupakansentrapenghasiljagung di KecamatanPapar. Sistempemasaranjagung di DesaKedung Malang, KecamatanPapar, Kabupaten Kediri melibatkanbeberapalembagapemasaransepertipengumpuldesamaupunpenebas. Keterlibatanlembagapemasarandikarenakanadanyaketerbatasanpetanidalammenga kseskonsumen, danketerbatasanpetanidalammelakukanfungsi-fungsipemasaran yang dapatmemperlancarpenyampaianprodukdariprodusenkekonsumen.Hal inimembuatfungsilembagapemasaransangatberperanuntukmenyalurkanjagungters ebutdariprodusensampaikekonsumen.Sehinggadenganadanyaketerlibatanlembaga pemasaranmembuathargajagung di tingkatpetanidenganhargajagung yang dibayarkanolehkonsumenberbeda. Studiinibertujuanuntukmenganalisis (1) polasaluranpemasaran, (2) efisiensiharga, dan (3) efisiensioperasionalpadapemasaranjagung di DesaKedung Malang, KecamatanPapar, Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitianinidilaksanakan di DesaKedung Malang, KecamatanPapar, Kabupaten Kediri padabulan November 2018 denganjumlahrespondenpetanisebanyak 32 petanidenganmetodesimple random sampling danjumlahrespondenlembagapemasaransebanyak 2 orang yang terdiridari 1 orang pengumpuldesadan 1 orang penebasdenganmetodesnowball sampling. Analisis yang digunakandalamstudiiniyaituanalisis data kuantitatif yang digunakanuntukmenganalisissaluranpemasarandanmenganalisisefisiensipemasara njagung yang diukurdenganmenggunakanduapendekatanyaitupendekatanefisiensiharga yang dianalisisdariperhitunganbiayatransportasidanselisihhargajualantarlembagadanpen dekatanefisiensioperasional yang dianalisisdariperhitunganmarjinpemasaran, farmer’s share, danrasiokeuntungandanbiaya. Hasilstudimenunjukkanbahwaterdapatduasaluranpemasaranjagung, yaitu: (1) Petani – PengumpulDesa – Konsumendan (2) Petani – Penebas – PengumpulDesa – Konsumen. Dimanamasingmasinglembagapemasaranmelakukanfungsipemasaran yang berbeda-ii beda.Berdasarkananalisisefisiensihargadenganpendekatanbiayatransportasidanseli sihhargajualantarlembagadidapatkanhasilbahwaefisiensisudahtercapai.Hal inidisebabkankarena rata-rata biaya yang dikeluarkanmasihrelatiflebihkecildibandingkandenganselisihharga yang didapatkanolehmasingmasinglembagapemasaran.Berdasarkananalisisefisiensioperasionaldenganpendeka tanmarjinpemasaran, farmer’s share, danrasiokeuntungandanbiayadidapatkanhasilbahwasaluranpemasaran 1 merupakansaluranpemasaran yang memilikimarjinterkecildanfarmer’s share yang tinggi, namundilihatdarinilairasiokeuntungandanbiaya yang kurangdari 1 mengindikasikanbahwasaluranpemasaraninibelumefisien. Sedangkansaluranpemasaran 2 merupakansaluranpemasaran yang memilikimarjinlebihbesardarisaluranpemasaran 1 danfarmer’s share yang lebihrendahdaripadanilaifarmer’s sharesaluranpemasaran 1, dandilihatdarinilairasiokeuntungandanbiayadariseluruhlembagapemasaran yang kurangdari 1 mengindikasikanbahwasaluranpemasaraninijugabelumefisien. Nilai R/C yang kecilinidikarenakanpengumpuldesamemberikanharga yang kompetitifuntukkonsumen, agar konsumentidakmencaripedagang lain. Peningkatanefisiensidaripemasaranjagungdapatdilakukandenganpetanimemi lihsaluranpemasaran 1karenamarjin yang terbentuklebihrendahdanshareharga yang diterimapetanilebihtinggi.Hal inidisebabkanpadasaluranpemasaran 1, hanyamelewatisatulembagaperantarasajayaitupengumpuldesa.Dan untukpeningkatannilai R/C, pengumpuldesadanpenebaskedepannyadiharapkandapatmeminimalisirbiaya yang dikeluarkanuntukpemasaran.Hal inibertujuan agar keuntungan yang didapatkandapatlebihtinggidaripadabiaya yang dikeluarkan.Sehinggapadaakhirnyaefisiensipemasarandenganpendekatanefisiensio perasionaldapattercapai.

English Abstract

Corn has an important position after rice because corn is included in one of the staple food ingredients in Indonesia. Corn is used for household consumption needs, non-food industry needs, and direct feed needs. In East Java, Kediri Regency is one of the corn production center where the districts that have a large contribution as corn suppliers is Papar District. And the villages that have a large contribution as corn suppliers in Papar District are Kedung Malang Village where Kedung Malang Village is a center for corn producers in Papar District. The marketing system for corn in Kedung Malang Village, Papar District, Kediri Regency involves several marketing agencies. The involvement of marketing agencies is due to the limitations of farmers in accessing consumers, and the limitations of farmers in carrying out marketing functions that can facilitate the delivery of products from producers to consumers. This makes the function of marketing agencies very important to distribute the corn from producers to consumers. So that the involvement of marketing agencies makes corn prices at the farm level with the price of corn paid by consumers different.This study aims to analyze (1) the marketing channel pattern, (2) price efficiency, and (3) operational efficiency on marketing of corn in Kedung Malang Village, Papar District, Kediri Regency. This research was conducted in Kedung Malang Village, Papar District, Kediri Regency in November 2018 with a total of 32 farmer respondents with a simple random sampling method and a number of respondents of marketing agencies as many as 2 people with a snowball sampling method. The analysis used in this study is the quantitative data analysis used to analyze the marketing channel and analyze the efficiency of corn marketing measured using two approaches, namely the price efficiency approach analyzed from the calculation of transportation costs and the difference in selling prices between institutions and operational efficiency approaches analyzed from calculation of marketing margins, farmer's share, and profit and cost ratio. The results of the study show that there are two corn marketing channels, namely: (1) Farmers - Village Collectors - Consumers and (2) Farmers - Penebas - Village Collectors - Consumers. Where each marketing agency doing the different marketing functions.Based on the analysis of price efficiency with the approach to transportation costs and the difference in selling prices between marketing agency, the results are that efficiency has been achieved. This is because the average costs incurred are still relatively smaller compared to the difference in prices obtained by each marketing agency. Based on the analysis of operational efficiency with the marketing margin approach, farmer's share, and profit and cost ratios, marketing channel 1 is the marketing channel that has the smallest margin and high farmer's share, but seeniv from the profit ratio and costs less than 1 indicates that this marketing channel is not yet efficient. While marketing channel 2 is a marketing channel that has a margin greater than marketing channel 1 and farmer's share which is lower than the value of the farmer's marketing channel 1, and seen from the profit and cost ratio of all marketing institutions that are less than 1 indicates that the marketing channel this is also not efficient. This small R / C value is because village collectors give competitive prices for consumers, so consumers do not search other merchant. The efficiency improvement of corn marketing can be done if farmers choosing marketing channels 1 because of lower margins and higher share prices received by farmers. This is due to the marketing channel 1, only passing through an intermediary marketing agency, that is village collector. And for the increase in the value of R / C, the village collectors and penebas in the future are expected to minimize the costs incurred for marketing. This is intended so that the profits obtained can be higher than the costs incurred. So that marketing efficiency with an operational efficiency approach can be achieved.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/988/051901905
Uncontrolled Keywords: Jagung
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.1 Cereals > 633.15 Corn
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2019 06:38
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2021 02:23
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