Analisis Dampak Serangan Black Hole terhadap Kinerja Protokol AODV dan DYMO pada MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network)

Tanaya, I Putu Krisna Yoga (2018) Analisis Dampak Serangan Black Hole terhadap Kinerja Protokol AODV dan DYMO pada MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) merupakan sekumpulan perangkat mobile yang saling berkomunikasi melalui jaringan nirkabel tanpa adanya jaringan terpusat atau terstruktur. Pada MANET terdapat tiga jenis protokol routing yaitu protokol routing proaktif, protokol routing reaktif, dan protokol routing hibrida. Salah satu karakteristik khusus pada MANET yaitu keterbatasan keamanan menyebabkan segi keamanan menjadi kelemahan pada MANET sehingga serangan-serangan yang terdapat pada MANET dapat menyebabkan penurunan kinerja pada protokol routing. Bedasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka penulis membuat penelitian yang berjudul Analisis Dampak Serangan Black Hole terhadap Kinerja Protokol AODV dan DYMO pada MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network). Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini yaitu serangan black hole berdampak terhadap kinerja protokol AODV dan protokol DYMO. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan network simulator-2 (NS-2) dengan tiga skenario pengujian, yaitu kepadatan 40, 60, dan 80 node dengan variasi jumlah node penyerang (black hole). Variasi jumlah node penyerang (black hole) sebanyak 5, 10, 15, dan 20. Parameter kinerja yang digunakan dalam pengujian meliputi packet delivery ratio, normalized routing load, dan packet loss. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa packet delivery ratio protokol DYMO lebih baik dari protokol AODV dengan rata-rata keseluruhan hasil PDR pada protokol AODV sebesar 34,2%. Sedangkan pada protokol DYMO sebesar 42,1%.

English Abstract

Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a set of mobile devices that communicates with each other over wireless networks without a centralized or structured network. MANET has three types of routing protocols, it named proactive routing protocol, reactive routing protocol, and hybrid routing protocol. One particular characteristic of MANET, which is security limitations, causes security to be a weakness in MANET so that attacks on MANET can cause a decrease in performance in the routing protocol. Based on these problems, the authors made a study entitled Analysis Impact of Black Hole Attacks on the Performance of AODV and DYMO Protocols on MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network). The result in this study is black hole attacks affected the performance of the AODV protocol and the DYMO protocol. Tests are carried out using network simulator-2 (NS-2) with three test scenarios, those are a density of 40, 60, and 80 nodes with variations in the number of attack nodes (black holes). Variation in the number of attack nodes (black holes) as many as 5, 10, 15, and 20. Performance parameters that used in this test is including the packet of delivery ratio, normalized routing load, and packet loss. The results of the study show that the packet delivery ratio on the DYMO protocol is better than the AODV protocol with an average overall PDR result in the AODV protocol of 34,2%. While the DYMO protocol is 42,1%.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTIK/2018/1047/051901076
Uncontrolled Keywords: MANET, AODV, DYMO, black hole, NS-2, packet delivery ratio, normalized routing load, packet loss
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science > 004.6 Interfacing and communications
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 17 May 2019 07:30
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 08:14
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