Penerapan Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) Dalam Memproses Pesan Penyuluhan Pertanian Organik

Prameswari, Yessi Augustin (2018) Penerapan Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) Dalam Memproses Pesan Penyuluhan Pertanian Organik. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dalam mewujudkan pengembangan pertanian organik di Desa Torongrejo dibutuhkan seorang penyuluh yang mengerti dan paham dalam pengetahuan pertanian organik. Proses penyelenggaraan penyuluhan pertanian dapat berjalan dengan baik dan benar apabila didukung dengan tenaga penyuluh yang profesional, materi penyuluhan yang terus-menerus mengalir, dan metode penyuluhan yang tepat. Namun kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian berhadapan dengan keterbatasanketerbatasan seperti tingkat pendidikan formal petani yang sangat bervariasi sehingga perlu adanya metode penyuluhan yang memudahkan petani menerima dan mengingat pesan penyuluhan yang diberikan. Komunikasi memegang peranan penting untuk menjalin hubungan kerjasama yang baik antara penyuluh dengan petani, serta mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam proses pencapaian tujuan pertanian. Untuk mengkaji permasalahan yang telah dipaparkan diatas, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) untuk menjelaskan bagaimana seseorang memproses pesan komunikasi yang dilihatnya sehingga menimbulkan sebuah sikap setelah memproses pesan tersebut. Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada penggunaan teori Elaboration Likelihood Model untuk mengetahui perubahan sikap petani terkait pesan penyuluhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi motivasi petani terhadap pesan penyuluhan pertanian organik, mengidentifikasi daya tarik pesan pertanian organik dalam kegiatan penyuluhan, mengidentifikasi kemampuan petani dalam memproses pesan pertanian organik, mengidentifikasi sikap petani terhadap pesan penyuluhan pertanian organik, dan menganalisis pengaruh motivasi, kemampuan dan daya tarik pesan terhadap perubahan sikap petani di Desa Torongrejo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan konsep Elaboration Likelihood Model yang menjelaskan proses pesan terdiri dari rute sentral (berfikir secara kritis) dan periferal (tidak berfikir secara kritis). Kedua rute tersebut digunakan untuk menganalisis motivasi (X1), pesan (X2), dan kemampuan (X3). Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui perubahan sikap penerima pesan apakah menangkap pesan melalui rute sentral (jalur kritis), rute periferal (jalur sementara) atau menggunakan kedua rute tersebut. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan cara pengamatan melalui survey. Penentuan sampel menggunakan nonprobability sampling yaitu judgement sampling. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah petani yang aktif bergabung dalam tujuh kelompok tani yaitu sebanyak 241 petani. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan rumus Cochran dan didapatkan sejumlah 51 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan mengajukan daftar pernyataan berupa angket dimana pernyataan dan alternatif jawabannya telah ditentukan sehingga responden tinggal memilih jawaban yang diinginkan dan responden hanya memberi tanda checklist pada jawaban yang telah dipilih dan tiap-tiap pertanyaan telah ditentukanii skor nilainya. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Partial Least Squares (PLS). Hasil analisis data statistik deskriptif mengenai motivasi petani memiliki ratarata 2,61 artinya responden cukup untuk tertarik terhadap pertanian organik sehingga responden dikategorikan masih mempunyai motivasi yang rendah dan cenderung tidak tertarik dengan materi pertanian organik. Pada hasil analisis data statistik deskriptif mengenai daya tarik pesan memiliki rata-rata 3,05, artinya responden cukup mengetahui tentang pertanian organik sehingga kualitas argumen petani belum dikategorikan tinggi ataupun rendah. Kemudian hasil analisis data statistik deskriptif mengenai kemampuan memiliki rata-rata 2,49, artinya responden cukup dalam kemampuan memperoleh materi pertanian organik dimana kemampuan petani tidak lepas dari bantuan penyuluh dalam proses memberikan materi pertanian organik. Hal tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa petani masih belum mempunyai keinginan sendiri untuk mendapatkan materi pertanian organik selain dipenyuluhan. Sedangkan hasil analisis data statistik deskriptif mengenai perubahan sikap petani memiliki rata-rata 2,85, artinya responden cukup menerima pertanian organik namun belum bisa menerapkan kedalam usataninya. Hasil penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teori Elaboration Likelihood Model menunjukkan bahwa pesan penyuluhan diproses melalui jalur periferal (peripheral route). Hasil analisis deskriptif menghasilkan rata-rata responden masih mempunyai motivasi yang rendah dan kemampuan memproses pesan petani masih tergolong rendah. Sesuai dengan keadaan lapang, dimana dari pertanian organik sendiri belum berpengaruh besar terhadap sikap petani meskipun petani mengetahui bahan organik yang mudah didapatkan. Petani masih mempertimbangkan bahkan takut menerapkan pertanian organik yang masih tergolong baru. Pernyataan tersebut sesuai dengan teori ELM bahwa perubahan yang dipengaruhi melalui peripheral route cenderung kurang tahan lama dan lebih mudah terkena pengaruh yang berlawanan, dan kurang dapat memprediksi perilaku jangka panjang (Petty dan Cacioppo, 1986). Sesuai dengan hasil penelitian, untuk memperkuat motivasi dan kemampuan petani bisa dilakukan oleh peran seorang penyuluh, dimana penyuluh harus mempunyai strategi komunikasi yang mudah menarik atau mampu menimbulkan kesukaan secara emosional terhadap pesan penyuluhan pertanian organik. Penyuluh juga harus melakukan metode penyuluhan seperti diskusi sehingga komunikasi dua arah terjadi dan akan membangkitkan sisi emosional petani tentang materi pertanian organik. Peran pemerintah daerah juga perlu dilakukan dengan memfasilitasi menyediakan pangsa pasar khusus organik guna mempermudah petani memasarkan hasil pertanian organik dan mempermudah pembeli mendapatkan sayur organik yang masih belum terjual bebas.

English Abstract

In realizing the development of organic farming in the village of Torongrejo required an extension officers who know and understand knowledge in organic farming. The process of organizing agricultural extension can run well and properly when powered with extension officers who are professionals who are constantly counselling, material flow, and the appropriate extension methods. But agricultural extension activities dealing with limitations such as formal education levels vary so that farmers need for extension methods that make it easier for farmers to receive and remember the extension message given. Communications play an important role for the good cooperation relationship between extension officers with farmers, as well as having a great influence in the process of achievement of the objectives of the farm. To review the problems that have been described above, this research uses the theory of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) to explain how someone sees communication process messages giving rise to an attitude after to process the message. This research focuses on the use of the theory of the Elaboration Likelihood Model to know the change in attitude of farmers related message extension. The purpose of this research is to identify the motivation of farmers against organic farming extension messages, identify the appeal of organic farming message in public awareness, identify the ability of farmers in processing messages organic farming, identify the attitude of farmers against organic farming extension message, and analyzing the influence of motivation, ability and the appeal of the message to change the attitude of farmers in the village of Torongrejo. This research use approach concept Elaboration Likelihood Model that describes the process the message consists of a central route (think critically) and peripherals (not thinking critically). Both routes are used to analyse motivation (X1), messages (X2), and the ability (X3). This research would like to know the change in attitude of the message recipients are capturing messages through a central route (critical path), peripheral route (line while) or use both routes. Research approach of using quantitative approach by way of observation through the survey. The population in this research is an active farmers join in the seven farmers group that is as much as 241 farmers. Determination of samples using probability sampling that is cluster random sampling. Determination of the total sample used the formula of Cochran and obtained a number of 51 respondents. The collection of data by submitting a list of statements in the form of the now where the alternative statement and the answer has been determined so that respondents choose the desired answers and only gave the respondent sign a checklist on the answers that have been selected and each question has been determined the score value. Research on the data analysis techniques using Partial Least Squares (PLS).iv The results of data analysis, descriptive statistics about the motivation of farmers having an average 2.61 meaning respondents simply to gravitated towards organic farming so that respondents categorized still has a low motivation and likely not interested with the material of organic farming. On the results of data analysis, descriptive statistics about the appeal of the message has an average of 3.05, meaning that the respondents are quite knowledgeable about organic farming so that the quality of the farmers ' arguments are not yet categorized high or low. Then the results of data analysis, descriptive statistics about the ability to have an average of 2.49, meaning that the respondents enough in the ability of obtaining material of organic farming where farmers ' ability of extension officers in the process of providing assistance material of organic farming. It shows that farmers still do not have a desire to get the material of organic agriculture in addition to dipenyuluhan. While the results of data analysis, descriptive statistics regarding the change of the attitude of farmers having an average of 2.85, i.e. respondents receive enough organic farming but have not been able to apply it to farming. The results of this research with the use of the theory of the Elaboration Likelihood Model indicates that the message is processed through the extension line peripherals (peripheral route). The results of the descriptive analysis yields an average of respondents still had low motivation and ability to process messages farmers still belongs to low. In accordance with the State of the airy, where from his own organic farm has yet to take effect on the attitude of farmers even though farmers know the organic material that is easily obtained. Farmers still consider even the fear of applying organic farming which still belongs to the new. The statement in accordance with the theory of ELM that changes effected through peripheral route tend to be less durable and more easily exposed to the influence of the opposite, and less able to predict long-term behaviour (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986) . In accordance with the results of research, to strengthen the motivation and ability of farmers can be done by the role of a extension officers, where the extension officers must have a communication strategy that is easy to draw or able to cause joy emotionally with a message extension of organic farming. Extension officers should also do outreach methods such as discussion so that two-way communication occurs and will evoke the emotional side of the farmers about organic farming material. The role of local governments also need to be done by facilitating the providing of special organic market share in order to ease the farmers ' market the results of organic agriculture and make it easier buyers get organic vegetable which still hasn’t sold

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/916/051900286
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies > 630.7 Education, research, related topics > 630.71 Education / Agricultural education > 630.715 Adult education and on-the-job training / Agricultural extension work / Agricultural extension workers
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2019 03:17
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 02:02

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