Relasi Sosial Pondok Pensantren Dengan Masyarakat Melalui Tradisi Haul (Studi Kasus Tentang Pergeseran Upacara Adat Sesajen Ke Haul Desa Kembangbelor Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto)

Hamidi, Dliya’ Muhammad Izzuddin Assegaf Al- (2018) Relasi Sosial Pondok Pensantren Dengan Masyarakat Melalui Tradisi Haul (Studi Kasus Tentang Pergeseran Upacara Adat Sesajen Ke Haul Desa Kembangbelor Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.



English Abstract

Pondok Pesantren is an educational institution that has been widely known by the general public. Pondok pesantren that included in the dimension of the society it aims to build religious education. Definitely, it will bring a big influence to change people’s life. Such occur to the people of Kembangbelor, when pondok pesantren Amanatul Ummah exists around them. It brings changes in economy, education, politic and the local tradition in society. This study is seeks to explain the form of social relations built by pondok pesantren Amanatul Ummah on people’s life in Kembangbelor. This research tries to describe the process of shifting tradition of sesajen into the haul on the mbah jengglot’s sacret tomb. Where the society used to pay homage by using sesajen, but when the pondok pesantren entered to the people’s life in Kembangbelor, there was an influence from pondok pesantren to turn into the haul. This research aims to determine the process that builds in social relations between pondok pesantren and the society of Kembangbelor. The theory used in this study is social relations, while the method used is qualitative method by using a case study approach. To collect the data in this study it was done by direct observation, interview and use the existing literature. The data that collected will be analyzed from Spredley through five stages. From conducting this study, it can be explained that the process of shifting from sesajen to haul through the process of social relations that exist between pondok pesantren and the local government to build the village to be developed in a few aspects, which are in economy, education and moral formation based on the religious aspects. Caregiver who desires to make the society of Kembangbelor more Islamic tries to change the habit did by the society such as shifted the tradition in Kembangbelor. The efforts of pondok pesantren’s caregiver is considered successful, the existence of social relation built between pondok pesantren and the society plays a very important role in the shifting of local tradition which exist in the society of Kembangbelor.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2018/465/051812204
Uncontrolled Keywords: social relations, shift, pondok pesantren school, haul tradition,
Subjects: 200 Religion > 297 Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith > 297.7 Protection and propagation of Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Antropologi Budaya
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 13 Apr 2020 16:18
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2022 03:42
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