Illocutionary Acts Of Barack Obama’s Final Speech As Us President

Afiant, Alifia (2018) Illocutionary Acts Of Barack Obama’s Final Speech As Us President. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dalam berkomunikasi, terkadang pendengar merasa kesulitan memahami maksud dari lawan bicara ketika kalimat mereka kurang jelas. Pragmatik adalah kajian mengenai maksud atau makna sesungguhnya dari kalimat yang diucapkan pembicara. Terdapat dua persoalan yang perlu dijawab dalam penelitian ini, yakni: (1) apa saja macam tindak ilokusi yang diucapkan Barack Obama dalam pidato terakhirnya sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat? serta (2) apa sajakah elemen konteks yang dapat membantu jalannya komunikasi selama berlangsungnya pidato terakhir Barack Obama sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yakni analisis dokumen karena data yang dianalisa merupakan bahan tertulis. Data dari penelitian ini ialah ujaran Barack Obama dalam pidato terakhirnya sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat. Data ini dikumpulkan dari transkrip video berjudul “President Obama’s full farewell speech”. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ada 133 ujaran Obama dalam pidato terakhirnya sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat yang mengandung tindak ilokusi, diantaranya: representatif (72 ucapan), direktif (22 ucapan), komisif (12 ucapan), ekspresif (15 ucapan), dan deklaratif (12 ucapan). Representatif ditemukan sebagai tipe tindak ilokusi yang paling banyak digunakan karena Obama sebagian besar menyampaikan pemikirannya mengenai keadaan demokrasi Amerika Serikat. Kemudian, aspek peserta dan tujuan ditemukan sebagai aspek konteks yang paling dapat membantu aliran komunikasi selama berlangsungnya pidato terakhir Barack Obama sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat. Peneliti menyarankan peneliti berikutnya untuk mengidentifikasi tipe tindak ilokusi dalam jenis pidato lain seperti pidato pengukuhan/pelantikan atau pidato pada upacara wisuda sebagai objek dari penelitian agar tipe tindak ilokusi diantara berbagai jenis pidato juga dapat dibandingkan.

English Abstract

In communication, sometimes people have difficulty in understanding what others mean when their utterances are unclear. Pragmatics is the study of how to recognize what is meant when it is not actually said or written. There are two problems to be solved in this study, namely: (1) what are the types of illocutionary acts performed by Barack Obama in his final speech as US President? and (2) what are the elements of context that can help the flow of communication during Obama’s final speech as US President? This study used qualitative approach namely document analysis since the data being analyzed were written materials. The data of this study were the utterances produced by Barack Obama in his final speech as US President. They were collected from a video transcript entitled “President Obama’s full farewell speech” retrieved from youtube. The result of this study showed that there were 133 utterances that contain illocutionary acts performed by Obama in his final speech as US President namely: representatives (72 utterances), directives (22 utterances), commissives (12 utterances), expressives (15 utterances), and declaratives (12 utterances). Representatives found to be the type of illocutionary acts that is mostly used by Obama since he mainly expressed his opinions regarding the state of America’s democracy. Then, the aspect of participants and ends found as the aspects of context that can help the flow of communication during Barack Obama’s final speech as US President the most. The researcher suggests for the next researcher to identify the types of illocutionary act in other speech such as inaugural speech or commencement speech as the object of the study as the types of illocutionary act between various types of speech can also be compared

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2018/81/051804793
Uncontrolled Keywords: tindak tutur, tindak ilokusi, konteks situasi, : speech acts, illocutionary acts, context of situation.
Subjects: 400 Language > 401 Philosophy and theory; international languages > 401.4 Communication; semantics, pragmatics, languages for special purposes > 401.45 Pragmatics > 401.452 Speech acts
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2019 02:33
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2019 02:33
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