Speech Accommodation Among Freshmen Of Study Program Of English In Faculty Of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya

Rahmawati, Ismi Dwi (2018) Speech Accommodation Among Freshmen Of Study Program Of English In Faculty Of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Komunikasi merupakan suatu kebutuhan bagi masyarakat untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain. Komunikasi tidak hanya terjadi antarmuka atau hanya dua orang, namun bisa berkembang lagi menjadi komunitas tutur yang mana ada lebih dari dua orang yang saling berbagi informasi. Dalam menyampaikan informasi, masyarakat cenderung mengakomodasi tuturannya dengan cara menyertakan gestur, kontak mata, ataupun dengan mengikuti gaya berbicara lawan bicaranya semirip mungkin. Dengan fenomena ini, peneliti kemudian melakukan penelitian yang berfokus pada akomodasi tuturan dan menggunakan teori dari Howard Giles yang berkaitan dengan studi sosiolinguistik dalam bidang linguistik. Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yakni (1) strategi apa yang digunakan selama diadakannya diskusi kelompok di kelas mahasiswa baru Program Studi Sastra Inggris di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya, dan (2) kategori apa yang muncul dalam strategi akomodasi tuturan selama diadakannya diskusi kelompok di kelas mahasiswa baru Program Studi Sastra Inggris di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena data penelitian dipresentasikan dalam bentuk kata-kata. Sumber data penelitian ini berasal dari satu kelas Internasional Program Studi Sastra Inggris angkatan 2017 Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan yang mengandung strategi akomodasi tuturan sesuai dengan rumusan masalah. Peneliti mendapati dua strategi akomodasi tuturan pada penelitian ini, yakni konvergensi dan divergensi, serta kategorinya (naik dan turun, penuh dan sebagian, simetris dan asimetris, satu modal dan banyak modal, serta jangka pendek dan jangka panjang). Hasilnya, dari 20 partisipan, 13 dari mereka cenderung mengakomodasi tuturannya. Dari 13 partisipan tersebut, ada 17 tuturan yang mengandung strategi konvergensi dan 5 tuturan yang mengandung strategi divergensi. Sedangkan kategorinya, peneliti lebih banyak menemukan kemunculan konvergensi satu modal. Mengakomodasi tuturan bisa saja terjadi di beberapa percakapan asalkan orang-orang dalam percakapan tersebut memiliki asumsi dan persepsi yang berbeda. Dari penelitian ini, peneliti menyarankan agar peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian di bidang yang sama yang fokus pada subjek lain, seperti debat atau pidato.

English Abstract

Communication is a need for people to interact to each other. Communication does not only occur face-to-face or between two people, it can extend to be a speech community that there are more than two people who share information. In delivering information, people tend to accommodate their speech with inserting gesture, eye contact, or even adjusting their speech as similar as their interlocutor’s speech style. By this phenomena, the researcher then conducted a research focused on speech accommodation and applied Howard Giles theory of speech accommodation which is linked to sociolinguistics as the field of linguistics. There were two problems of the study, namely: (1) what speech accommodation strategies are used by the freshmen of Study Program of English in Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya during peer discussion, and (2) what categories of speech accommodation strategies are used by the freshmen of Study Program of English in Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya during peer discussion. The research employs qualitative approach because the data of the study are presented in the form of words rather than statistics. The data source was taken from an International Class batch 2017 established by Study Program of English Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya. The data were in form of utterances which consisted of speech accommodation strategy suited to the problems of the study. The research reveals two strategies of speech accommodation which are convergence and divergence and their categories (upward and downward, full and partial, symmetrical and asymmetrical, unimodal and multimodal, and short-term and long-term). The result of the study shows that from 20 participants, 13 of them tended to accommodate their speech. From those 13 participants, there are 17 utterances consisting of convergence strategy and 5 utterances consist of divergence strategy. Applied to the categories of speech accommodation strategy, the researcher found that unimodal convergence is mostly appeared in the data. Accommodating speech can possibly appears in most conversation as if the people among the conversation have different assumption and perception. By this research, the researcher suggests for the next researcher to conduct a research in similar field which focuses on other subjects of research, such as debate or speech.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2018/316/051806677
Uncontrolled Keywords: akomodasi tuturan, konvergensi, divergensi / speech accommodation, convergence, divergence.komunikasi
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 302 Social interaction > 302.2 Communication
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2019 06:16
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2022 06:36
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/166452
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