Studi Kohort: Kadar Pai-1 Pada Pasien Kanker Paru Yang Mendapat Kemoterapidan Dievaluasimenggunakan Recist (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumor)

Myrnasari, Ria Siska (2018) Studi Kohort: Kadar Pai-1 Pada Pasien Kanker Paru Yang Mendapat Kemoterapidan Dievaluasimenggunakan Recist (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumor). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


LatarBelakang:Kankerparumerupakanpenyakitkeganasanterseringdi duniadiantarasemuapenyakitkanker. Kematian kanker paru disebabkan karena terdiagnosis pada stadium lanjut dan kurangnya respon terhadap kemoterapi. Biomarker untuk memantau respon terapi penting untuk ketahanan hidup lebih baik. PeningkatankadarPAI-1berhubungan dengan stadium penyakit, metastasis, dan prognosis kankerparu. Pemberiankemoterapipadapasienkankerparudidugadapatmenurunkankadar PAI-1. Tujuan:MengukurkadarPAI- 1padapasienkankerparusebelumdansetelahkemoterapisiklus ke-3 dan/atau ke-6.Metode: StudikohortmengukurkadarPAI-1denganteknik ELISA pada 18 pasienkankerparu stadium III atau IV yang belummendapatkemoterapidansetelahkemoterapisiklus ke-3; dan9 pasiensetelahkemoterapisiklus ke-6. Responskemoterapidievaluasimenggunakan RECIST.Hasil: Rerata kadar PAI-1setelahkemoterapisiklus ke-3(1,951 ± 0,354ng/ml)danke-6(1,647 ± 0,495ng/ml)menurun secara tidak signifikan dibandingkansebelumkemoterapi(2,151 ± 0,564ng/ml)(p = 0,39). Terdapathubunganyang tidak signifikan kadarPAI- 1sebelumdansetelahkemoterapisiklus ke-3 berdasarkankelompok RECIST (partial response(p = 0,918), stable disease (p = 0,465), danprogressive disease (p = 0,157)). SertaPAI-1sebelumdansetelahkemoterapisiklus ke-6 berdasarkankelompok RECIST (partial response(p = 0,201), danprogressive disease (p = 0,33)). Kesimpulan: KadarPAI-1pada pasien kanker paru setelahkemoterapilebih rendah meskipun tidak signifikan dibandingkan sebelum kemoterapi. Dan ada perbedaan kadarPAI-1namun tidak bermakna setelah kemoterapi denganRECIST.

English Abstract

Background:Lung cancer is the most common malignant disease in the world.Lung cancer deaths are due to diagnosis at an advanced stage and a lack of response to chemotherapy.Increased levels of PAI-1 are associated with staging, metastase, and prognosis of lung cancer. Chemotherapy in lung cancer is expected to decrease PAI-1 levels.Objective:This study to measure the PAI-1 differences levels in lung cancer patients before and after 3rd and/or 6th chemotherapy. Methods: Cohort study which measure PAI-1 levels using ELISA in stage III or IV of 18 lung cancer patients who had not received chemotherapyand after 3rd chemotherapy; and 9 patients after the 6th chemotherapy. Chemotherapy response was evaluated using RECIST. Results: Mean PAI-1 levels after 3rd cycle chemotherapy(1,951 ± 0,354ng/ml)and 6th(1,647 ± 0,495ng/ml) decreased insignificantly compared to before chemotherapy(2,151 ± 0,564ng/ml)(p 0,39).There was no significant difference between PAI-1 levels before and after the 3rd chemotherapy based on RECIST (partial response (p 0,918), stable disease (p 0,465), and progressive disease (p 0,157)). There was also no significant difference between PAI-1 levels before and after the 6th chemotherapy based on RECIST (partial response (p 0,201), and progressive disease (p 0.33)). Conclusion:PAI-1 levels in lung cancer patients after 3rd and 6th cycles of chemotherapy were lower although not significant compared to before chemotherapy. There were no differences in PAI-1 levels in lung cancer patients after chemotherapy based on RECIST

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/616.994 24/MYR/s/2018/041805377
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.9 Other disease > 616.99 Tumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases > 616.994 Cancers > 616.994 24 Lungs--Cancer
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2019 07:12
Last Modified: 19 Mar 2019 07:12
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