Callista, Yvette (2018) Pengaruh Serbuk Alga Merah (Eucheuma Cottonii) Dan Alga Cokelat (Sargassum Sp.) Terhadap Kadar MDA Malondialdehid) Dan SOD (Superoksida Dismutase) Tikus Yang Diinduksi Stres Oksidatif Dengan Konsumsi Berlebih Minyak Pemanasan Berulang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penggunaan MPU (minyak pemanasan berulang) dalam praktek pengolahan makanan dapat memicu stres oksidatif yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit dege-neratif seperti kanker. Namun, efek ini diduga dapat dicegah dengan mengguna-kan antioksidan seperti polifenol. Polifenol sendiri banyak ditemukan di alga, anta-ra lain E. cottonii dan Sargassum sp., sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari serbuk kedua alga tersebut terhadap kadar MDA (malondialdehid) dan SOD (superoksida dismutase) secara in vivo. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan percobaan RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap), dimana tikus dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok pakan yaitu: ke-lompok STD (pakan standar), MPU (pakan tinggi minyak pemanasan berulang), MPU+C (pakan MPU berlebih + serbuk E. cottonii) dan MPU+S (pakan MPU berle-bih + serbuk Sargassum sp.). Pemberian pakan dilakukan selama 28 hari (4 ming-gu). Pada akhir percobaan tikus dieuthanasia dan dibedah serta diambil darahnya dengan cardiac punture untuk analisis kadar MDA dan SOD serum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan berpengaruh nyata (p < 0,05) ter-hadap kadar MDA dan SOD serum. Kelompok tikus dengan pakan MPU berlebih tanpa serbuk alga memiliki kadar MDA paling tinggi (3,29 ± 0,43 ng/100 μL) dan aktivitas SOD paling rendah (15,08 ± 1,31 unit/100 μL). Pemberian pakan MPU berlebih + serbuk E. cottonii dan pakan MPU berlebih + serbuk Sargassum sp. me-nurunkan secara nyata kadar MDA serum masing-masing 2,25 ± 0,36 dan 2,19 ± 0,50 ng/100 μL sehingga aktivitas SOD serum lebih tinggi, yaitu masing-masing 26,85 ± 8,93 dan 27,93 ± 10,77 unit/100 μL. Kadar MDA kelompok tikus yang dibe-rikan pakan standar (normal) adalah yang paling rendah 1,38 ± 0,17 ng/100 μL dan aktivitas SOD paling tinggi 46,43 ± 4,67 unit/100 μL. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian serbuk E. cottonii dan serbuk Sargassum sp. mampu menurunkan kadar MDA, sehingga ak-tivitas SOD serum lebih tinggi pada tikus yang diinduksi stres oksidatif dengan kon-sumsi berlebih minyak pemanasan berulang.
English Abstract
The use of RHCO (Repeated Heating Cooking Oil) in food processing triggers lipid peroxidation that leads to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, thus caused degenerative illness such as cancer. However, this effect can be prevented by consumption of antioxidant such as pholyphenols. These compounds can be found in algae i.e. E. cottonii and Sargassum sp. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of E. cottonii and Sargassum sp. powder on MDA (malondialdehyde) and SOD (superoxide dismutase) levels in oxidative stress-induced rats with overconsumption of RHCO. Rats were randomly assigned into 4 groups differing in type of diet: standard diet (normal group), diet with high content of repeated heating oil (stress-oxidative group), diet with high content of repeated heating oil + E. cottonii powder and diet with high content of repeated heating oil + Sargassum sp. powder. The treatment was given for 28 days (4 weeks). At the end of experiment, blood was collected by means of cardiac puncture for analysis of MDA and SOD serum. The results showed that both algae powder significantly affected (α = 0.05) MDA level in serum of oxidative stress-induced rats with repeated heating oil (RHCO) overconsumption as much as 2.25 ± 0.36 and 2.19 ± 0.50 ng/100 μL respectively. The MDA levels were lower than that in the control group of rats induced with oxidative stress without given algae powder (3.29 ± 0.43 ng/100 μL), but still higher than that in the control group of normal rats given standard diet (1.38 ± 0.17 ng/100 μL). Furthermore, both algae powder group has significantly (α = 0.05) higher SOD level in serum of oxidative-stress induced rats as much as 26.85 ± 8.93 and 27.93 ± 10.77 unit/100 μL respectively. The SOD level was higher than that in the control group of rats induced with oxidative stress without given algae powder (15.08 ± 1.31 unit/100 μL), but still lower than that in the control group of normal rats (46.43 ± 4.67 unit/100 μL). From this experiment, it can be concluded that E. cottonii and Sargassum sp. powder are potent to decrease MDA serum, thus has higher SOD serum level in oxidative stress-induced rats with repeated heating cooking oil (RHCO).
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2018/336/051808979 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | E. cottonii, minyak pemanasan berulang, Sargassum sp., stres oksidatif,/ E. cottonii, oxidative stress, repeated heating cooking oil, Sargassum sp. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs > 615.32 Drugs derived from plants and mikroorganisms > 615.329 89 Drugs derived from microorganism, fungi, algae (Rhodophyta (Red algae)) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jul 2019 03:18 |
Last Modified: | 30 Jun 2022 06:38 |
URI: | |
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