Kajian Sifat Fisik Tanah Akibat Aplikasi Biogeotekstil, Residu Cover Crop Dan Sistem Olah Tanah Berbeda Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produksi Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Di Jatikerto, Malang

Utomo, Desy Rakhma Caesarani (2018) Kajian Sifat Fisik Tanah Akibat Aplikasi Biogeotekstil, Residu Cover Crop Dan Sistem Olah Tanah Berbeda Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produksi Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Di Jatikerto, Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Rendahnya produktivitas lahan karena pengelolaan konvensional dirasa juga menjadi salah satu penyebab. Pengelolaan kesuburan tanah tidak terbatas kimiawi, tetapi juga pemeliharaan sifat fisik tanah sehingga tercipta lingkungan tumbuh yang baik. Kegiatan pertanian konservasi yang umum dilakukan petani diantaranya aplikasi mulsa, pengembalian sisa panen dan pengolahan tanah minimum. Dewasa ini, dikembangkan teknologi mulsa biogeotekstil. Selain melindungi permukaan tanah dari pukulan air hujan, hasil dekomposisi biogeotekstil dapat menyumbang bahan organik selain dari residu tanaman. Selain itu, pemelihara sifat fisik tanah dapat dimaksimalkan dengan pola pengolahan yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji sifat fisik tanah dan produksi jagung akibat kombinasi perlakuan aplikasi biogeotekstil, sistem olah tanah dan aplikasi macam residu cover crop serta menganalisis pengaruh perbaikan sifat fisik tanah terhadap produksi tanaman jagung. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Maret - Oktober 2017 di Lahan Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya di Jatikerto, Malang. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial (RAKF) dengan 3 faktor, yakni 1) biogeotekstil (biogeotekstil dan tanpa biogeotekstil), 2) macam residu cover crop (tanpa cover crop, kacang tunggak (Vigna unguiculata), orok-orok (Crotalaria juncea), kacang gude (Cajanus cajan), dan koro benguk (Mucuna spp.), dan 3) pengolahan tanah (pengolahan konvensional dan minimum. Dari 3 faktor diperoleh 20 kombinasi perlakuan. Variable pengamatan mencakup sifat fisik tanah meliputi berat isi, berat jenis, porositas, kemantapan agregat, ketahahan penetrasi dan laju infiltrasi serta produksi tanaman mencakup bobot tongkol jagung (ton/ha). Hasil kombinasi aplikasi biogeotekstil dan pengolahan tanah konvensional menurunkan berat isi dan ketahanan penetrasi tanah, serta meningkatkan porositas dan laju infiltrasi. Sementara macam residu cover crop tidak mempengaruhi berat isi dan porositas tanah. Kemantapan agregat tanah menurun akibat pengolahan tanah konvensional, dengan pemberian biogeotekstil rerata kemantapan agregat tanah dapat meningkat sebesar 2,46 mm dibandingkan tanpa biogeotekstil 1,92 mm. Pemberian biogeotekstil meningkatkan produksi tanaman jagung hingga 43%. Produksi tertinggi terdapat pada lahan dengan perlakuan pemberian biogeotekstil, residu kacang tunggak dan tanah diolah. Residu kacang tunggak memberikan nilai sumbangan N tertinggi dibandingkan jenis cover crop lain. Kemantapan agregat tanah memiliki hubungan yang kuat (r = 0,62) terhadap produksi jagung dengan pengaruh sebesar 38 %. Sedangkan laju infiltrasi memiliki hubungan yang cukup (r = 0,43) terhadap produksi jagung dengan pengaruh sebesar 19%. Ketahanan penetrasi (r = 0,32) dan porositas tanah (r = 0,048) memiliki hubungan yang lebih lemah terhadap produksi tanaman jagung yaitu 10% dan 0,2%.

English Abstract

Besides of land area, the low productivity of land due to conventional management is considered to be one of the causes. The management of soil fertility isn’t limited to chemistry, but also the maintenance of physical soil properties. Conservation farming activities commonly carried out by farmers include the application of mulch, the restoration of minimum crop residues and tillage. Today, organic mulch is developed which is tied to biogeotekstil. In addition to protecting the soil surface from the blows of rainwater, decomposed biogeotekstil can contribute organic matter in addition to the return of crop residues. Besides that, maintaining the physical properties of the soil can be maximized with the right soil treatment pattern. The purpose of this study was to examine the physical properties of soil and maize production due to a combination of biogeotekstil, tillage systems and application of cover crop residues as well as analyzing the effect of improved soil physical properties on corn crop production. The research was conducted from March 2017 until October 2017 in the Brawijaya Agriculture Experimental Field in Jatikerto, Malang. The study used factorial randomized block design with 3 factors, there are: 1) biogeotekstil (with biogeotekstil and without biogeotekstil), 2) kinds of cover crop residues (without cover crop, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), orok-orok (Crotalaria juncea) , gude bean (Cajanus cajan), and koro benguk bean (Mucuna spp.)), and 3) kinds of tillage (conventional processing and minimum processing. Of the 3 factors tested 20 combinations of treatments were obtained. The observation variables included the physical properties of soil including soil bulk density, soil porosity, soil aggregate stability, soil penetration and infiltration rate, while plant production observations included corn shell weight (tons / ha). The results of the combination of conventional biogeotic textile and tillage applications reduce the content weight and soil penetration resistance, and increase porosity and infiltration rate. While the cover crop residue does not affect the weight and porosity of the soil. Soil aggregate stability decreases due to conventional tillage, with biogeotekstil giving the average soil aggregate stability can increase by 2.46 mm compared to without biogeotekstil 1.92 mm. Giving biogeotekstil increases corn production to 43%. The highest production was found on the land with the treatment of biogeotic textile, cowpea residue and treated soil. Residue of cowpea gives the highest N contribution compared to other types of cover crop. The stability of soil aggregates has a strong relationship (r = 0.62) to corn production with an effect of 38%. While the infiltration rate has a sufficient relationship (r = 0.43) to corn production with an effect of 19%. Penetration resistance (r = 0.32) and soil porosity (r = 0.048) have a weaker relationship to corn crop production, namely 10% and 0.2%.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/972/051901385
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.1 Cereals > 633.15 Corn
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 24 Oct 2019 02:31
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 03:54
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/165273
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