Strategi Pemasaran Produk Organik Dengan Metode Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (Swot) Dan Pairwise Comparison (Studi Kasus Di Giant Express Pulosari, Malang)

Akbary, Azhar Ridho (2018) Strategi Pemasaran Produk Organik Dengan Metode Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (Swot) Dan Pairwise Comparison (Studi Kasus Di Giant Express Pulosari, Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Giant Express Pulosari, Malang merupakan salah satu ritel yang mendukung pemasaran produk organik dengan menjual beras dan sayur organik. Giant Express Pulosari, Malang memiliki kendala dalam penjualan produk organik, yaitu konsumen yang lebih memilih untuk membeli produk non organik dari pada produk organik karena memiliki harga yang lebih murah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan alteratif strategi pemasaran produk organik yang tepat untuk Giant Express Pulosari dan menentukan urutan prioritas strategi pemasaran produk organik yang tepat diterapkan di Giant Express Pulosari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats (SWOT) dan Pairwise Comparison. SWOT digunakan untuk menilai kekuatan dan kelemahan dari sumber daya yang dimiliki perusahaan dan peluang eksternal serta tantangan yang dihadapi perusahaan. Metode Pairwise Comparison digunakan untuk pemilihan prioritas alternatif strategi pemasaran. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner pada 3 responden yang memahami mengenai strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Giant Express Pulosari, Malang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa nilai matriks Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) adalah sebesar 2.941 dan nilai matriks External Factor Evaluation (EFE) adalah vii sebesar 2.525. Pada matriks Internal-External (IE) didapatkan bahwa posisi Giant Express Pulosari, Malang berada pada sel V yang menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang tepat digunakan adalah dengan penetrasi pasar dan pengembangan pasar. Terdapat 11 alternatif strategi pemasaran berdasarkan matriks SWOT yaitu menambah variasi produk organik, pemberian voucher diskon setelah pembelian 5 kali, memberikan promosi buy 1 get 1 free untuk memperingati “hari sehat bersama produk organik” (1 tahun sekali), memaksimalkan publikasi harga murah produk organik dengan online dan offline secara terpisah dari katalog produk, melaksanakan “promo kaget” (diskon >30% secara dadakan untuk produk-produk yang menjelang masa kadaluarsa), melakukan demo masak dengan produk organik di hari pangan nasional, Menambah keterangan “produk organik” pada rak, memberikan informasi kandungan dan kelebihan produk organik dibandingkan non organik, dan saran resep, diberikan kebijakan memilih supplier (lebih dari satu) sendiri, memberikan SPG sebagai petugas khusus booth produk organik, dan menyediakan pemesanan online dan delivery service. Berdasarkan metode Pairwise Comparison didapatkan rekomendasi prioritas strategi pemasaran secara berurutan yaitu menambah variasi produk organik (0.254), pemberian voucher diskon setelah pembelian 5 kali (0.152) dan memberikan promosi buy 1 get 1 free untuk memperingati “hari sehat bersama produk organik” (1 tahun sekali) (0.134).

English Abstract

Giant Express Pulosari Malang is one of the retailers that supports the marketing of organic products by selling the organic rice and vegetables. Giant Express Pulosari Malang has problems in selling organic products. Consumers prefer in buying non-organic products to organic products because non-organic products have lower prices. This study aimed to determine the alternative of marketing strategies for organic products that are appropriate for Giant Express Pulosari and determine the priority order of marketing strategies for organic products that are suitable to be applied at Giant Express Pulosari. This research was conducted using Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats (SWOT) and Pairwise Comparison methods. SWOT was used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company's resources and external opportunities and challenges faced by the company. The Pairwise Comparison method was used to select priorities for alternative marketing strategies. Data were taken by giving questionnaires to 3 respondents who understand the marketing strategies carried out by Giant Express Pulosari, Malang. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the value of the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix was 2.941 and the value of the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix was 2.525. In the Internal-External (IE) matrix, it was found that the position of Giant Express Pulosari Malang was in cell V which ix showed that the right strategy to use was market penetration and market development. There were 11 alternative marketing strategies based on the SWOT matrix, i.e. adding variations of organic products, giving discount vouchers after the fifth purchase, giving the ‘Buy 1 Get 1 Free’ promotion to commemorate the ‘Healthy Days with Organic Products’ (once a year), maximizing the publication of cheap organic product prices by online and offline separately from product catalogs, carrying out the ‘Shock Promos’ (sudden discounts of >30% for product that approaches its expiration date), cooking demonstrations using the organic products on national food days, adding the information of ‘Organic Products’ on the shelves, providing information on the content and advantages of organic compared to non-organic products, and recipe suggestions, given the policy of choosing a supplier (more than one) to Giant Express Pulosari, Malang itself, giving the SPG as a special staff for the organic products booth, and providing the online order and delivery services. Based on the Pairwise Comparison method, the recommendations of priority marketing strategies were as follows: adding the variations of organic products (0.254), giving discount vouchers after the fifth purchase (0.152) and giving the ‘Buy 1 Get 1 Free’ promotion to commemorate the ‘Healthy Day with Organic Products’ (once a year) (0.134).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2018/549/051810892
Uncontrolled Keywords: Strategi Pemasaran, Pairwise Comparison dan Produk Organik,/ Marketing Strategy, Pairwise Comparison, and Organic Product
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.8 Managemet of marketing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 31 May 2019 02:43
Last Modified: 31 May 2019 02:43
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