Penilaian Kriteria Green Building Aspek Tepat Guna Lahan, Konservasi Dan Efisiensi Energi, Dan Konservasi Air Pada Gedung Kantor Bupati Malang Di Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang

Wicaksono, Prayogo (2018) Penilaian Kriteria Green Building Aspek Tepat Guna Lahan, Konservasi Dan Efisiensi Energi, Dan Konservasi Air Pada Gedung Kantor Bupati Malang Di Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Populasi penduduk di bumi mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan. Krisis energi dan isu tentang pemanasan global menjadi perhatian khusus bagi negara-negara di dunia. Selain itu, kebutuhan air bersih juga meningkat dan perlu penggunaan yang efektif dan efisien guna menjaga kelestarian sumber daya air untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan. Perlu adanya penggunaan lahan yang tepat dimana akan menunjang keberlanjutan bangunan dan kualitas secara makro, tanpa mengurangi kualitas lingkungan dan kualitas hidup manusia. Salah satu konsep dalam pembangunan yang ramah lingkungan yaitu Green Building. Penilaian kriteria Green Building sendiri mengacu pada suatu perangkat sistem rating yaitu GREENSHIP yang dikeluarkan oleh Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Kota Kepanjen seringkali mendapatkan prestasi piala adipura, sehingga Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang berkomitmen mewujudkan konsep green smart city yang akan diterapkan di Kota Kepanjen. Salah satu misi Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang yaitu memperkokoh kesadaran dan perilaku masyarakat dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan wawancara terhadap pengelola gedung mengenai aspek tepat guna lahan, efisiensi energi dan konservasi, dan konservasi air. Masing-masing tolok ukur mempunyai kriteria penilaian tersendiri yang akan mendapat score apabila terpenuhi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian rekomendasi untuk peningkatan score apabila terdapat tolok ukur yang tidak terpenuhi. Hasil penilaian terhadap area gedung Kantor Bupati Malang pada aspek Aprropriate Site Development (ASD) mendapatkan 10 poin dari total maksimal 16 poin dan mendapatkan predikat gold (emas). Pada aspek Efficiency Energy and Conservation (EEC) ix mendapatkan 12 poin dari total maksimal 36 poin. Sedangkan pada aspek Water Conservation mendapatkan 1 poin dari total maksimal 20 poin. Untuk aspek Efficiency Energy and Conservation dan Water Conservation tidak mendapatkan predikat dikarenakan nilai poin yang didapatkan dibawah nilai terendah pada predikat perunggu pada masing-masing aspek. Rekomendasi untuk peningkatan nilai green building gedung Kantor Bupati Malang pada aspek tepat guna lahan yaitu kelengkapan rating prasyarat, komitmen manajemen puncak, penambahan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH), fasilitas parkir sepeda dan kamar mandi khusus bagi pengguna sepeda. Untuk aspek efisiensi energi dan konservasi yaitu kelengkapan rating prasyarat, komisioning berkala dan controlling, serta penerapan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS). Sedangkan pada aspek konservasi air yaitu kelengkapan rating prasyarat, water monitoring and quality, pemakaian sprinkler untuk irigasi, pemanfaatan air daur ulang, pemanfaatan air hujan, dan pemakaian keran dengan fitur auto stop.

English Abstract

Human population on earth has experienced significant growth. The energy crisis and the issue of global warming has became an urgent concern to countries in the world. Moreover, clean water demand is increasing as well, so it needs an effective and efficient utilization to maintain the water resources’ sustainability. There needs to be proper land use which will support the sustainability of buildings and macro quality without reducing the quality of environment and human life. One of the environmental-friendly development concepts is Green Building. The Green Building criteria assessment refers to a rating system called GREENSHIP, issued by the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Kepanjen City often gets Adipura trophy achievements, so the Malang Regency Government is committed to realizing the green smart city concept that will be implemented in Kepanjen City. One of missions of the Malang Regency Government is to strengthen the awareness and behavior of people in preserving the environment. This study was carried out by using survey and interview methods. The building managers was asked regarding to following aspects: Appropriate Site Development (ASD), Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC), and Water Conservation (WAC). Each of those mentioned aspects has its own assessment criteria that will give score if it is met the standard. The results of this study will give recommendations for increasing the score if there are criterias which has not fulfilled the standard. This study uses survey and interview methods for building managers regarding the appropriate aspects of land use, energy efficiency and conservation, and water conservation. Each benchmark has its own assessment criteria that will get a score if xi it is met. The results of this study are giving recommendations for increasing the score if there are unmet standards. The results of the assessment of the Malang Regent Office building area are, on the aspect of Appropriate Site Development (ASD), got 10 points from a maximum of 16 points and achieved gold predicate. In the Efficiency Energy and Conservation (EEC) aspect, it got 12 points from a maximum of 36 points. While in the aspect of Water Conservation, it got 1 point from a total maximum of 20 points. Efficiency Energy and Conservation and Water Conservation aspects do not get any predicate because the points obtained are below the lowest point in the bronze predicate in every aspect. It is recommended that in case to increase the value of the green building of the Malang Regent Office building on the land use aspects, namely the completeness of the prerequisite rating, top management commitment, the addition of green open space, bicycle parking facilities and special bathrooms for bicycle users. For energy efficiency and conservation aspects, namely completeness of files, periodical commissioning and controlling, as well as the application of solar power plants. While in the aspect of water conservation are completeness of the file documentation, water monitored quality, used of sprinklers for gardening or irrigation, utilization of recycled water, utilization of rainwater, and used automatic for tap water.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2018/458/051810136
Uncontrolled Keywords: Green Building, Kantor Bupati Malang, Tepat Guna Lahan, Konservasi dan Efisiensi Energi, Konservasi Air, /Green Building, Malang Resident Office, Appropriate Site Development, Efficiency Energy and Conservation, Water Conservation
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 720 Architecture > 720.4 Special topics of architecture > 720.47 Architecture and the environment
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2019 06:41
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2019 06:41
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