Inovasi Layanan Pojok Braille Di Dinas Perpustakaan Umum Dan Arsip Daerah Kota Malang

Ulfa, Wulan Six Maria (2018) Inovasi Layanan Pojok Braille Di Dinas Perpustakaan Umum Dan Arsip Daerah Kota Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Berangkat dari permasalahan awal yaitu belum adanya perpustakaan umum yang memberikan pelayanan ramah disabilitas netra pada 39 perpustakaan umum Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur. Minimnya jumlah variasi buku Braille. Belum tersedianya layanan perpustakaan bagi disabilitas netra yang berbasis teknologi. Belum adanya layanan perpustakaan inklusi guna menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri bagi disabilitas netra. Perpustakaan Kota Malang membuat suatu layanan baru yaitu Layanan Pojok Braille. Kajian ini menganalisis tentang pelaksanaan inovasi yang hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan disabilitas netra dalam bidang literasi. Teori yang digunakan adalah Karakteristik Inovasi Everett M. Rogers. Serta menganalisis faktor pendukung dan penghambat. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengambilan data wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan inovasi Lapobra pertama, relative advantage pioner dan inovator dalam penyediaan layanan perpustakaan umum bagi disabilitas netra. Kedua, compatibility belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan disabilitas netra jaman sekarang yang sudah available menggunakan gadget dan teknologi. Ketiga, complexity tata kelola rumit yaitu belum ada nomor referensi buku, tidak dilengkapi panduan how to use, dan belum ada tanda dominan disepanjang jalur masuk. Keempat, trialability tidak pernah melakukan uji coba dan kurang sosialisasi. Proses sosialisasi dengan cara menghubungi SLB, Panti Rehabilitasi, Yayasan, dan paguyuban disabilitas netra. Kelima, observability inovatif hanya dari segi penyediaan dan perintisan layanan. Jika ditinjau dari keberlanjutan inovasinya masih kurang. Inovasi dalam Layanan Pojok Braille dikaji menggunakan 5 Karakteristik Inovasi Menurut Everett M. Rogers maka hasilnya belum bisa memenuhi indikator compatibility dan trialability. Faktor yang menghambat yaitu budaya risk aversion, ketergantungan berlebihan pada high performer, rencana anggaran jangka panjang, hambatan administratif. Faktor yang mendukung yaitu sistem pelayanan, kapasitas kelembagaan, kehadiran dan kesinambungan sumber daya.

English Abstract

The title of this research is “Pojok Braille” Centre Innovation at Malang City in 2017. Starting from the initial issue regarding the public library is unable to provide accessibility service to visually impaired people across 39 district/city in East Java. The lack of variety Braille books. The lack of technology services to visually impaired people. The lack of specially designed library is not available and hence this has become the challenge for the visually impaired to get motivated. The Malang City Library creates a new service that called as “Pojok Braille” Centre. This study analyzes the implementation of innovations that are exist for visually impaired in the field of literacy. Theory that currently used are the diffusion of innovation from Everett m Rogers and identifying the factor of the catalyst and the inhibitor. This study uses descriptive qualitative data collection methods of interviews, observation, and literature. The results that showed in “Pojok Braille” Centre initiative are first, a pioneer relative advantage and innovator in the provision of public library services for visually impaired. Second, compatibility is not suitable with the needs of visually impaired because these days they are able to use gadgets and technology. Third, the complexity of governance is complicated, there is no book reference number, it is not equipped with how to use guidelines, and there is no dominant sign along the entry point. Fourth, trialability has never been tested and lack of socialization. They do the process of socialization by contacting the SLB, the Rehabilitation Centre, the Institution, and the visually impaired association. Fifth, innovative observability is only in terms of providing and pioneering services. From the sustainability of innovation perspective, it is still lacking. Innovation in “Pojok Braille” Centre was assessed by 5 Innovation Characteristics According to Everett M. Rogers, the results could not meet compatibility and trialability indicators. The inhibiting factors are the risk aversion culture, excessive dependence on high performers, long-term budget plans, administrative barriers. The supporting factors are service systems, institutional capacity, presence and continuity of resources.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2018/1101/051901253
Uncontrolled Keywords: Inovasi, Layanan Pojok Braille, dan Disabilitas Netra.-Innovation, “Pojok Braille” Centre, and Visually Impaired.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 362 Social problems of and services to groups of people > 362.4 People with physical disabilities
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Pemerintahan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 08 May 2019 02:15
Last Modified: 08 May 2019 02:15
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