Am I Better Off? Peran Trait Self-Control Sebagai Moderator Pengaruh Envy Terhadap Deception Dalam Negosiasi

Ibrahim, Muhammad (2018) Am I Better Off? Peran Trait Self-Control Sebagai Moderator Pengaruh Envy Terhadap Deception Dalam Negosiasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Adanya emosi yang dirasakan, emosi yang diharapkan, dan upward social comparison yang memicu munculnya emosi envy dapat menyebabkan negosiator untuk menggunakan strategi deception dalam negosiasi. Namun, dengan adanya individual differences berupa trait self-control, maka diprediksi dapat melemahkan peran envy agar tidak serta-merta menjelma menjadi deception. Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran envy dan trait self-control (sebagai moderator) terhadap deception dalam negosiasi. Desain penelitian menggunakan randomized controlled experiment jenis between-subject dengan setting penelitian berbasis daring melalui SurveyMonkey. Jumlah partisipan yang terlibat sebanyak 804 orang dengan kriteria berasal dari mahasiswa S1 di Indonesia. Partisipan terbagi ke dalam 2 kondisi (benign & envy). Trait self-control diukur menggunakan Brief Self-Control Scale. Manipulasi envy dilakukan dengan memberikan skenario yang di dalamnya memperhitungkan faktor deservingness dan control potential, serta diukur menggunakan skala Pain-driven Dual Envy (PaDE). Pengondisian negosiasi dilakukan melalui skenario. Sedangkan, deception diukur dengan Self-Reported Inappropiate Negotiation Strategies Scale (SINS). Pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa (a) envy pada level benign dan malicious dapat memprediksi deception yang lebih tinggi, (b) trait self-control tidak memiliki peran sebagai moderator dalam pengaruh envy (benign-malicious) terhadap deception. Analisis tambahan menunjukkan bahwa trait self-control berperan dalam memprediksi deception yang lebih rendah.

English Abstract

The existence of current emotion, anticipated emotion, and upward social comparison elicit the emotion of envy,which lead negotiator to use the strategy of deception within a negotiation process. However, individual differences especially trait self-control,is predicted able to weaken the role of envy toward deception. This experimental study aims to determine whether there is the role of envy and trait self-control (as moderator) toward deception within negotiations. The design of this study was randomized controlled experiment between-subject which conducted with online-based settings through SurveyMonkey. The number of participants involved were 804 undergraduate students in Indonesia. Participants were divided into 2 conditions (benign & envy). Trait of self-control was measure dusing the Brief Self-Control Scale. Manipulation of envy was done by providing the scenario which taking account into deservingness and control potential. Envy was measure dusing the Driven Pain Dual Envy (PaDE) scale. In addition, condition of negotiations was developed through scenarios. Meanwhile, deception was measured by Self-Reported In appropyate Negotiation Strategies Scale (SINS). Hypothesis testing indicatesthat (a) At the level of both benign envy and malicious envy,deception is predicted to appears higher, (b) The trait of self-control does not have a role as moderator in the effect to envy (benign-malicious) toward deception. Additional analys is also shows that trait self-control plays a role in predicting lower deception within negotiation process.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2018/821/051810965
Uncontrolled Keywords: deception; envy; trait self-control; negosiasi Deception; Envy; Trait Self-control; Negotiation
Subjects: 100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology > 152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives > 152.4 Emotions > 152.48 Jealously and envy
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Psikologi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2019 03:16
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 05:55
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