Evaluasi Tarif Jalan Tol Surabaya-Kertosono Berdasarkan Kemampuan dan Keinginan Pengguna

Yunihartanto, Herdian (2018) Evaluasi Tarif Jalan Tol Surabaya-Kertosono Berdasarkan Kemampuan dan Keinginan Pengguna. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jalan tol Surabaya – Kertosono merupakan salah satu Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) yang dibangun guna meningkatkan segala potensi dan pengembangan perekonomian di wilayah Jawa Timur. Meskipun lokasi ruas jalan tol ini cukup strategis, jalan tol dengan panjang ruas 76,5 km ini masih sedikit penggunanya. Hal ini terutama disebabkan oleh tarif tol yang terlampau tinggi bagi masyarakat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya evaluasi tarif jalan tol Surabaya-Kertosono untuk mengetahui tarif tol ideal tiap golongan kendaraan yang disesuaikan dengan persepsi pengguna jalan serta untuk mengetahui potensi pengguna jalan yang akan beralih menggunakan jalan tol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis Stated Preference yaitu berdasarkan perhitungan probabilitas pengguna jalan tol dan probabilitas pengguna jalan eksisting yang dihubungkan dengan atribut berupa tarif tol dan kondisi kepadatan jalan di eksisting (Volume Capacity Ratio-VCR) serta menggunakan metode Ability to Pay (ATP)-Willingnes to Pay (WTP) yakni membandingkan antara tarif tol yang berdasarkan kemampuan membayar jasa transportasi, melalui latar belakang sosial-ekonomi responden, dengan kemauan untuk mengeluarkan imbalan atas jasa yang diperolehnya. Teknik pengumpulan data responden menggunakan metode Road Side Interview (RSI) dengan sampel sejumlah 400 responden dari golongan 1 dan 2, penggolongan berdasarkan peraturan Bina Marga, yang berasal dari populasi pengguna jalan yang melintasi rute Surabaya-Kertosono tersebut. Populasi tersebut didapat dari perhitungan Lalu Lintas Harian (LHR) rata-rata yang didapat dari survei jam rencana. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa tarif ideal per km berdasarkan persepsi pengguna jalan tol Surabaya-Kertosono adalah sebesar Rp700,00 (golongan 1), Rp1.050,00 (golongan 2), Rp1.400,00 (golongan 3), Rp1.750,00 (golongan 4) dan Rp2.100,00 (golongan 5). Hasil perhitungan ini didapatkan pada kondisi jalan eksisting Surabaya–Kertosono dengan nilai tingkat pelayanan (VCR average) sebesar 0,64 dengan asumsi untuk seluruh ruas jalan eksisting Surabaya-Kertosono. Penentuan tarif tol tersebut berdasarkan hasil perhitungan penghasilan (revenue) tertinggi yakni sebesar Rp7.572.811/km per hari. Dengan tarif di atas, potensi pengguna jalan yang beralih menggunakan jalan tol Surabaya–Kertosono akan meningkat sebesar 29% untuk golongan 1 yakni dari 4346 menjadi 7607 pengguna jalan tol setiap harinya.

English Abstract

Surabaya-Kertosono toll road is one of the National Strategic Project (PSN) which built to enhance the potential and development of the economy in the region of East Java. Although the location of toll roads is quite strategic, this 76,5 km internode length toll road still has few users. This is mainly caused by the overly high toll rates for the users. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the toll road fare of Surabaya-Kertosono to identify the ideal toll road fare of the vehicles that are adapted to the user's perception as well as to find out the potential road users which will switch to use the toll road. This study used Stated Preference analysis method which is based on a calculation of the toll road users probability and existing road users probability associated with the attributes in the form of toll fare and the density of the existing road condition (Volume Capacity Ratio-VCR) as well as used Ability to Pay (ATP)-Willingness to Pay (WTP) method i.e. comparison between toll rate, based on the ability to pay transport services through socio-economic background of the respondents, and the willingness to pay for the service acquired. Respondents data collection technique used Road Side Interview (RSI) method with samples of 400 respondents in group 1 and 2, group classification based on Bina Marga regulation, is derived from the population of road users that use the route of Surabaya-Kertosono. The population was obtained from the calculation of the daily traffic average (LHR) obtained from the traffic survey at specific hours. The analysis results obtained shows that the ideal rate per km based on the perceptions of Surabaya-Kertosono toll road users is Rp700,00 (group 1), Rp1.050,00 (group 2), Rp1.400,00 (group 3), Rp1.750,00 (group 4) and Rp2.100,00 (group 5). The results of these calculations were obtained on the condition of the existing road service level of Surabaya–Kertosono (VCR average) of 0.64 value. The assumption is for the whole existing road of Surabaya-Kertosono. The determination of the toll fare calculation based on the highest income (revenue) which is Rp7.572.811/km per day. With rates above, the potential road users who switch to use Surabaya-Kertosono toll road will increase by 29% for Group 1 from 4346 to 7607 toll road users every day.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/559/051806900
Uncontrolled Keywords: evaluasi tarif tol, stated preference, Ability to Pay (ATP)-Willingnes to Pay (WTP), revenues, dan potensi pengguna tol Toll fare evaluation, stated preference, Ability to Pay (ATP)-Willingnes to Pay (WTP), revenues, and potential toll users
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 388 Transportation > 388.1 Roads > 388.11 Economic aspects of production > 388.114 Finance
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 07 May 2019 01:54
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 02:08
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/162992
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