Antonius, - (2018) Pengelolaan Ekowisata Hutan Rawa Gambut Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Di Sekitar Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Baning. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Baning memiliki luas 213 hektar berada di tengah kota Sintang, Kabupaten Sintang Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Baning diharapkan mampu melestarikan lingkungan dan budaya, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP). Pengelolaan kawasan TWA Baning sebagai obyek ekowisata berkelanjutan terlebih dahulu dilakukan kajian dari aspek ekologi, aspek sosial ekonomi dan aspek institusional/kelembagaan agar kelestarian sumber daya alam dan keberlanjutan ekowisata dapat tercapai. Atas dasar pertimbangan tersebut, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Menganalisis potensi flora dan fauna bernilai wisata pada pengelolaan ekowisata berbasis ekosistem hutan rawa gambut di Kawasan TWA Baning, (2) Merumuskan strategi dan program prioritas pengelolaan ekowisata berbasis ekosistem hutan rawa gambut pada Kawasan TWA Baning dan (3) Menganalisis model keberlanjutan pengelolaan ekowisata berbasis ekosistem hutan rawa gambut pada Kawasan TWA Baning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan observasi, untuk pengamatan flora metode jalur berpetak, pengamatan satwa metode jalur/transek, untuk strategi pengelolaan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan SWOT, sedangkan keberlanjutan pengelolaan dianalisis menggunakan MDS. Hasil penelitian diperoleh Atraksi wisata tumbuhan dan satwa yang mempunyai nilai ekowisata dan berpotensi sebagai flagship spesies, flagship atraction untuk jenis tumbuhan adalah Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz), Jelutung rawa (Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis), Meranti (Shorea sp), kantong semar (Nepenthes) dan Anggrek (Bromheadia finlaysoniana (Lindl.) Miq). Sedangkan untuk jenis fauna adalah Kelasi (Presbytes rubicunda), Trenggiling (Manis javanicus), burung Madu (Anthreptes malcensis) dan jenis satwa pendukung adalah Enggang (Buceros vigil Forster) yang berada di sanctuary enggang. Potensi budaya seperti Gawai Dayak (syukuran atas panen padi), lomba pakak gasing tradisional, lomba menyumpit, upacara nyandung, upacara adat pernikahan. Program sosialisai, promosi, kerjasama, partisipasi masyarakat diarahkan untuk keperluan mewujudkan pengelolaan ekowisata yang menekankan aspek konservasi, perlindungan ekosistem hutan rawa gambut, pengawasan, kepedulian, penghijauan, peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan dukungan atraksi dan wahana melalui strategi SO (Strength-Opportunity) yaitu strategi agresif melalui pengelolaan atraksi potensi flora dan satwa bernilai wisata serta atraksi potensi budaya lokal sehingga ekosistem hutan rawa gambut tetap lestari dan kesejahteraan masyarakat meningkat. Pengelolaan ekowisata hutan rawa gambut di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Baning divisualisasikan dengan model diagram layang-layang (kite diagram) melalui 3 (tiga) dimensi, yaitu dimensi sosial ekonomi, dimensi ekologi dan dimensi institusional/kelembagaan. Dimensi sosial ekonomi, dimensi ekologi dan dimensi institusional/kelembagaan memiliki nilai indeks keberlanjutan berturut- 181xii turut sebesar 55,08; 73,12 dan 51,42 artinya ketiga dimensi status keberlanjutannya dikategorikan cukup berkelanjutan. Nilai indeks keberlanjutan multi dimensi pengelolaan ekowisata hutan rawa gambut di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Baning sebesar 59,87 artinya status keberlanjutan pengelolaan ekowisata dikategorikan cukup berkelanjutan. Nilai tertinggi sensitivitas atribut di masing-masing dimensi ialah adanya konflik antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat terhadap batas kawasan, pendapatan masyarakat dari pengelolaan ekowisata, lahan terbuka akibat kebakaran, penurunan permukaan gambut dan sosialisasi atas pentingnya melindungi dan melestarikan flora dan fauna ekosistem hutan rawa gambut. Peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat tercapai melalui parstisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam berbagai aktivitas/lapangan kerja, seperti: menjadi kelompok pemandu wisata, kelompok pembuat makanan (kuliner), penyedia jasa wisata (transportasi, akomodasi dan guide), pembuat souvenir dan menjadi kelompok operator dan administrator ekowisata. Untuk percepatan kungjungan wisatawan ke kawasan ekowisata hutan rawa gambut di Taman Wisata Alam Baning, maka pengelolaannya diarahkan kepada penguatan promosi dan publikasi tentang potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam berupa potensi flora dan satwa endemik khas ekosistem hutan rawa gambut serta potensi budaya masyarakat lokal. Strategi pengelolaannya melalui pendekatan strategi agresif, yaitu optimalisasi kekuatan berupa potensi flora, satwa dan budaya lokal dengan memanfaatkan peluang sebesar-besarnya dari dukungan stakeholders
English Abstract
Baning Nature Tourist Park (Baning NTP) is a nature tourist park which located in the middle of Sintang City, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province with 213 acre of width. The objective of Baning NTP is used to conserve the ecosystem and sosio-culture; improve the community welfare; and Non-tax State Revenue (Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak). Management of Baning NTP as sustainable ecotourism object need to considered some aspect such as ecology, socioeconomic, and institution for maintaining the sustainability of natural resources and ecotourism attraction. Based of the background, the aim of this research were to (1) analysis the potential biodiversity as tourism attraction in ecotourism management of peat swamp forest of Baning NTP, (2) formulated strategy and priority program on ecotourism management of peat swamp forest ecosystem in Baning NTP, (3) analysis of sustainable ecotourism management model in peat swamp forest ecosystem in Baning NTP. This research was used survey and observation method. The data of vegetation was collected with transect belt method, while animals data gathered with transect line. Management strategy data was formulated with questioner and interview, and analyzed with SWOT. Management of sustainability was analyzed with MDS. The results of the study shows that biodiversity tourism attraction which has ecotourism values are potentially used as flagship species, flagship attractions in plants groups are Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz), Jelutung rawa (Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis), Meranti (Shorea sp), Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) and Orchids (Bromheadia finlaysoniana (Lindl.) Miq), while in animals group such as Kelasi (Presbytes rubicunda), Trenggiling (Manis javanicus), burung Madu (Anthreptes malcensis), and supporting animal in Sanctuary Enggang like Enggang (Buceros vigil Forster). Potential culture which also support the ecotourism are Gawai Dayak (Dayak traditional people grateful for paddy harvesting), contest of traditional game Pangkak Gasing, contest of Sumpit, Nyandung tradition, and traditional wedding ceremony. Socialization program, promotion, collaboration, people participation are leading to realize the ecotourism management which emphasize conservation aspect, the protection of peat swamp forest ecosystem, supervision, cereness, reforestation, improvement of community welfare with support from ecotourism attraction and facility. The SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy to achieve that is an active strategy through management of potential biodiversity attraction which has ecotourism values and supported with potential local culture attraction so that peat swamp forest ecosystem are preserved and community welfare increasing. Peat swamp forest ecotourism management in Baning NTP is visualized with kite diagram model through three dimension, which is socioeconomics dimension, ecology dimension, and institutional dimension. All three dimension has sustainability index respectively 55.08; 73.12 and 51.42 which categorized asxiv sustainable enough (medium rate). The multi dimension index of peat swamp forest ecotourism management sustainability in Baning NTP is 59.87 which mean the status of ecotourism management sustainability in Baning NTP is medium rate. The highest sensitivity value of attribute on each dimension are the conflict between government and people around Baning NTP about border line, people income from ecotourism management in Baning NTP, open area caused of fire burn, decline of peat surface, and socialization about importance of protection and sustainability of biodiversity in peat swamp forest ecosystem. The increasing of community welfare can be achieve through active participation of people in many activity such as tour guide, traditional food producer, provider of tourism services (transportation, accommodation, and guide), souvenir maker, and group of operator and administrator of ecotourism. To increase the numbers of tourist which visit ecotourism area of peat swamp forest in Baning NTP, the focus of ecotourism management are leading to reinforcement of promotion and publication about the potential of object and attractiveness of endemic local biodiversity in peat swamp forest ecosystem and also potential of local culture. Management strategic through aggressive strategy which is optimized the strength like potential of biodiversity and local culture with full support from stakeholders.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DIS/338.479 1/ANT/p/2018/061805745 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.4 Secondary industries and services > 338.47 Services and specific products > 338.479 1 Services and specific products (Geography and travel) |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Magister Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 08 Jan 2019 07:14 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 07:20 |
URI: | |
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