Bachri, Hendro Febrian (2018) Pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Event Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Event dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu kegiatan yang diselenggarakan guna memperingati hal-hal penting sepanjang hidup manusia baik secara individu ataupun kelompok (Noor, 2013). Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) sangat aktif dalam menyelenggarakan event seperti seminar, workshop, lomba dan lain-lain. Event tersebut dapat diselenggarakan oleh organisasi mahasiswa atau unit kerja fakultas. Untuk dapat mengadakan event di FIA UB tentunya pengaju event harus melalui prosedur tertentu. Prosedur pengajuan event berbeda-beda tergantung pengaju event, resource yang diperlukan serta lokasi penyelenggaraan event. Namun terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang timbul dalam proses pengajuan event di FIA UB. Dari perspektif pengaju event, masalah yang timbul antara lain pengaju event tidak mengetahui status pengajuan event yang diajukannya, tidak mengetahui status ketersediaan venue dan banyak pengaju event yang tidak mengetahui alur pengajuan event. Dari perspektif TU Subbag Umum & Perlengkapan, pengecekan ketersediaan venue dan pencatatan data peminjaman venue yang masih dilakukan didalam file kurang efisien dan memakan waktu. Sehingga dibuatlah aplikasi Manajemen Event untuk mempermudah proses pengajuan event, peminjaman venue dan pencairan dana. Untuk mengimplementasikan aplikasi Manajemen Event, penulis akan menggunakan Node.js dengan bantuan framework Express sebagai back-end dan SemanticUI yang merupakan framework CSS untuk membantu mempercepat pengimplementasian front-end dari aplikasi ini. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengujian unit, pengujian validasi dan pengujian browser compatibility. Pada pengujian unit, seluruh independent paths telah diuji dan seluruhnya valid. Hasil pengujian validasi juga menunjukkan nilai 100% valid. Sedangkan hasil pengujian browser compatibility menunjukkan aplikasi dapat dijalankan secara sempurna (tanpa kehilangan fungsionalitas) di peramban Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox dan Opera.
English Abstract
Events can be defined as activities that are held to celebrate the important things throughout human life both individually and in groups (Noor, 2013). Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya (FIA UB) is really active in organizing events such as seminars, workshops, competitions and others. Those events can be held by student organization or faculty’s internal unit. There is an event proposal submission procedure for holding an event in FIA UB. The event proposal submission procedure is different and it depends on who is the event organizer, what resources are required and the where the event will be held. There are some problems that arise in the process of event proposal submission in FIA UB. From the event organizers perspective, they don’t know the status of the submission of the event proposals that they have submitted, they also don’t know the status of the venue’s availability and many of event organizer do not know the flow of the event submission. From perspective of the General and Equipment Subdivision, the checking of venue’s availability and recording of venue’s reservation that are still performed manually in files is less efficient and time-consuming. So, the author have a solution to make an application called Event Management application. This Event Management application will be implemented using Node.js with the Express.js framework as a back-end and SemanticUI which is a CSS framework to help speed up the implementation of the front-end of this application. The testing conducted using unit tesing, validation testing and browser compatibility testing methods. In unit testing, all of independent paths have been tested and all of them are valid. The validation testing also shows result 100% valid. While browser compatibility testing shows that this application can be perfectly (without missing functionality) in Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTIK/2018/630/051808485 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Event Management, Node.js, Express.js, SemanticUI |
Subjects: | 000 Computer science, information and general works > 006 Special computer methods > 006.7 Multimedia systems > 006.76 Programming |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 29 Jan 2019 02:20 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 06:22 |
URI: | |
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