The Effect Of Leadership Style Towards Corporate Culture And The Implementation Of Green Management And Its Impact On Company Performance

Destiana (2016) The Effect Of Leadership Style Towards Corporate Culture And The Implementation Of Green Management And Its Impact On Company Performance. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Makalah ini menyajikan pandangan tentang potensi wirausahawan kelas bawah di Indonesia dalam perspektif strategis. Reshaping kognitif adalah apa pendekatan ini. Pada 2012 Asosiasi Vendor Jalan Indonesia (APKLL) melaporkan jumlah terdaftar sebesar 23,4 juta vendor jalanan tersebar di seluruh kota di Indonesia. Pendidikan yang buruk, semakin banyak tenaga kerja dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan krisis yang tidak seimbang adalah alasan utama pertumbuhannya yang berkelanjutan. Jika setiap vendor jalanan bertanggung jawab atas keluarga mereka, sejumlah 23,4 - 93,6 juta secara aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan ekonomi kelas bawah ini - atau rata-rata itu mewakili 20 - 35% dari total populasi dengan laba bersih US $ 150-300 per bulan. Angka ini harus meningkat pada tahun-tahun berikutnya sesuai dengan pertumbuhan populasi dan kelangkaan pekerjaan. Dengan latar belakang sekolah dasar mereka dan tumbuhnya tenaga kerja lebih cepat daripada peluang kerja - pengangguran adalah alasan utama mereka untuk memasuki kegiatan ini. Pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah belum jauh meningkatkan atau mendukung kegiatan ekonomi mereka. Hal ini menyimpulkan bahwa kreatif seperti mereka tetapi pada saat yang sama berpendidikan buruk untuk memahami aspek-aspek kebersihan, aturan dan cara untuk mencapai pasar yang lebih luas di warga negara serta tingkat internasional - mereka pasti memainkan peran penting dalam peran ekonomi Indonesia.

English Abstract

This paper present an outlook on the potential of lower class entrepreneur in Indonesia in a strategic perspective. Cognitive reshaping is what this approach all about. In 2012 The Association of Indonesian Street Vendors (APKLI) reported a registered number of 23.4 million street vendors spread out across cities in Indonesia. Poor education, growing number of workforce and unbalanced economic growth and crisis were the main reason of its continuous growth. If each street vendor take responsibility of their family, a number of 23.4 – 93.6 million actively involved in this lower class economy activity – or at the average it represents 20 – 35 % of the total population with a net income of US$ 150-300 per month. This figure should increase in the following years in accordance with the population growth and scarcity of jobs. With their elementary school background and the growing of workforce faster than the job opportunities – unemployment is their prime reason to enter these activities. The observation shows that government has not so far enhance or supportive to their economic activities. It concludes that creative as they are but at the same time poorly educated to understands hygiene aspects, rules and ways to reach wider market in nationals as well as international level – they surely plays an important role in Indonesian economy.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: PUB/658.409 2/DES/e/2016/081612461
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.4 Executive management
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2016 09:01
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2016 09:01
Full text not available from this repository.

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