Firman, Akhmad (2014) Sustanabilitas Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Perdesaan di Kabupaten Buton Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian Sustanabilitas Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) Perdesaan di Kabupaten Buton Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, bertujuan untuk mengungkap dan memberi pemahaman (memaknai) bagaimana bisa berkelanjutan, mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang muncul, kemanfaatan yang dirasakan peminjam dengan keberadaan LKM di desanya. Pendekatan penelitian adalah kualitatif fenomenologi, menggunakan model analisis yang dikembangkan oleh Miller dan Huberman. Suatu analisis yang dilakukan terhadap data yang sudah terkumpul, direduksi, digolongkan, disajikan, disimpulkan, dan diverifikasi dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Temuan penelitian ini bahwa, sustanabilitas LKM karena pengurus yang profesional, bekerja ikhlas dan mengutamakan pelayanan kepada anggota, menerapkan tata kelola yang baik disiplin sesuai aturan dan menghargai etika lokal, membangun rasa saling percaya antar pengurus dengan anggota yang mendorong peningkatan jumlah simpanan, melayani anggota di luar batas administrasi desa, mengutamakan kepuasan pelayanan kepada anggota. Dalam menghadapi masalah yang muncul, LKM mengutamakan musyawarah pengurus dengan anggota sehingga keputusannya mendapat dukungan, melakukan silaturahmi pada anggota yang terlambat mengembalikan pinjaman atau yang ia sebut pendekatan perasaan, serta menjadikan LSM Sintesa sebagai mitra pembina sampai saat ini. Kehadiran LKM dirasakan manfaatnya oleh anggota bukan hanya dari sisi ekonomi dan sosial tetapi, memunculkan keberanian untuk berusaha, mewujudkan keinginan asalkan disipilin mengembalikan pinjaman, memudahkan mendapatkan sumber permodalan untuk memulai usaha. Proposisi mayor 1, sustanabilitas adalah bisa diwujudkan oleh pemimpin/pengurus profesional dipilih berdasarkan masyawarah, mampu menerapkan tata kelola (corporate governace) yaitu memadukan kelayakan pemberian kredit berbasis karakter dan menghargai budaya lokal masyarakat, serta didukung kedisiplinan kelompok dalam pengembalian pinjaman yang digerakkan oleh nilai-nilai religius dan norma-norma sosial serta budaya masyarakat; Proposisi mayor 2, sustanabilitas didorong sikap pengurus yang bekerja ikhlas demi kemajuan masyarakat dan mampu menanamkan kedisiplinan dan kejujuran sebagai kelayakan utama pemberian pinjaman, yang dimotivasi nilai-nilai budaya, jujur, malu, serta kemanfaatan kehadiran koperasi memudahkan mendapat modal, yang memunculkan jiwa wirausaha,kohesivitas masyarakat perdesaan; Proposisi mayor 3, sustanabiltas didorong sikap pengurus koperasi yang rela berkorban untuk membangun kepercayaan mengutamakan pelayanan demi kepuasan anggota, melakukan penyesuaian aturan sesuai dengan kondisi sosial masyarakat, melakukan pendekatan yang menjaga perasaan bagi peminjam bermasalah dalam budaya lokal pobinci-binci kulli, memanfaatkan modal sosial serta teknologi informasi sederhana telah meningkatkan jumlah anggota sampai ke luar daerah.
English Abstract
This study of Rural Micro Finance Institution (MFI) Sustainability in Buton, South Sulawesi is aimed at revealing and giving understanding on how to maintain its sustainability and solve the emerging problems, as well as on the advantages that the members with loans will get on account of the presence of Micro Finance Institution in their village. The approach employed in this study is Qualitative Phenomenology which uses the analysis model developed by Miller and Huberman. The analysis of the collected data is done by reducing, categorizing, presenting, concluding, and verifying the data at almost the same time. The findings of this study showed that the Micro Finance Institution sustainability is indebted to the staffs who show professionalism and sincerity in working, prioritize services to the members, implement discipline management, value local ethics, establish trust between staffs and the members which, in turn, increase the amount of saving, serve members out of village administration, and prioritize the members` satisfaction. In solving problems, MFI implements discussion between staffs and the members so that the decisions made got full support from all. Besides, MFI also visits the members who are behind the schedule in paying the loan or what is termed as emotional approach, and makes Sintesa Non Governmental Organization (NGO) as the partner in supervision until recently. The presence of MFI not only gives the members some benefits in the economic and social aspects, but also encourages them to struggle and realize their goals on condition that they pay the loan on time and helps them to obtain capital to start business. The major proposition 1 is that sustainability can be realized by the professional leader/staffs who are elected based on discussion and who can implement corporate governance which combines character-based loan-giving and respect towards the local culture. Sustainability is also supported by the members` discipline in returning the loan, which is a kind of character that is based on the religious and social norms of the society, as well as the culture. The major proposition 2 says that sustainability is supported by the staffs who show willingness to work hard in a search of advancement of the society and who are able to implement discipline and honesty as the main consideration in giving loans. This nature is motivated by the cultural, honesty and mortification value, as well as the benefits of the cooperation`s presence which gives ease in raising the capital which, in turn, stimulates entrepreneurship and the cohesiveness of the villagers. The major proposition 3 indicates that sustainability is supported by the cooperation of the staffs who work hard to build trust, prioritize services for the members` satisfaction, adjust the rules to adapt with social condition of the society, make approach to members who have predicaments in paying back the loans by putting the local culture of pobinci-binci kulli into practice, and make use of the social capital as well as simple information technology which increases the number of the members who also come from the other village areas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/658.15/FIR/s/061402674 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.1 Organization and financial management |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Kimia, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 26 May 2014 10:32 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2014 10:32 |
URI: | |
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