Model Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong (Studi pada Kelompok Peternak Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara)

Rintjap, AnnekeK (2013) Model Komunikasi dalam Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong (Studi pada Kelompok Peternak Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara). Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sapi potong merupakan komoditas peternakan yang berperan penting sebagai penyedia sumber protein hewani bagi masyarakat . Disamping itu sapi potong juga berperan sebagai penyedia pupuk, penyedia tenaga kerja, serta dapat me manfaatkan sisa hasil pertanian sebagai pakan ternak dan bagi masyarakat pedesaaan sebagai tabungan. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk , maka kebutuhan daging akan meningkat. Upaya meningkatkan populasi dan produktivitas sapi potong telah dilakukan, namun belum memperlihatkan hasil yang maksimal. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan beberapa permasalahan yang menghambat. Masalah utama yang dilihat dalam penelitian ini adalah proses komunikasi peternak sapi potong di kabupaten Minahasa belum maksimal dibandingkan dengan daerah lain misalnya di daerah pulau Jawa. Untuk itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujua n sebagai berikut : 1. Menganalisis pengaruh fa k tor karakteristik komunikator (penyuluh) terhadap karakteristik komunikan dalam pengembangan usaha ternak sapi potong . 2. Menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik penyuluh terhadap karakteristik komunikan melalui kualitas pesan dalam pengembangan usaha ternak sapi potong . 3. Menganalisis p engaruh karakteristik p enyuluh terhadap karakteristik komunikan melalui jenis saluran dalam pengembangan usaha ternak sapi potong . 4. Menganalis p

English Abstract

Beef cattle are important commodity as animal protein source for people. In addition, beef cattle also serves as a fertilizer provider, used as drought cattle, utilized crops side products for its feed and become savings for rural communities. Along with the increase of population, the need for meat will increase as well. Efforts to increase in population and productivity of beef cattle have been done, but still have not shown satisfactory results. This happens due to some problems. In this study, the main problem is the communication process beef cattle breeders in the district of Minahasa not maximized when compared with other regions such as in Java Island. To overcome this problem, this study has the following objectives: (1) to analyze the influence of the characteristics of the communicator (extension) on the characteristics of the communicant in the development of the beef cattle business, (2) to analyze the influence of the characteristics of the communicant through the extension of the characteristics of message quality in the development of livestock beef cattle, (3) to analyze the influence of the characteristics of the communicant through the extension of the type of channel characteristics in the development of beef cattle business, (4) to analyze the influence of the characteristics of the communicant through the extension of the characteristics of the message and the type of channel quality and its impact on the effect of communication in the development of beef cattle business. The research location was in Minahasa regency with the consideration that the region as a center of the largest beef cattle production in North Sulawesi. The beef cattle business in Minahasa Regency is a business that has long been done by farmers. The population in this study is a beef cattle farmer in four districts: (1) Remboken, (2) Kakas, (3) West Kakas, and (4) Tompaso. The sample size in this study is to use a sample with an overall population that is equal to 135 farmers. Data analysis was performed by descriptive of the characteristics of the respondents include the village, the position of farmers in the group, a member of the group, farmers age, sex, level farmers, number of family members covered by farmers, experience in breeding, livestock origin, sources of capital, the benefits of breeding, how to raise information, visit frequency extension workers, the interest of farmers to enter the group, type of feed, feeding frequency, extension workers level and experience into extension workers. The pattern of relationships among the variables under study is a causal relationship of one exogenous variable (characteristic communicator) with four endogenous variables (quality of the message, type of line, characteristic of the communicant, and the effect of the communication). Model estimation was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), while the data were processed using a computer program Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). The results of research related to the characteristics of the respondents indicated that the majority of respondents were from rural districts Wailang while the majority of respondent`s origin was from districts Remboken. Based on the position of the majority group, the respondent is a member of the group members ranged from 1-5 years. In addition, the respondent entered into an interest farmers in groups because they want to gain knowledge about modern farming. Farmers who were respondents have the following profile: (1) the average age of 41-50 years, (2) the majority of sex is male, (3) level of education owned is elementary schools, (4) most respondent have experience as a farmer between 1-5 years. The beef cattle used was from government assistance through the Food Security Agency and the Department of Agriculture Livestock and Plantation Minahasa. The cattle were fed forage with agricultural waste by feeding frequency of 1-2 times a day and there are also farmers who provide food to the frequency of 3-4 times a day. Majority of educated extension workers education with a high school level extension worker ranged from 16-20 years with visiting frequency of 1-2 times a month. The results of SEM analysis showed that the direct influence of communicator characteristics on the characteristics of the path coefficients obtained communicant of 0.115. The path coefficients obtained from the P-value of 0.385. Because the P-value> 0.05 indicates that there is no direct influence on the characteristics of the communicator between communicant characteristics. This indicates that no matter how good communicator characteristics (ethos, pathos and logos extension), it will not affect the communicant characteristics (experience, culture, and education of farmers). Characteristics of the communicant is characterized by the following: (1) there is an element of understanding, awareness and ability of communities to select and apply a variety of innovations; (2) commitment and active agreement to increase the success of various dimensions of development programs; and (3) better life. On the direct influence of communicator characteristics on the quality of the message, the path coefficient is 0.407. From the path coefficient, P-value obtained is 0.000. P-value of <0.05 was indicated that there is a direct influence between communicator characteristics on the quality of the message. The better the characteristics of the communicator (the higher the value of ethos, pathos and logos extension), it will directly lead to the high quality of the message (high image quality, sound, and content of the message). The ability of communicator characteristics causes the message to be more reliable. Characteristics communicator serves as a `starting gate` of the information can be trusted or not. If the communicator has a bad reputation or in other words having a bad communicator characteristics, the communicant would not want to hear the information submitted. Ability characteristics of a good communicator can cause communicant interest to listen to the information presented. This condition determines the quality of the message will be good or not. If the perception of the communicant in accordance with the intent of the communicator, it can be said that the communication was successful. On the direct influence on the characteristics of the quality message communicant path coefficient is equal

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DES/636.213 092/RIN/m/061402007
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.2 Cattle and related animals
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 09 May 2014 10:30
Last Modified: 09 May 2014 10:30
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