Rundengan, MeiskeLusye (2013) Optimalisasi Usahatani Terpadu antara Usaha Sapi Potong dengan Perkebunan Kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kebutuhan protein hewani masyarakat Indonesia terus meningkat. Laju peningkatan jumlah penduduk, yang diikuti dengan perbaikan taraf hidup dan perubahan selera konsumen telah mengubah pola konsumsi yang mengarah pada protein hewani asal ternak. Pasokan daging dalam negeri belum mampu mengimbangi permintaan di dalam negeri. Oleh karenanya untuk untuk memenuhi permintaan daging di dalam negeri diperlukan impor dalam jumlah cukup besar. Ketidaksediaan lahan untuk areal penggembalaan dan ketersediaan pakan ternak menjadi salah satu penyebab masih rendahnya jumlah ternak. Populasi sapi potong di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara masih rendah. Menurut Ifar (2007), dibandingkan dengan provinsi-provinsi lain di Sulawesi, populasi sapi potong di Sulawesi Utara ialah terendah. Pada tahun 2005, populasi sapi potong di Sulawesi Utara hanya 7,3% dari total populasi sapi di Sulawesi (1.369.585 ekor). Apabila pertumbuhan negatif populasi sapi seperti diatas terjadi secara berkelanjutan, ditambah dengan kecilnya populasi dibandingkan propinsi lain di Sulawesi, maka bisa dikhawatirkan bahwa kontribusi Propinsi Sulawesi Utara terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan daging nasional akan semakin marjinal. Oleh karenanya diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan populasi sapi di Sulawesi Utara dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang tersedia seoptimal mungkin. Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan merupakan salah satu wilayah di Sulawesi Utara yang berpotensi untuk pengembangan ternak sapi. Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan memiliki luas areal penanaman padi 15.308 hektar, luas areal penanaman jagung sebesar 20.882 dan areal kebun kelapa seluas 45.041,5 hektar (Anonymous, 2012). Luasnya areal penanaman padi dan jagung akan menghasilkan limbah pertanian yang cukup bagi pakan ternak sapi. Hal tersebut menjamin ketersediaan pakan yang cukup sepanjang tahun untuk ternak sapi. Areal kebun kelapa yang luas dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai areal penggembalaan ternak. Pertanian monokultur memiliki banyak kendala. Harga komoditas kelapa, cengkeh, vanili, padi dan jagung yang berfluktuasi dan adanya ketidakpastian harga merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan petani kurang serius menangani usaha pertaniannya, sehingga produktivitas lahan kering di Sulut tidak memadai. Kondisi tersebut terutama nampak pada kawasan pertanian lahan kering dataran rendah dan kebanyakan merupakan kantong kemiskinan di Sulut berada di wilayah pertanian tersebut. Sistem integrasi tanaman–ternak (SITT), baik tanaman perkebunan maupun tanaman pangan merupakan salah satu alternatif potensial, yang dapat memecahkan permasalahan pada usahatani perkebunan, tanaman pangan, bahkan permasalahan peternakan itu sendiri. Sistem integrasi tanaman-ternak mengintegrasikan seluruh komponen usaha pertanian baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal, sehingga tidak ada limbah yang terbuang. Sistem tersebut sangat ramah lingkungan dan mampu memperluas sumber pendapatan dan menekan risiko kegagalan. Potensi pakan dari sisa tanaman pangan menunjukkan potensi yang sangat besar dalam memecahkan masalah pakan di tingkat peternak. Pupuk kandang yang merupakan limbah ternak dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan organik tanah. Kompos merupakan sumber pupuk organik bagi tanaman, sekaligus sebagai pembenah tanah ( soil amendment ). Pemanfaatan limbah pertanian hingga tidak ada lagi limbah yang terbuang akan bermakna melestarikan perputaran unsur hara dari tanah-tanaman-ternak-kembali ke tanah secara sempurna. Kearifan lingkungan ini perlu ditumbuhkembangkan secara luas sehingga mampu menjaga kelestarian sumber daya alam. Perumusan masalah dalam penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi pendapatan sistem pertanian terpadu dan non terpadu? (2) Bagaimanakah pembiayaan dan pendapatan pada sistem pertanian terpadu dan non terpadu?, (3) Bagaimanakah model optimalisasi sistem pertanian terpadu? serta (4) Bagaimana dampak simulasi perubahan harga output dan harga input terhadap optimalisasi sistem pertanian terpadu? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji (1) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan sistem pertanian terpadu dan non terpadu, (2) Menganalisis pembiayaan dan pendapatan pada sistem pertanian terpadu dan non terpadu., (3) Menganalisis optimalisasi sistem pertanian terpadu., serta (4) Menganalisis dampak simulasi perubahan harga output dan harga input terhadap optimalisasi sistem pertanian terpadu. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Tenga, Sinonsayang dan Amurang Barat, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan pada bulan Nopember 2011 sampai dengan bulan Februari 2012. Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan dipilih sebagai wilayah penelitian dengan pertimbangan yaitu Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan merupakan salah satu sentra produksi sapi potong dan kelapa di Sulawesi Utara (BPS SULUT, 2012). Berdasarkan sampel lokasi terpilih yaitu kecamatan Tenga, Sinonsayang dan Amurang Barat ditentukan desa sample secara purposive sampling dengan pertimbangan desa yang mempunyai ternak sapi terbanyak dan luas areal kelapa terbesar. Desa yang dipergunakan sebagai sampel di Kecamatan Tenga ialah desa Tenga dan Pakuwere, desa sampel di Kecamatan Amurang Barat ialah desa Kawangkoang Bawah dan Kapitu, sedangkan desa sampel di Kecamatan Sinonsayang ialah desa Ongkaw 1, Ongkaw 2 dan Blongko. Untuk menjawab tujuan pertama digunakan Analisis Regresi, untuk menjawab tujuan kedua menggunakan ANOVA, serta untuk menjawab tujuan ketiga dan keempat dengan analisis optimasi dengan multiple goal programming (MGP). Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa (1) Faktor luas lahan, biaya-biaya, tenaga kerja berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan sistem pertanian terpadu dan non terpadu. Pendapatan tani kelapa dipengaruhi oleh faktor luas lahan (X LH ), biaya pakan ternak (X PT ), serta sistem usaha tani (D). Pendapatan ternak sapi dipengaruhi oleh faktor jumlah sapi dipelihara (X JS ), biaya pakan (X BP ), obat ternak (X OT ), serta sistem usaha tani (D). Pendapatan tani jagung dipengaruhi oleh faktor luas lahan (X LH ), biaya KCl (X BK ), serta biaya tenaga kerja sewa (X TKS ). Pendapatan tani padi dipengaruhi oleh faktor luas lahan (X LH ), biaya SP-36 (X BSP ), serta biaya tenaga kerja sewa (X TKS
English Abstract
Animal protein needs of Indonesian people continue to increase. The rate of population increase, followed by the improvement of living standard and changes in consumer tastes have changed the consumption patterns that leads to cattle-derived animal protein. Domestic meat supply has not been able to keep pace with domestic demand. Therefore, to meet the domestic demand for meat it is required fairly large quantities import. The unavailability of land for grazing and cattle feed availability become one of the causes of the low number of cattle. Beef cattle population in North Sulawesi is still low. According to Ifar (2007), compared to other provinces in Sulawesi, the beef cattle population in North Sulawesi was the lowest. In 2005, the population of beef cattle in North Sulawesi was only 7.3 % of the total cattle population in Sulawesi (1,369,585 head). If the above negative population growth in cattle occurs on an ongoing basis, coupled with a small population compared to other provinces in Sulawesi, it can be worried that the contribution of the North Sulawesi province towards the fulfilment of national meat needs will be more marginal. Therefore, efforts are needed to increase the cattle population in North Sulawesi by utilizing the available resources optimally. South Minahasa Regency is one of the areas in North Sulawesi potential for the development of cattle. South Minahasa Regency has a total area of 15,308 hectares of rice cultivation, the total area of 20,882 of corn cultivation and palm plantation area of 45041.5 hectares (Anonymous, 2012). The total area of rice and corn cultivation will produce agricultural waste sufficient for cattle feed. It ensures the availability of adequate feed for cattle throughout the year. The vast coconut plantation area can be used as cattle grazing areas. Monoculture farming has many obstacles. The fluctuated commodity prices of coconut, clove, vanilla, rice and corn and price uncertainty are factors causing farmers less serious in handling their farming, so that the productivity of dry land in North Sulawesi is inadequate. The condition is primarily seen in the area of dry land farming of lowland and mostly of poverty centre in North Sulawesi located in that agricultural region. Integrated crop-livestock system ( SITT ), of both of plantation crops and food crops are the potential alternatives, which can solve the problems of plantation farming, food crops, and even the livestock problem itself. Integrated crop-livestock system integrates all farming components both horizontally and vertically, so that no waste is wasted. The environmentally friendly system is able to expand its sources of revenue and reduce the risk of failure. Potential feed of the rest of food crops shows great potential in solving the problem of feed at the farmer level. Manure, which is animal waste, can be utilized as a source of soil organic matter. Compost is a source of organic fertilizer for plants, as well as soil amendment. Utilization of agricultural waste till there is no more waste is wasted will preserve nutrients rotation from soil-crops-cattle- back to the soil perfectly. This environment wisdom needs to be widely developed so that it is able to preserve natural resources. The formulation of problems in this study is as follows: (1) Factors affecting the revenue of integrated system and non-integrated system?, (2) How is the cost and revenue mechanism of integrated and non-integrated system? (3) How is the optimalization system of integrated farming? (4) What is the effect of simulation of increasing of input and output price to the optimalization of farming-integrated system? This study aims to (1) To Analysis the Factors affecting the revenue of integrated system and non-integrated system?, (2) To Analyze toe the cost and revenue mechanism of integrated and non-integrated system? (3) To analyze the optimalization system of integrated farming? (4) To analyze the effect of simulation of increasing of input and output price to the optimalization of farming-integrated system? The study was conducted in Tenga, Sinonsayang and West Amurang Subdistricts, South Minahasa Regency on November 2011 until February 2012. South Minahasa Regency was chosen as the study area with the consideration that South Minahasa Regency was one of the centres of production of beef cattle and coconuts in North Sulawesi ( BPS of North Sulawesi, 2012). Based on the samples of selected locations, namely Tenga, Sinonsayang and West Amurang Subdistricts, it was determined sample villages by purposive sampling with the considerations of villages that had the most cattle and the largest coconut land area. The villages used as samples in Tenga Subdistrict were the villages of Tenga and Pakuwere, village samples in West Amurang Subdistrict were the villages of Kawangkoang Bawah and Kapitu, while sample villages in Sinonsayang Subdistrict were the villages of Ongkaw 1, Ongkaw 2 and Blongko. To answer the first objectives, it was used multiple linear regression analysis and linear regression. To answer the second objective, it was used the analysis of variance using ANOVA. To answer the third and second objective, , it was used optimization analysis by multiple goal programming (MGP). The results of analysis show that (1) the optimization in the coconut land in the integrated system of cattle or other crops (corn, and/ or rice) can reduce the cost of cleaning, fertilizer, and the medicines, so as to create financing efficiency, (2) the components of land area, herbicides cost, inorganic fertilizers cost, pesticide costs, number of cattle, cattle feed, cattle medicines, seeds and labour provide positive effect on the increase in farmers` revenue, and (3) integrated farming system involving food crops inside the coconut and cattle system generates higher revenue than coconut-cattle system, or non integrated coconut-cattle system. The highest revenue is earned on coconut-cattle-corn system with the total revenue of Rp 16,457,915 and revenue of cattle raising equal to Rp 9,076,571 or if totalled it is equal to Rp 25,534,486. By simulation of 20% increase in the selling price of cattle, the farmers` revenue will increase by 13.94 %, while the 20 % increase in the selling price of crops, the farmers revenue will increase by 13.39 %.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/636.01/RUN/o/061403049 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.01 Ranches and farms |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 25 Jun 2014 10:30 |
Last Modified: | 25 Jun 2014 10:30 |
URI: | |
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