Pengaruh Kecepatan Aliran Air terhadap Profil Darah dan Otot dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Benih Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscogutattus)

Oedjoe, MarcelienDjublinaRatoe (2012) Pengaruh Kecepatan Aliran Air terhadap Profil Darah dan Otot dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Benih Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscogutattus). Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kecepatan aliran air adalah laju aliran air untuk menempuh lintasan air pada waktu tertentu. Semakin besar kecepatan aliran air menyebabkan semakin besar respon rangsangan yang terjadi. Pergerakan ikan secara terus menerus akan berdampak pada otot. Otot berkontraksi di bawah koordinasi otak atau di bawah kesadaran dan terjadi saat ada rangsangan. Rangsangan dapat berasal dari adanya aliran air, listrik, angin, cahaya. Aktivitas fisik kehidupan ikan akan sangat terkait dengan jaringan otot dalam tubuh. Pergerakan ikan akan merangsang otot-otot ikan beradaptasi dan membuat otot berkembang, sehingga menjadi penting untuk dipelajari melalui teknik pengaturan kecepatan aliran air pada budidaya ikan agar dapat mempunyai benih kerapu macan yang baik. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas ikan kerapu macan ( E.fuscogutattus ) yang aman dan ramah lingkungan adalah dengan memanfaatkan inovasi kecepatan aliran air. Inovasi ini diyakini dapat meningkatkan kualitas benih ikan budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mekanisme meningkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan kerapu macan dengan menggunakan kecepatan aliran air yang berbeda. Penelitian ini terdiri tiga tahapan penelitian dilakukan. Tahap I, pengaruh kecepatan aliran air terhadap hematologi dan histologi otot dalam meningkatkan kualitas benih ikan kerapu macan ( E. fuscoguttatus ) dengan indikator komponen darah, histologi otot, pemeriksaan protein, lemak dan asam amino, outputnya peningkatan eritrosit, Hb, hematokrit, kekenyalan otot terhadap kontrol penurunan leukosit terhadap kontrol, pembesaran serat otot, kadar protein & lemak. Tahap II, profil protein serum darah benih ikan kerapu macan ( E. fuscoguttatus) yang tampak oleh kecepatan aliran air, indkatornya profil pita protein Serum darah, Jumlah pita protein bertambah berat molekul pita protein, meningkatnya ketebalan pita protein, selnya lebih tahan hidup dan kuat. Tahap III, yaitu pengaruh kecepatan aliran air terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan benih kerapu macan dengan indikator pengukuran kelangsungan hidup. Output yang diharapkan meningkatnya kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan panjang, pertumbuhan berat dan tubuh yang proporsional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, dengan rancangan penelitian yaitu rangcangan acak lengkap, dengan perlakuan kecepatan aliran air 1,00 cm/detik, 2,00 cm/detik , 3,00 cm/detik serta kontrol 0,0 cm/detik. Masing-masing perlakuan diulangi 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati: pertumbuhan (panjang, berat), kelangsungan hidup, kualitas air, hematologi, histologi, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kekenyalan serat oto, profil pita protein. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kecepatan aliran air meningkatkan ukuran sel otot, eritrosit, hemoglobin, hematokrit, serta meningkatkan kekenyalan serat otot dan penurunan leukosit sehingga benih lebih kuat dan tahan hidup. (2) kecepatan aliran air meningkatkan pita-pita protein, ketahanan tubuh benih ikan kerapu macan, terjadi penurunkan kadar lemak dan protein sehingga benih ikan kerapu macan lebih kuat dibanding dengan kontrol. (3) kecepatan aliran air meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup 100%, kandungan oksigen dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan panjang benih kerapu macan dan penurunan berat tubuh ikan kerapu macan serta menemukan pola pertumbuhan isometric (b=3) pada kecepatan aliran air 2,00 l/detik.

English Abstract

Flow water of velocity is the water flow rate of water passage to cover at any given time. The greater the velocity of water flow causes a greater response to stimulation occurs. Continuous movement of fish will have an impact on the muscle. Muscles to contract under the coordination of the brain or in the consciousness and occurs when there is a stimulus. Stimulation can come from the flow of water, electricity, wind, light. Physical activity fish life will be associated with muscle tissue in the body. The movement of fish will stimulate the muscles of fish to adapt and make the muscles grow, so it is important to learn the technique of speed regulation of water flow on fish farming in order to have a good tiger grouper juvenils. One of the factor in which fish obtain better meat elasticity is by moving a lot and this originated from those fishes captured from nature. It become necessary to be investigated through water flow velocity arrangement technique applied to cultured fish in order to gain better tiger grouper juveniles. One safe and environmental effort to improve quality of tiger ( E.fuscoguttatus ) is by using innovation in water flow velocity. This innovation believed could improve quality of cultured juveniles. Present studies has the objectives to found out quality of tiger grouper juvenils by detecting optimum water flow velocity in improving life survivals and its growth, to found out effect of optimum water flow velocity toward histological functions and blood components of tiger grouper juvenils, and also to found out and analyzing effect of water flow velocity toward protein bands in blood serum of tiger grouper juvenils. To achieve those objectives, three phase of study was conducted. Phase I, effect of water flow velocity toward hematology and histology of skeletal muscle in improving quality of tiger grouper juvenils with indicators in blood components, skeletal muscle histology and meat elasticity. Output in phase one concerned with erythrocyte improvement, Hemotology, haematrocyte, meat elasticity compared to (control group), leukocyte reduction compared to (control group), muscle fiber enlargement, reducing fat and protein content. Phase II, which is protein bands profile in blood serum generated by water flow velocity toward tiger grouper ( E. fuscogutattus ) seedlings with indicator protein bands profile in blood serum. Output expected were improvement in amount of protein bands, cells has more disease resistance and tiger grouper juvenils body should become stronger. Phase III, which is effect of water flow velocity toward life survival and growth of tiger grouper juvenils with indicator in life survival measurement. Output expected is by improving 100% life survival and growth in body length. This study used experimental method, with complete random design using treatment for water flow velocity with 1,00 l/sec, 2,00 l/sec, 3,00 l/sec and control with 0,0 l/sec. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Observable parameters include: growth (length, weight), life survivals, water quality, hematology, histology, protein content, fat content, meat elasticity, protein bands profile. Result of this study showed that (1) water flow velocity has improve size of muscle cells, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, haematrocyte, and improve meat elasticity of tiger grouper fish, also involved in reducing leukocytes level, (2) water flow velocity has improve protein bands, body resistance in tiger grouper juvenils, reducing fat and protein content thus fish juvenils is stronger compared to control group, (3) water flow velocity has improved 100% life survivals, improve oxygen content and improve length growth of tiger grouper juvenile and involved in reducing weight of tiger grouper also found an isometric growth pattern (b=3) in water flow velocity of 2,00 l/sec.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DES/597.736/OED/p/061303582
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates > 597.7 Perciformes
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2013 12:04
Last Modified: 02 Jul 2013 12:04
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