Kajian Better Management Practices (Bmp) Pendederan Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus) di Batam

Akbar, Syamsul (2012) Kajian Better Management Practices (Bmp) Pendederan Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus) di Batam. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Volume ekspor ikan kerapu Macan dari Batam terus meningkat setiap tahun. Sebagai contoh ekspor kerapu ke Hongkong dan Singapura setiap tahunnya mencapai 200 ribu ekor. Sementara melihat dari harga ekspor kecenderungannya dari tahun ke tahun juga semakin meningkat, sebagai contoh kerapu macan ukuran 500-600 gram harganya dapat mencapai Rp.150.000,- per kg. Salah satu akar masalah dalam usaha budidaya ikan kerapu adalah tingginya kematian benih saat tahap pendederan. Penyebab utamanya adalah belum diterapkannya better management practices pendederan ikan kerapu macan yang tepat. Better management practices mengenai ukuran benih saat tebar, jumlah padat penebaran, jenis pakan dan pola pemberian pakan, serta penanganan penyakit selama pendederan belum dapat diterapkan sebagaimana mestinya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis better management practices pendederan ikan kerapu macan yang tepat; menganalisis hubungan antara better management practices dengan sintasan dalam pendederan ikan kerapu macan; dan menyusun better management practices perbaikan mutu secara berkesinambungan dalam pendederan ikan kerapu macan yang sesuai dengan kondisi lokal Batam. Kerangka pikir penelitian berisi permasalahan dalam budidaya ikan kerapu macan, yaitu tingginya kematian benih pada tahap pendederan. Penyebab utamanya adalah belum dipahami dan diterapkan tahapan better management practices pendederan ikan kerapu macan secara tepat, seperti ukuran benih saat tebar, padat penebaran, kandungan protein pakan serta penanganan penyakit pada tahap pendederan ikan kerapu macan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu kajian ilmiah mengenai kajian better management practices (BMP) pendederan ikan kerapu macan ( Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus ) di Batam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan di Balai Budidaya Laut Batam, yang dimulai pada bulan April sampai dengan Oktober 2009. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan keramba jaring apung dengan kerangka dari bahan kayu dan pelampung styrofoam. Keramba jaring apung terdiri dari 18 petak dan setiap petak dipasang jaring berbentuk kurungan persegi empat berukuran 1x1x1 m 3 . Ukuran mata jaring disesuaikan dengan ukuran ikan uji yaitu 0,5 inch. Benih kerapu macan yang digunakan berukuran berat 5,7 ± 0,004 g dan panjang 9,2 ± 0,002 cm. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan baik pada uji coba tahap pertama maupun tahap kedua adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan mengkaji pengaruh dua faktor perlakuan yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor pertama mengenai padat tebar benih dengan 3 taraf ukuran kepadatan yang berbeda yaitu 75 ekor/m 3 ; 100 ekor/m 3 dan 125 ekor/m 3 , dan faktor kedua mengenai jenis pakan, dengan 2 taraf jenis pakan, yaitu pakan komersial dan pakan rucah (ikan tajan). Kombinasi perlakuan diulang tiga kali sehingga terdapat 18 satuan percobaan (3 x 2 x 3 = 18). Sementara untuk memastikan kondisi kesehatan ikan selama pendederan, maka tindakan pencegahan penyakit dengan cara penyuntikan vaksin polyvalen vibrio dengan dosis 10 7 sel/ikan melalui injeksi intraperitoneal. Data-data yang telah terkumpul dari pengamatan setiap hari, minggu dan bulan selanjutnya di analisa dengan disain rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan menggunakan analisis ragam atau uji F dengan taraf nyata dengan α =0,05. Tahapan better management practices yang tepat dalam pendederan ikan kerapu macan adalah sebagai berikut : (1) melaksanakan weaning di karamba jaring apung selama 5-7 hari; (2) menyeragamkan ukuran benih, panjang 9,2 ± 0,002 cm dan be

English Abstract

The export demand of grouper in Batam is increasing each year. For example, the demand of grouper from Hongkong and Singapore has reached the amount of two hundred thousand fish. While the export cost tends to increase as well each year; for example the grouper that weighted of 500-600 grams cost about Rp.150.000,- per kilo. One of the critical problems in cultivating the grouper is the high mortality during nursery phase. The main reason is because there has not been complete and well applied of better management practices at nursery phase; which means people specifically has not applied of better management practices on the form size of cages, the size of fish, and stocking density, the pattern of food distribution and the treatment of disease during the nursery phase. The objective of this study was to analyze better management practices for tiger grouper at nursery suitable locol condition Batam; analyze the relationship between better management practices in the nursery with a survival rate of tiger grouper, and develop better management practices continuous quality improvement in the tiger grouper fish nursery in accordance with local conditions Batam. Research framework contains a framework that explains the key issues to be observed through the research was conducted. As mentioned above, the main problem in the cultivation of tiger grouper in Batam was the high mortality at the nursery phase. The main cause was not well understood and applied appropriately the stages of better management practices of the tiger grouper especialy at the nursery phase, such as a proper stocking density, protein content of feed and disease treatment at the nursery phase. Therefore, It need a better scientific assessment of the review of management practices (BMPs) tiger grouper fish nursery ( Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus ) in Batam. The study was conducted over six months at Batam Maricuiture Center, which began in April to October 2009. This study begins with the construction of floating net cages with a frame made of wood and fixed with styrofoam as floats. Net cages consists of 18 plots and each of the plots fitted with net cages measured of 1x1x1 meters. Mesh size adapted to the test fish size of 0.5 inches. the test fish size of 5.7 ± 0.004 grams of weight and length of 9.2 ± 0.002 cm. The research design used in both trials in the first stage and second stage were designed by Random Group (RAK) to examine the influence of two-factor factorial treatment arranged. The first factor of the stocking density of grouper with three standard sizes with different density which ware of 75; 100 and 125 fish/m 3 , and the second factor was food, with 2 standard types of food, the commercial pellet and fish trash. The combination treatment was repeated three times so that there were 18 experimental units (3 x 2 x 3 = 18). Group size b1 stocked in 6 plots with plot code were B11 (2 plots); b12 (2 plots) and B13 (2 plots), with stocking density of 75 fish/m 3 , with weight fish of 5,7 ± 0,004 grams and length of 9.2 ± 0.002 cm. Group size b2 stocked in 6 plots with plot code were B21 (2 plots); B22 (2 plots) and b23 (2 plots), with stocking density of 100 fish/m 3 , with of weight 5,7 ± 0,004 grams and length of 9.2 ± 0.002 cm. Group size in 6 b3 stocked plots with plot code is B31 (2 plots); B32 (2 plots) and b33 (2 plots), with stocking density of 125 fish/m 3 , with weight of 5,7 ± 0,004 grams and length of 9.2 ± 0.002 cm. The fish were realised in the net cages gently to avoid stress. During study the fish were fed with pellet and trasfish four time a day at 06.00, 09.00. 12.00 and 18.00, feed were given ad-libitum. Daily amount of feed consumpted by treatment fish were noted by weighted of uneaten feed. To determine the effectiveness of the feed to growth of treatment fish (FCR velue). The growth observed (length and body weight) conducted by random samling each plot as much as 30 % of total number of fish every 2 weeks, visual observation of fish health conducted every day and survival rate of test fish was monitored every months. Meanwhile, to ensure the health condition of test fish, then the action and prevention of disease by injecting vaccine vibrio polyvalen with size 10 7 cells/fish. The data was gathered from observations every day, week and month later in the analysis with the design of randomized block design (RAK) using a variety of analysis or the F test with a real level with α = 0.05. The appropriate pattern of better management practice for tiger grouper at nursery phase in Batam as follows : (1) carry out a weaning in floating net cages for 5-7 days; (2) sizing fish to length of 9.2 ± 0.002 cm and weighs of 5,7 ± 0,004 grams, with a density of 75 fish/m 3 ; (3) give pellets as food with a minimum protein content of 50%. Fed fish adlibitum, with a frequency of 4-5 times a day, at 06:00, 09:00, 12:00 and 18:00; 4) using cover net to prote

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DES/597.736/AKB/k/061204253
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates > 597.7 Perciformes
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2013 09:56
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2013 09:56
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/161036
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