Sedayu, Agung (2012) Pemodelan Pelayanan Terminal Penumpang Transportasi Jalan Berbasis Kepuasan Pengguna. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Infrastruktur transportasi di Indonesia masih perlu banyak pembenahan dan perhatian khusus. Selain jumlahnya kurang memadai, dari aspek kualitas pelayanan infrastruktur tersebut masih cukup memprihatinkan. Perlu adanya upaya dan kiat penyelamatan infrastruktur transportasi di negara Indonesia, agar eksistensinya dapat memberi manfaat dan menunjang pembangunan. Salah satu cara yang sangat penting dan mendasar adalah penentuan Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) infrastruktur transportasi, yang khusus pada penelitian ini menekankan pada SPM terminal penumpang transportasi jalan. SPM berperan sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan infrastruktur transportasi khususnya terminal penumpang transportasi jalan. Acuan penerapan dan penyusunan SPM untuk berbagai sektor termasuk infrastruktur terminal antara lain Undang-Undang Nomor 32 tahun 2004 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 6 tahun 2007 yang berisi kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal. Latar belakang pengembangan terminal memerlukan SPM adalah belum adanya standar dan pedoman yang menjelaskan secara rinci tentang terminal. Acuan yang ada seperti Undang-Undang Nomor 22 tahun 2009, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 tahun 1993, dan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 31 tahun 1995 masih belum jelas dan dan rinci memberikan definisi, batasan, pedoman yang dapat diacu dalam menetapkan pelayanan terminal penumpang transportasi jalan. Penelitian ini berperan secara teoritis dalam pengembangan teori dan metode penentuan kualitas pelayanan dari aspek persyaratan pengguna dan menghasilkan atribut pelayanan baru dengan menggabungkan teori, kajian terdahulu, dan keinginan pengguna terminal. Disamping itu kontribusi praktisnya adalah untuk memperbaiki pedoman perencanaan dan pembangunan berupa standar ukuran, persyaratan minimal, dan acuan desain terminal penumpang transportasi jalan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), dan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Disamping itu untuk mempermudah skoring dan membantu visualisasi pemodelan kualitas pelayanan terminal perlu dibuat program pemodelan yang dihasilkan dari SEM dengan bahasa program Visual Basic 6,0 (VB 6,0). Atribut pelayanan diperoleh dari persepsi pengguna yaitu penumpang terminal, sebab selama ini kajian yang ada hanya sebatas pada kajian teknis dan masih belum disesuaikan atau dibandingkan dengan persepsi pengguna. Respon teknis atas kebutuhan dan kepentingan pengguna diperoleh dari pengelola terminal yaitu UPTD terminal dan Dinas Perhubungan Pemerintah Daerah. Lokasi penelitian adalah tiga kota di Jawa Timur dengan tipe terminal tipe A dan B yaitu Surabaya dengan terminal Purabaya (tipe A) dan terminal Joyoboyo (tipe B), Malang dengan terminal Arjosari (tipe A) dan Tlogomas (tipe B), dan Kediri dengan terminal Tamanan (tipe A) dan terminal Pare (tipe B). Hasil penelitian telah menetapkan sepuluh atribut pelayanan terminal penumpang transportasi jalan dari proses survei pendahuluan dan 54 rincian atribut pelayanan untuk survei lanjutan. Sepuluh atribut pelayanan hasil survei pendahuluan tersebut antara lain adalah jaminan (assurance) , daya tanggap (responsiveness) , kinerja (performance), estetika (aesthetics) , kemudahan (easy) , keandalan (reliability), daya tahan atau keawetan (durability), frekuensi (frequency) , kesenangan dan kenyamanan (convenience and comfort) , dan ketersediaan (availability) . Prioritas perbaikan kualitas pelayanan terminal didasarkan pada tingkat kepentingan pengguna, sedangkan target peningkatan kualitas pelayanan sesuai dengan kepuasan yang diharapkan oleh pengguna dalam waktu mendatang. Target peningkatan kualitas pelayanan untuk enam terminal tipe A dan B terbagi atas 5 (lima) klasifikasi yaitu fasilitas, kenyamanan, keamanan dan keselamatan, biaya, dan pegawai atau petugas pengelola terminal. Kontribusi yang signifikan antar atribut pelayanan pada terminal tipe A (Purabaya, Arjosari, dan Tamanan) dan tipe B (Joyoboyo, Tlogomas, dan Pare). Signifikansi tersebut dijelaskan pada hubungan pengelolaan terminal, kualitas pelayanan terminal, dan kinerja fasilitas pelayanan transportasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna, begitu juga kontribusi pengelolaan terminal dan kinerja fasilitas pelayanan transportasi terhadap kualitas pelayanan terminal. Sedangkan pengaruh langsung dan tak langsung antara pengelolaan terminal, kualitas pelayanan terminal, dan kinerja fasilitas pelayanan transportasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna bernilai positif, begitu juga dengan pengaruh langsung dan tak langsung antara pengelolaan terminal dan kinerja fasilitas pelayanan transportasi terhadap kualitas pelayanan terminal yang bernilai positif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel kepuasan pengguna dapat dijelaskan oleh pengelolaan terminal, kualitas pelayanan terminal, dan kinerja fasilitas pelayanan transportasi, artinya bahwa peningkatan dan penurunan kepuasan pengguna terhadap kualitas pelayanan terminal penumpang transportasi jalan dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan dan penurunan pengelolaan terminal dan kinerja fasilitas pelayanan transportasi. Secara dominan pada terminal Purabaya (tipe A), Arjosari (tipe A), Joyoboyo (tipe B), Pare (tipe B), dan gabungan terminal tipe A dan B bahwa kualitas pelayanan terminal memiliki total pengaruh yang paling besar terhadap kepuasan pengguna, kecuali pada terminal Tamanan (tipe A) dengan total pengaruh terbesar pada pengelolaan terminal dan terminal Tlogomas (tipe B) pada fasilitas pelayanan transportasi. Untuk pengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan, aspek pengelolaan menempati nilai terbesar untuk seluruh tipe terminal, kecuali pada terminal Tlogomas (tipe B) dengan total pengaruh terbesar pada fasilitas pelayanan transportasi. Rekomendasi pedoman SPM terminal tipe A dan B disusun dengan mengacu pada kebijakan tentang terminal di Indonesia, standar terminal di Indonesia dan internasional, dan hasil penelitian ini. SPM meliputi dua aspek yaitu: (1). Lokasi dan letak, aksesibilitas, dan lahan terminal; dan (2). Fasilitas terminal. Saran untuk penelitian berikutnya dapat mengkaji SPM terminal di daerah lain baik tingkat propinsi, kabupaten, dan kota untuk melengkapi hasil penelitian ini agar SPM terminal yang dihasilkan dapat diterapkan secara nasional. Disamping itu perlu dipertimbangkan variabel responden dari pihak operator (sopir dan kenek) angkutan umum, penyewa area komersial terminal, dan masyarakat sekitar terminal.
English Abstract
Transportation infrastructure in Indonesia still needs a lot of improvements and special attention. In numbers are insufficient, from the quality aspect of the infrastructure services are still not good. This condition needs efforts to protect transportation infrastructure performance, so that it can support the Indonesian development. One way that is very important and fundamental stages to improve the quality that is determination of Minimum Service Standard for transportation infrastructure, specifically in this study focus on road transportation passenger terminal. A Minimum Services Standard is very important to improve the quality of transportation infrastructure services especially road transportation passenger terminal. The reference of implementation and preparation of Minimum Service Standard for various sectors including terminal infrastructure which are Government Law No. 32 of 2004 and Government Regulation No. 6 of 2007 about Indonesian government policy on minimum service standards. Terminal requires Minimum Service Standard because there are no standards and guidelines that explain in detail about terminal. The references as Government Law No. 22 of 2009, Government Regulation No. 43 of 1993, and Transportation Minister Decision No. 31 of 1995 are still not clear and detailed to provide definition, requirement, and guideline can be referred to defining road transportation passenger terminal services. This study have theoretically role in the development of theory and methods of determining the quality of service from the aspect of user requirements and to generate new service attributes by combining theory, previous studies, and the terminal user needs. Besides, the practical contribution of this research is to improve the planning and development as guidelines in size, minimum requirements, and reference designs for road transportation passenger terminal. This study use analysis method which are descriptive statistical analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Besides, to facilitate scoring and aid visualization modeling of quality of terminal services that is needs to make modeling program from SEM analysis use Visual Basic 6.0 (VB 6.0). Service attributes are derived from user perception that is terminal passenger, because during the time, the previous studies focus on technical aspect only and have not considered and compared to user perceptions. The technical response of user needs are obtained from the terminal management institution and Local Government Transportation Department. The location of this research are three cities in East Java with the terminal type A and B, namely in Surabaya covering Purabaya terminal (type A) and Joyoboyo terminal (type B), in Malang with Arjosari terminal (type A) and Tlogomas terminal (type B), and Kediri with Tamanan terminal (type A) and Pare terminal (type B). The results of this research have established ten service attributes of road transportation passenger terminal form the preliminary survey and 54 service attributes details for continuation survey. The ten service attributes from preliminary survey that are assurance, responsiveness, performance, aesthetics, easy, reliability, durability, frequency, convenience and comfort, and availability. Priorities of quality of terminal service improvement based on level of user importance, while the target of increasing the quality of service according to the user expected satisfaction in the future. Target of increasing the quality of service for six terminal types A and B divided into 5 (five) classification includes facility, comfort, security and safety, cost, and employee or terminal management officer. Significant contribution between terminal services attributes on terminal type A (Purabaya, Arjosari, and Tamanan) and terminal type B (Joyoboyo, Tlogomas, and Pare). The significance is explained in relationship between terminal management, quality of terminal service, performance of transportation services facilities to the user satisfaction, as well as terminal management contribution and performance of transportation service facilities to quality of terminal service. While the direct and indirect influence between terminal management, quality of terminal service, and performance of transportation service facilities to the user satisfaction is positive, as well as direct and indirect influence between the terminal management and performance of transportation services facilities to the quality of terminal service is also positive. This indicates that the user satisfaction variable can be explained by the terminal management, quality of terminal service, and the performance of transportation service facilities, its meaning that the increase and decrease of user satisfaction to the quality of service of the road transportation passenger terminal is affected by the increase and decrease in terminal management and performance of transportation service facilities. Dominantly on Purabaya terminal (type A), Arjosari terminal (type A), Joyoboyo terminal (type B), Pare terminal (type B), and combined type A and B terminals that quality of terminal service has the greatest total effect on user satisfaction, except on Tamanan terminal (type A) with the largest total effect on the terminal management and Tlogomas terminal (type B) on transportation service facilities. The influence to the quality of service, terminal management has greatest value to all terminal types, except in Tlogomas terminal (type B) with the greatest total influence on transportation service facilities. A Minimum Service Standard recommendations for terminal types A and B are arranged in accordance with the government policies of terminal in Indonesia, the terminal standard in Indonesia and internationally, and the results of this study. A Minimum Service Standard includes two aspects: (1). The location and position, accessibility, and land area, and (2). Terminal facilities. Suggestions for the next research is to examine the Minimum Service Standard for terminals in other areas either provincial, district, and city to supplement the results of this study so that the Minimum Service Standard can be applied nationally. Besides, the next researches consider respondents variables of the public transport operator (driver), commercial tenants in terminal area, and the around communities of the terminal.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/388.33/SED/p/061306220 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 388 Transportation > 388.3 Vehicular transportation |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 31 Jul 2013 10:57 |
Last Modified: | 31 Jul 2013 10:57 |
URI: | |
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