Penguasaan Atas Tanah Timbul (Aanslibbing) oleh Masyarakat dalam Perspektif Hukum Agraria Nasional

Muhibbin, Moh (2011) Penguasaan Atas Tanah Timbul (Aanslibbing) oleh Masyarakat dalam Perspektif Hukum Agraria Nasional. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dalam sejarah pertanahan di Indonesia, sampai saat ini masih terdapat beberapa hal yang diatur oleh UU No. 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria, belum dapat dijabarkan lebih lanjut sesuai dengan perkembangan masyarakat. Sebagai peraturan dasar, Undang Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA) hanya mengatur asas-asas atau masalah-masalah pokok dalam garis besarnya berupa hukum pertanahan nasional. Salah satu hal yang belum dijabarkan, adalah terjadinya penguasaan tanah timbul oleh masyarakat yang muncul di perairan pantai utara laut Jawa, khususnya di Kabupaten Gresik dan Kabupaten Pasuruan. Munculnya pulau-pulau lumpur ( Mud Island) yang disebut sebagai tanah timbul, merupakan sumber daya alam baru yang secara ekonomis potensial untuk pertanian dan usaha pertanian tambak bahkan kegiatan industri yang dapat menimbulkan penguasaan dan pemilikan atas tanah timbul tersebut. Penelitian tentang penguasaan tanah timbul ( aanslibbing ) oleh masyarakat dalam perspektif hukum agraria ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengkaji secara mendalam terhadap hakikat tanah timbul 2) Mendeskripsi, menganalisis dan mengkaji pola penguasaan dan pemilikan atas tanah timbul yang tumbuh di pesisir pantai utara laut jawa.3) mendeskripsi sekaligus menganalisis status hak atas tanah timbul oleh masyarakat dalam hukum agraria nasional, serta 4) menemukan dan membangun konsep pengakuan dan perlindungan terhadap penguasaan atas tanah timbul oleh masyarakat dalam perspektif hukum agraria nasional. Oleh karena itu, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis-sosiologis dengan pendekatan yuridis-sosio kultural yang bertumpu pada logika berpikir induksi konseptualis. Terdapat 4 (empat) teori yang menjadi alat untuk menganalisis bagaimana hubungan hukum antara subyek hukum penguasaan atas tanah timbul oleh masyarakat dalam perspektif hukum agraria nasional tersebut, yaitu: teori hukum Alam (lex naturalis) , teori Utilitarian, konsep pluralisme hukum (legal Pluralism) , dan teori hukum sebagai suatu sistem (the legal system) . Berdasar teori hukum alam, penguasaan tanah oleh masyarakaat itu dapat dilakukan pada wilayah yang tidak bertuan (tanah kosong), sedangkan menurut teori utilitarian, menjelaskan bahwa pada hakikatnya, manusia akan bertindak (melakukan tindakan) itu untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang sebesar-besarnya dan mengurangi penderitaannya, atau terhadap peraturan yang dibuat harus dapat memberikan kebahagiaan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi sejumlah individu dalam masyarakat ( the greatest happiness for the greatest number ). Di dalam konsep pluralisme hukum memberikan pemahaman, bahwa suatu kondisi yang di dalamnya terdapat lebih dari satu sistem hukum atau institusi bekerja secara berdampingan dalam aktivitas-aktivitas dan hubungan-hubungan dalam satu kelompok masyarakat. Sementara itu menurut teori hukum sebagai suatu sistem menjelaskan, bahwa hukum sebagai suatu sistem dalam operasinya mempunyai 3 elemen atau komponen dasar yang saling berinteraksi, yaitu struktur, substansi dan kultur hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pola penguasaan dan pemilikan atas tanah timbul oleh masyarakat didasarkan pada budaya masyarakat setempat yang memiliki mekanisme-mekanisme pengaturan lokal dalam masyarakat (inner order mechanism/self regulation ) yang secara nyata berlaku dan berfungsi sebagai sarana untuk mengatur perolehan penguasaan tanah timbul di pesisir pantai, diawali dengan pembukaan atas tanah yang tak bertuan ( tanah kosong ) yaitu munculnya tanah di pesisir pantai utara laut Jawa, khususnya di Kabupaten Gresik dan Kabupaten Pasuruan sebagai proses sedimentasi (tanah timbul) dengan mendapat izin dari Kepala Desa dan dituangkan dalam surat keterangan menggarap (surat Segel di Kabupaten Gresik) dan Surat Izin Pengelolaan Tambak Tanah Oloran (SIPTTO di Kabupaten Pasuruan), dikerjakan dan dikelola secara intensif dengan iktikad baik kemudian terjadilah penguasaan tanah oleh masyarakat dengan hak menggarap. Pola penguasaan dan pemilikan tanah timbul di Kabupaten Gresik dan Kabupaten Pasuruan sangat dibutuhkan oleh intensitas de facto (kesungguhan penggunaan atau penggarapan) manusia atas tanah tersebut. Semakin intens penggarapan, maka semakin utuh pula hubungan antara manusia dengan tanahnya, sehingga semakin kukuh pula penguasaan atas tanah tersebut.

English Abstract

In the agrarian history of Indonesia, up to now, many things that have been regulated in UU No. 5/1960 of the Agrarian Basic Law (UUPA), cannot be described more detailed based on the social development. One of the things that has not been described, is the occurrence of land ownership by the community that arise in the waters of the north coast of Java Ocean, especially in Gresik Regency, and Pasuruan. The emergence of Mud Island which is referred to as the ground arise, is a natural resource that is economically new potential for agricultural and farm ponds and even industrial activities that can lead to mastery and ownership of the land. The research on land tenure arise ( aanslibbing ) by the community in the perspective of agrarian law aims to: 1) examine in depth the nature of the land arising. 2) describe, analyze and examine the patterns of land tenure and ownership that grow on the north coast of Java Ocean 3) describe and also analyze the status of land rights in the society incurred by the national agrarian law, 4) as well as find and develop the concept of recognition and protection of land tenure arise by the society in the perspective of the national agrarian law. Therefore, the method used in this study is juridical-sociological with approach the yuridical-socio legal that based on logical thinking of conceptualists induction. The study implemented four theories that became the instruments for analyzing how the legal relations between subjects of law with tenure on land ownership by the community in the perspective of the national agrarian law, namely: the theory of natural law (lex naturalist), Utilitarian theories, concepts legal pluralism, and the legal system. Based on the theory of natural law, land ownership by community, it can be done in areas with vacant, while according to utilitarian theory, explaining that in essence, the human will act to get the maximum happiness and reduce suffering, or against regulations made should be able to provide happiness for the greatest happiness for the greatest number. In the concept of legal pluralism provides an understanding, that a condition in which there is more than one legal system or institutions can work together in activities and relationships within a community. Meanwhile, according to the theory of law as a system, the law as a system in operation has three basic elements or components that interact with each other; the structure, local substance and legal culture. The results showed that the pattern of control and ownership of land arising by society was based on culture that has inner order mechanism/self regulation in society that substantially valid and serves as a means to regulate the control of land acquisition arise in coast, beginning with the opening of a vacant land that is the appearance of land in the north sea coast of Java, especially in Gresik Regency, and Pasuruan as a process of sedimentation (soil arise) with the permission from village chief and stated in the certificate of working (letter seals in Gresik Regency) and the License Management of Oloran Pond Land (SIPTTO in Pasuruan), treated and managed intensively in good faith then it came to pass control of land by people with the right working. The pattern of land tenure and ownership in Gresik Regency, and Pasuruan is needed by the intensity of the de facto (intensity of use or cultivation) man of the land. The more intense cultivation, then the whole is the relationship between man and land, so the possession of the land is also stronger. The status of land rights in the north coast of Java Ocean (in Gresik Regency, and Pasuruan) is land controlled directly by the state in accordance with PP (Government Regulation) No. 16/2004 about Landscape Regulation and the Circular Letter of the State Minister for Agrarian Affairs/KaBPN No. 410-1293, 1996 on the Control Status of Land Arise and Land Reclamation. Basically the steps to obtain ownership rights over land arising as a form of recognition and protection of the law is to apply the property to the government (through the head office of the local Land) of state land as stipulated in the Regulation of State Minister of Agrarian/KaBPN NO. 3 of 1999 on Delegation of Authority to Grant and Revocation of Land Rights Decision Granting State, for the creation of legal certainty. Form of legal recognition and protection of land tenure sociologically is aware of and understand each other over control and ownership by the community based on something that has been carried from generation to generation according to the traditions and norms that evolve in the life of a working permit/license management of village heads and are protected by the social environment prevailing in the society and as a reflection culture of Indonesia that should be respected, protected and upheld for the creation of community livelihoods prosperity. Suggestions of this research are as follows, government will construct regulation of property rights that explain about property rights based on customary law in the way of clearing surface land. They also should manage governance, ownership, using, and utilization of surface land by considering the existing law in the society which it is cultural background or it is based on local culture that has inner order mechanism/self regulation and it prevails clearly and it functions as a tool to manage of land acquisition arise in coast.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DES/346.043 2/MUH/p/061200005
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 346 Private law
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2012 14:42
Last Modified: 09 Feb 2012 14:42
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