Budiartha, I Nyoman Putu (2012) Perlindungan Hukum Pekerja, Outsourcing Ditinjau dari Prinsip Keadilan, Kepastian Hukum, dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Disertasi ini merupakan penelitian tentang Perlindungan Hukum Pekerja Outsourcing Ditinjau Dari Prinsip Keadilan, Kepastian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif ini membahas tiga permasalahan, yaitu: 1) Bagaimana perlindungan hukum pekerja outsourcing ditinjau dari prinsip keadilan; 2) Bagaimana perlindungan hukum pekerja outsourcing ditinjau dari prinsip kepastian hukum; dan 3) Bagaimana perlindungan hukum pekerja outsourcing ditinjau dari prinsip HAM. Teori yang digunakan sebagai dasar analisis adalah: teori keadilan, teori keadilan sosial, teori kepastian hukum, teori perlindungan hukum, teori stufenbau, dan teori HAM. Berdasarkan atas analisis kajian dari ketiga permasalahan yang dikemukakan, maka didapatkan bahwa pertama , perlindungan hukum pekerja oursourcing ditinjau dari prinsip keadilan yaitu : 1) tidak adanya kebebasan dan kedudukan yang sama dalam perjanjian dan hubungan kerja berkenaan dengan perjanjian kerja baik untuk PKWT maupun PKWTT harus dibuat secara tertulis dan formal (baku), 2) tidak adanya kesetaraan upah dan kesejahteraan bagi pekerja outsourcing yang berstatus PKWT dibandingkan dengan yang berstatus PKWTT, karena penetapan upah berdasarkan struktur dan skala pengupahan yang dipengaruhi oleh terbatasnya waktu/masa kerja PKWT. Kedua , perlindungan hukum pekerja oursourcing ditinjau dari prinsip kepastian hukum yaitu : 1) adanya mata rantai hubungan hukum yang terputus antara pekerja outsourcing dan perusahaan pemberi pekerja dan adanya ketidakpastian hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan penerima pekerjaan, karena dapat beralih menjadi hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan pemberi pekerjaan walaupun sejak awal tidak pernah ada perjanjian dan hubungan kerja, 2) tidak adanya penegasan yang jelas mengenai ciri-ciri dan kriteria jenis pekerjaan penunjang yang dapat di outsource serta alur/skema kegiatan perusahaan pemberi pekerjaan sehingga tidak menjamin adanya job discription yang pasti, 3) adanya inkonsistensi pengaturan bentuk badan hukum perusahaan outsourcing yaitu terdapat konflik norma yang berkonsekuensi hukum tidak terjaminnya perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak-hak normatif pekerja oleh perusaahan outsourcing , 4) adanya inkonsistensi putusan Mahkamah Agung (MA) dalam penentuan jenis pekerjaan yang bisa di- outsource . Ketiga , Perlindungan hukum pekerja oursourcing ditinjau dari prinsip HAM yaitu : 1) tidak adanya jaminan hak atas pekerjaan, serta mendapat imbalan dan perlakuan yang adil dan layak dalam hubungan kerja bagi pekerja outsourcing PKWT, 2) hak jaminan sosial (JAMSOSTEK) termasuk jaminan pensiun terutama bagi pekerja outsourcing PKWT sulit didapatkan berkenaan dengan tidak berkesinambungannya kepersertaan Jamsostek akibat jangka waktu (masa kerja) terbatas, tidak pasti terus bekerja, 3) adanya pembatasan hak hanya terhadap tiga serikat pekerja/serikat buruh atau hanya mengakomodir serikat pekerja/serikat buruh yang memiliki anggota 10% (sepuluh perseratus) dari seluruh pekerja yang dapat melakukan perundingan dengan pengusaha dalam perusahaan. Bertolak dari kesimpulan tersebut di atas rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan, yaitu : 1) Dalam rangka menjamin adanya keadilan dan kepastian hukum dalam perlindungan hukum pekerja outsourcing dipandang perlu melakukan perubahan terhadap UU No. 13 Tahun 2003, yaitu dengan : (1) Merekonstruksi outsourcing sebagai hubungan hukum tiga pihak terutama dalam hal pengaturan hubungan kerja antara pekerja outsourcing dengan perusahaan pemberi pekerjaan dan perusahaan penerimaan pekerjaan dengan hak dan kewajiban yang seimbang dan proporsional, kesetaraan upah dan kesejahteraan harus mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip keadilan; (2) Mengatur secara jelas, tegas dan konsisten mengenai : (a) jenis, kriteria dan sarat-sarat pekerjaan yang dapat di- outsource , serta skema atau alur kegiatan/pekerjaan perusahaan pemberi pekerjaan; (b) bentuk badan hukum perusahaan outsourcing yaitu PT (Perseroan Terbatas) atau Koperasi baik untuk perusahaan pemborong pekerjaan maupun perusahaan penyedia jasa pekerja/buruh, agar mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip kepastian hukum; 2) Guna menjamin perlindungan hukum pekerja outsourcing yang mencerminkan prinsip HAM mengingat jenis dan sifat pekerjaan yang dilakukan pekerja outsourcing sangat spesifik, harus diatur dengan tegas dan mengenai jaminan pensiun dan kompensasi PHK karena berakhirnya perjanjian kerja outsourcing sebagai bagian dari jaminan sosial tenaga kerja (Jamsostek), dengan melakukan perubahan UU No. 3 Tahun 1992, sehingga dapat menjamin eksistensi pekerja outsourcing .
English Abstract
This dissertation is a study on the Law Protection of Outsourcing Workers Seen from Principles of Justice, Legal Certainty and Human Rights. The research which was conducted by the normative legal method addressed three issues, namely: 1) How does the legal protection of outsourced workers in terms of principles of justice, 2) a form of legal protection, legal certainty relating to the outsourced workers employment status, occupation, normative rights of workers, form of business entity of outsourcing company, and settlement of industrial disputes; 3) How is legal protections of outsourced workers in terms of human rights principles. The theories applied as the basis of the analysis are: the theory of justice, social justice theory, the theory of legal certainty, the theory of legal protection, stufenbau theory, and theories of human rights. Based on the analysis of studies of the three issues raised, it was found that the first principle of justice was a philosophical, theoretical, and was a foundation in the establishment of juridical laws. Therefore, the formation of labor law that governs the law protection of outsourced workers must be based on principles of fairness. Governing the legal protection of outsourced workers in Article 64 to the Act No. 66. 13 of 2003 and other related laws and regulations, have not reflected or based on principles of justice, mainly because: 1) lack of freedom and equality in the agreements and working relationships; 2) freedom of association to form and join trade unions/labor unions weakened position and bargaining power of workers in fighting for the rights of normative; 3) the absence of equality of wages and welfare of workers remains far below, 4) lack of freedom in the resolution of rights disputes and disputes through arbitration voluntary layoffs. Second, the principle of legal certainty should be a foundation in the establishment of regulations of employment law that governs legal protection of outsourcing workers, because the principle of legal certainty is a common law principle, derived from the legal ideals of Pancasila, principle II and V, and as the principle of national law. Setting the legal protection of outsourcing workers in employment legislation, especially the Law No.13 of 2003 and its implementing regulations indicate: 1) the uncertainty of the status of labor relations tend to be specified time work agreement; 2) lack of clarity characteristics and criteria supporting kind of work that can be outsourced so that there is no clear job description, 3) inconsistent on legal arrangements form of an outsourcing company, namely the conflict of norms that guarantee the protection and the consequential lack of fulfillment of normative rights of workers; 4) the existence of vague norms in setting wages and welfare of outsourcing workers more consequential lower than specified time work agreement and no social security uncertainty, religious holiday allowance and layoffs compensation; 5) The arbitral award of legal uncertainty because legal action can be filed through the submission of an application for review (PK) and there is inconsistency in interpreting the Supreme Court decision supporting the kind of work that are outsourced in connection with the absence of a clear regulation characteristic and criteria of supporting employment or principal job of the company. Third, philosophically, theoretically, and legally, human rights principles is the principle of common law, derived from the second principle of Pancasila, constitutionality is guaranteed by Republic Indonesia Constitution of 1945, and as the principle of national law. Therefore, it should be a foundation in the establishment of regulations employment law governing legal protection of outsourced workers. Setting the legal protection of outsourced workers in employment legislation is still not fully based on and reflects the principles of human rights. It is known from: 1) has not guaranteed the right to work and decent wages for humanity, so there is no job description and unequal wages compared with permanent workers (unspecified time work agreement); 2) the right to social security (Social Security) is difficult to obtain with respect to the sustainable period as a result of participation (employment) is limited, certainly not continue to work; 3) the right to form and to be member of labor union that is free potentially weaken the bargaining position of workers in the struggle for normative rights, dignity and humanity in working relationships with employers. Based on the conclusion above, recommendations can be offered, namely: 1) In order to ensure fairness and legal certainty in the legal protection of workers outsourcing, it is considered necessary to make changes to the Law No. 13 of 2003, namely by: (1) Reconstructing outsourcing as the legal relationship between three-party, especially in terms of setting the working relationship between the worker with the outsourcing company providing the work and the one accepting employment in which the rights and obligations are balanced and proportionate, equal pay and welfare should reflect the principles of justice, (2) setting clearly, firmly and consistently regarding: (a) the type, criteria and full-laden jobs that can be outsourced, as well as the scheme or the flow of activities of the company providing the work, (b) the form of legal entity of outsourcing company is Limited Company or cooperative both for the work contractor company or companies providing workers/laborers, in order that it reflects the principles of legal certainty, 2) to ensure the laws protection of labor outsourcing that reflects human rights principles, considering the type and nature of work performed by outsourced workers is very specific, the guarantee pension and layoffs compensation should be set firmly since the end of the outsourcing agreement is part of the social security of labor, by making changes to Law No. 3 of 1992, so as to guarantee the existence of outsourcing labor.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Identification Number: | DES/344.01/BUD/p/061201712 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law > 344.01 Labor |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 07 Sep 2012 15:59 |
Last Modified: | 11 Apr 2022 07:50 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/160873 |
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