Suhariyanto, Didik (2013) Pergantian Presiden Di Indonesia. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Disertasi ini berjudul `Pergantian Presiden Di Indonesia`, dengan tiga permasalahan utama yaitu : (1) Apakah pergantian Presiden sesuai dengan paradigma berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia ? (2). Bagaimana mekanisme pergantian Presiden di Indonesia ? (3). Apa implikasi hukum pergantian Presiden di Indonesia ? Ketiga isu hukum (legal isue) dilatarbelakangi tiga problem utama yaitu pertama, `problem filsafat` (philosophy problem), pergantian Presiden sebelum Perubahan UUD 1945, paradigma kedaulatan rakyat berubah menjadi paradigma kedaulatan negara dengan tujuan kekuasaan. Dalam UUD NRI 1945, paradigma kedaulatan rakyat berubah menjadi kedaulatan hukum atau konstitusi dengan tujuan kekuasaan. Maka Pergantian Presiden tidak demokratis, warganegara tidak dapat memilih Presiden sesuai haknya. Kedua,`problem yuridis`, (legal problem), 1. Pasca kemerdekaan - Era Orde Lama: Presiden dipilih secara aklamasi Pasal III Aturan Peralihan UUD 1945. Presiden diangkat seumur hidup (conflict of norm) dengan pasal 7 UUD 1945. Terjadi kekosongan norma (vacum of norm), Undang-Undang Pemilu dan Undang-Undang Partai Politik. 2.Era Orde Baru: (vague of norm) Pasal 7 UUD 1945, Dan Undang-Undang No. 17 Tahun 1969 Tentang Pemilu dan Undang- Undang No. 3 Tahun 1975 Tentang Partai Politik dibentuk untuk kelanggengan penetapan Presiden. 3. Era Reformasi : 1. UUD NRI 1945, tidak mengatur ambang batas (presidential threshold). 2. Norma kabur (vague norm): Pasal 6, Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. Pasal 5 d Undang-Undang No. 42 Tahun 2008 tentang Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, syarat calon secara jasmani dan rohani.Dan (vague of norm) Pasal 29 ayat (2) Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 2008 Tentang Partai Politik, Rekrutmen calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden secara demokratis. Ketiga,`problem teoritis`, (theory problem), dalam UUD 1945, kedaulatan rakyat diwakili oleh MPR. Masa jabatan Presiden ditafsirkan dapat dipilih tanpa batas. Di dalam UUD NRI 1945, kedaulatan rakyat menjadi kedaulatan hukum, ada pembatasan masa jabatan Presiden, tetapi pencalonan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden diusulkan oleh Partai Politik atau gabungan Partai Politik. Tujuan penelitian disertasi adalah mengidentifikasi, menemukan, dan menganalisis pergantian Presiden apakah sesuai dengan paradigma berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia. Dan mekanisme yang tepat bagi pergantian Presiden di Indonesia. Serta implikasi hukum pergantian Presiden di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan: 1. Pergantian Presiden tidak sesuai dengan paradigma berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia, Pada UUD 1945 paradigma kedaulatan rakyat berubah menjadi paradigma kedaulatan negara dengan tujuan kekuasaan. Pada UUD NRI 1945 paradigma kedaulatan rakyat berubah menjadi paradigma kedaulatan hukum atau konstitusi dengan tujuan kekuasaan. Dalam Faham Konstitusional, paradigma konstitusi berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 berubah menjadi faham hukum represif. Argumentasi Teoritik Pergantian Presiden di Indonesia, pada UUD 1945 terjadi paradigma konstitusi Kedaulatan rakyat di tangan MPR, Masa jabatan Presiden ditafsirkan dapat dipilih tanpa batas. Dalam UUD NRI 1945, kedaulatan rakyat menurut konstitusi. Ada pembatasan masa jabatan Presiden, tetapi Presiden diusulkan oleh Partai Politik. 2.Mekanisme Pergantian Presiden sistem demokrasi perwakilan (representative democracy) berdasarkan UUD 1945 tidak demokratis selalu menghasilkan calon tunggal Presiden. Mekanisme Pergantian Presiden secara langsung (direct democracy) berdasarkan UUD NRI 1945, tidak demokratis ditetapkan oleh Partai Politik atau gabungan Partai Politik, yang perekrutan calon Presiden tidak terbuka, calon Presiden dominan dari pengurus Partai Politik. 3.Implikasi hukum berpengaruh terhadap legalitas Pergantian Presiden legalitas Pergantian Presiden pasca kemerdekaan Presiden dipilih oleh PPKI, konstitusional dengan kondisi politik abnormal. Pengangkatan Presiden seumur hidup oleh MPRS inkonstitusional menyimpang (conflict of norm) dengan Pasal 7 UUD 1945. Pergantian Presiden Pada masa Orde Baru – masa Transisi – masa Reformasi, kontitusional dengan kondisi politik abnormal. Pada UUD NRI 1945, Presiden dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat, kontitusional dengan kondisi politik abnormal. Karena Presidential Treshold tidak diatur secara kontitusional. Pergantiaan Presiden di Indonesia tidak legitimate, pada UUD 1945, Sistem perwakilan, terjadi penyimpangan antara aspirasi rakyat dengan wakilnya di MPR. Pada UUD NRI 1945 tidak mengatur (Presidential Threshold). Presiden ditentukan Partai Politik secara tidak terbuka. Pertanggungjawaban Presiden terjadi Paradigma pada UUD 1945, Presiden bertanggung jawab kepada MPR, setelah Perubahan UUD NRI 1945 Presiden bertanggungjawab lang
English Abstract
The dissertation is titled ` The succession President in Indonesia`, with three main issues: (1) Is the change of President in accordance with the paradigm of nation and state in Indonesia? (2). How to change the mechanism of the President in Indonesia? (3). What are the legal implications of the turn of the President in Indonesia? Third issue of law (legal isue) motivated the three main problems: first, the `problem of philosophy`, succession the president before the 1945 Constitution Amendment, sovereignty paradigm changed the paradigm of state sovereignty for the purpose of power. In the 1945 Constitution, the paradigm of sovereignty of the people turned into a rule of law or the constitution for the purpose of power. So Succession undemocratic president, citizens can not elect the President according to their rights. Second, `legal problem`, 1. Post-liberty - the Old Order: The President is elected by acclamation Article III of the Transitional Provisions of the 1945 Constitution. The President appointed for life conflict of norm with article 7 of the 1945 Constitution. Vacancy occurs norm (vacuum of norm), the Election Law and the Law on Political Parties. 2. New Order: (vague of norm) of Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution, and Law. 17 On the Election of 1969 and Law No. 3 In 1975 On Political Parties established for determining the permanence of the President. 3. Reform: 1. The 1945 Constitution, did not set the threshold (presidential threshold). 2. Vague norm: Article 6, Law No. 23 Year 2003 on the Election of President and Vice President.Article 5 of Law No. d. 42 Year 2008 on the Election of President and Vice President, candidates for the physical condition and religious. And vague of norm of Article 29 paragraph (2) of Law No. 2 of 2008 on Political Parties, Recruitment of candidates for President and Vice President democratically. Third, the `theoretical problem`, under the 1945 Constitution, the sovereignty of the people represented by the Assembly. Term of office of the President is interpreted can be selected without limits. In the 1945 Constitution, the sovereignty of the people becomes the rule of law, no Presidential term limits, but the nomination of the President and Vice President shall be proposed by a political party or a coalition of political parties. Dissertation research objective is to identify, locate, and analyze whether the change of President in accordance with the paradigm of the state and nation in Indonesia. And the precise mechanism for the change of President in Indonesia. As well as the change of the legal implications of President in Indonesia. The results of this study can be concluded: 1. Succession President does not conform to the paradigm of nation and state of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution sovereignty paradigm changed the paradigm of state sovereignty for the purpose of power. In the 1945 Constitution sovereignty paradigm changed the paradigm of the rule of law or the Constitution for the purpose of power. In the Constitutional ideology, constitutional paradigm based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution turned into a repressive law schools. Theoretical arguments Succession President of Indonesia, in the 1945 constitutional sovereignty paradigm occurred at the hands of the Assembly of the people, term of office of the President is interpreted can be selected without limits. In the Constitution 1945, the sovereignty of the people according to the constitution. There is a limitation of the term of office of President, but the President nominated by political parties. 2.Mechanism Presidential system of representative democracy based on the 1945 Constitution is undemocratic always produce a single Presidential candidate. Succession mechanism President directly (direct democracy) the 1945 Constitution, set by the undemocratic political party or coalition of political parties, the recruitment of candidates for President are not open, Presidential candidate of the dominant political party officials. 3.Implications law affect the legality of the President legality succession post-liberty president president elected by PPKI, constitutional politics abnormal conditions. Appointment of President for life by the MPRS unconstitutional deviate conflict of norm and Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution.Succession President In New Order - Transitional - the Reformation, constitutional politics abnormal conditions. At the 1945 Constitution, the president is elected directly by the people, constitutional politics abnormal conditions. Since the Presidential constitutional threshold is not set. Succession president of Indonesia is not legitimate, the 1945 Constitution, the system of representation, there are deviations between the aspirations of the people and their representatives in the Assembly. In the 1945 Constitution did not set up (Presidential Threshold). President of the Political Parties are determined not open. The paradigm o
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Identification Number: | DES/342.07/SUH/p/061311560 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 342 Constitutional and administrative law > 342.07 Election law |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jun 2014 08:24 |
Last Modified: | 16 Oct 2024 02:21 |
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