Politik Hukum Pengakuan Peradilan Adat Di Provinsi Papua Pasca Berlakunya Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus

Jamin, Mohammad (2013) Politik Hukum Pengakuan Peradilan Adat Di Provinsi Papua Pasca Berlakunya Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Disertasi ini berjudul `Politik Hukum Pengakuan Peradilan Adat Di Provinsi Papua Pasca Berlakunya Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus`, dengan fokus pada 3 (tiga) masalah, yaitu : (1) Apa hakikat peradilan adat bagi masyarakat hukum adat di Provinsi Papua ?; (2) Mengapa terjadi pergeseran politik hukum pengakuan peradilan adat bagi masyarakat hukum adat di Provinsi Papua pasca berlakunya Undang-undang Otonomi Khusus?; (3) Bagaimana formulasi politik hukum pengakuan terhadap kelembagaan, kewenangan, dan putusan peradilan adat dalam sistem kekuasaan kehakiman yang responsif terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat hukum adat ? Karakteristik penelitian ini termasuk tipe penelitian hukum normatif dengan dilengkapi konfirmasi data lapangan menggunakan instrumen wawancara. Pendekatan penelitian berupa pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan historis, pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan filsafat, dan pendekatan perbandingan. Analisis penelitian menggunakan teori negara kesatuan, teori hirarki/sinkronisasi perundang-undangan, teori hukum responsif, teori keadilan (restoratif), teori pluralisme dan multikulturalisme hukum, dan teori hak asasi / otonomi masyarakat hukum adat. Analisis bahan hukum dilakukan secara yuridis kualitatif menggunakan tehnik interpretasi. Hasil dan temuan penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, hakikat peradilan adat pada masyarakat hukum adat di Papua merupakan lembaga penegak hukum dan penyelesai perkara adat yang tumbuh alamiah dan genuine dari dalam dan bersamaan lahirnya kesatuan masyarakat hukum adat. Peradilan adat bukan penjelmaan dari Inheemsche rechtspraak (peradilan pribumi versi Hindia Belanda, Pasal 74 R.R./130 I.S.), melainkan sebagai community justice system yang informal dan otonom, hidup dan dijalankan oleh kepala masyarakat hukum adat bersangkutan berbasis kearifan lokal berdasar musyawarah untuk mendapatkan restorative justice. Penerapan reaksi adat bertujuan untuk menjaga dan atau mewujudkan kembali keseimbangan komunal, memulihkan dunia kosmis dan menjaga agar tata kehidupan kemanusian berjalan dengan baik dan harmonis (restitutio in integrum). Putusan ondoafi/ondofolo/ontofro terikat dengan roh-roh nenek moyang dan diyakini sakral, sehingga tidak dikenal istilah pengadilan banding/bertingkat. Ondoafi/ondofolo/ontofro dalam menjalankan fungsi sebagai hakim adat dilambangkan dengan filosofi : Matahari, Tanah, Burung Kuning (Cenderawasih), Api, Air, Beringin, dan Samudra. Hakim adat dat dalam forum para-para menggunakan pendekatan hukum adat, dengan berpegang pada asas pokok yaitu asas rukun, patut, laras, dan musyawarah. Kedua, politik hukum dualisme badan peradilan sejak Hindia Belanda berakhir dan diganti unfikasi dengan berlakunya Undang-Undang Darurat No. 1 Tahun 1951 Tentang Tindakan Tindakan Sementara untuk Menyelenggarakan Kesatuan Susunan Kekuasaan dan Acara Pengadilan-pengadilan Sipil, yang menghapus Peradilan Adat. Politik hukum unifikasi peradilan tersebut bergeser dengan berlakunya Undang- Un dang No. 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus Bagi Provinsi Papua, yang mengakui peradilan adat. Pergeseran politik hukum dari mengingkari (ignorance) menjadi mengakui (recognized) peradilan adat di Papua disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan : (1) Paket Kompromi Politik Pemerintah Pusat; (2) Tuntutan Perlindungan Hak-Hak Adat Penduduk Asli Papua; (3) Tuntutan Pemenuhan Nilai-Nilai Dasar Otonomi Khusus Papua (Perlindungan Terhadap Hak-Hak Dasar Penduduk Asli Papua; Penghormatan terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia; Penghargaan Terhadap Pluralisme). Ketiga, politik perundang-undangan sebagai legal policy tentang pengakuan peradilan adat harus diletakkan dalam UU Kekuasaan Kehakiman. Politik hukum pengakuan peradilan adat model Co-existence lebih tepat diadopsi. Formulasi politik hukum pengakuan peradilan adat dalam sistem kekuasaan kehakiman yang responsif terhadap masyarakat hukum adat meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut : (1) Kelembagaan peradilan adat diakui sebagai peradilan di luar negara yang berfungsi sebagai lembaga judicial non litigasi yang berasaskan perdamaian di lingkungan masyarakat hukum adat yang memiliki kemandirian dan otonomi; (2) Peradilan adat diakui berwenang mengadili perkara adat berupa sengketa dan pelanggaran adat diantara warga masyarakat hukum adat. Pelanggaran adat murni menjadi kewenangan absolut peradilan adat. Pelanggaran adat yang ada padanannya dalam KUHPidana (double criminality) dengan ancaman pidana penjara kurang dari 5 (lima) tahun menjadi kewenangan penuh peradilan adat dan putusannya bersifat final, jika ancaman pidana penjara lebih dari 5 (lima) tahun, peradilan adat hanya berwenang mengadili sebatas pelanggaran hukum adat dan sanksi adatnya, dan selanjutnya akan dipertimbangkan hakim pengadilan negara dalam menjatuhkan putusannya; (3) Putusan peradilan adat diakui bersifat final, tidak ada peluang untuk mengajukan permintaan pemeriksaan dan pengadilan ulang oleh peradilan negara sepanjang tidak melanggar HAM atau pelanggaran adat yang juga merupakan perkara pidana menurut hukum positip dengan ancaman hukuman di&nbs

English Abstract

The title of this dissertation is `The Politics of Law in the Recognition of Papua Customary Court After the Enactment of Special Autonomy Act`. There are three main problems in this research: 1) What is the nature of customary court for customary law society in Papua Province?; 2) Why is politics of law of customary court recognition in Papua Province changed after the enacting of the Act on special autonomy for Papua?; c) How are the formulations of politics of law of recognition to institution, authority and customary court decision in responsive judicial power system associated with the customary law society needs? The type of this research is doctrinal which is completed by data from society using interview. This research uses statute approach, historical approach, conceptual approach, philosophical approach and comparative approach. The theories used to analyze the problems of research are a unitary state, hierarchy of law, responsive law, restorative justice, pluralism and multiculturalism of law, and human rights/the outonomy of customary law society. Analysis of data are conducted by qualitative juridical using interpretation techniques. The results of this research can be drawn into some points. Firstly, the nature of customary court for customary law society in Papua is the court which is naturally and genuinely grown from customary law society along with the arise of the unity of customary law society. Adat court is not incarnation of Inheemsche rechtpraak (native court of Oost Indische, article 74 R.R./130 I.S) but as community justice system which is informal and autonomous; living and conducting by the chieftain of customary law society based on local knowledge and discussion for agreement to get restorative justice. The implementation of adat actions are aimed to re-maintain the balance of community and the others, to recover the cosmic world, and to keep the harmony of living condition in those community (restitutio integrum). Ondoafi/ondofolo/ontofro decisions are bided by the ancestor`s spirit which is sacred, so there is not known appeal courts terminology. The sun, soil, Cenderawasih bird, fire, water, banyan tree, and ocean are the philosophy of ondoafi/ondofolo/ontofro when they take responsibility as judges. The judges in para-para meeting have to use customary law approach that hold on to the principles of concord, properly, harmony and discussion for agreement. Secondly, politics of law on dualism of judicial body has happened since the authority of Oost Indische has ended and became unification, that is when the Act of Emergency No 1/1951 on Provisional Measures For The Unity Of Power Structure Implementation And Procedure Of Civil Law in which customary court has been eradicated. The politics of law has been changed by enacting the Act No 21/2001 on special autonomy for Papua Province which recognize the customary court. The reasons of the changing of law politic from ignorance to recognition the customary court are political compromise of central government; claim for protection of the indigeneous rights; demand for fulfillment of fundamental values of Papua special autonomy (such as protection of fundamental rights of native people, admiration of human rights, and a great respect for pluralism). Thirdly, statute politic as legal policy on recognition of customary court should be included in the Judicial Power Act. Co-existence model on politics of law of the customary court recognition is more appropriate to adopt. There are three politics of law of customary court formulation in the responsive judicial power to the customary law society. First, customary court institution has been recognized as external judicial state. This institution which function as non litigation judicial institution in customary law society based on independency and autonomy in society. Second, customary court has jurisdiction to make a judgement to customary cases such as dispute or conflict and violation of customary law between the member of customary law society. The pure violations of customary law is the absolute jurisdiction of adat court. In term of those violations are regulated in code of penal (what is known as double criminality) which is penalized under 5 years imprisonment, it will be the jurisdiction of customary court. In addition, the decisions are final. Conversely, the violations are punished over 5 years imprisonment, customary court just has jurisdiction to make a judgement related to customary law violations. Furthermore, it will be considered by judges of state to make a verdict. The last, the decision of adat court is final. There is no opprortunity to claim for re-investigation and re-trial by judicial state as long as it is not a human rights violations or a customary law violations which is considered as criminal offences in positive law with punishment over 5 years imprisonment. It is hoped, politics of law of customary court recognition in Papua special autonomy act should be revised and included in judicial power act, so that it will be applied to all of customary law society in Indonesia.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: DES/340.595 4/JAM/p/061400109
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law > 340.5 Legal systems
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2014 07:44
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2024 03:12
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/160828
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