Soedrijanto, Angky (2013) Strategi Implementasi Traceability from Sea to Table Bisnis Udang Indonesia (Studi Kasus: Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) dan Udang Vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei) di Jawa Timur). Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Traceability (ketertelusuran) merupakan kewajiban yang mutlak harus dipenuhi agar udang Indonesia dapat diekspor ke Uni Eropa, Jepang dan Amerika. Uni Eropa telah menerapkan systemic border system tahun 2006 lalu yang menyebabkan produk perikanan Indonesia tidak dapat menembus pasar Eropa. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menyikapi dengan cepat dan terbangunlah traceability pada level up stream traceability untuk memenuhi regulasi yang diminta oleh Uni Eropa tersebut hal mana sementara waktu perikanan Indonesia akhirnya dapat melakukan ekspor. Penelitian bertujuan menemukan strategi implementasi traceability from sea to table bisnis udang Indonesia. Makna dari traceability from sea to table berarti merupakan upaya menerapkan ketertelusuran yang menyeluruh sejak udang berupa induk di laut kemudian dipijahkan, menghasilkan benur yang selanjutnya dibudidayakan hingga udang dewasa dan diproses di unit pengolahan menjadi udang sebagai bahan makanan siap saji di meja makan konsumen. Mengingat panjangnya rantai bisnis udang, maka upaya untuk menemukan strategi implementasi dilaksanakan secara bertahap sesuai lini bisnis udang Indonesia yang ada di Jawa Timur yaitu: (1) Lini bisnis perbenihan, (2) Lini bisnis budidaya, (3) Lini bisnis supplier, dan (4) Lini bisnis pengolahan. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif. Untuk menemukan strategi implementasi dibutuhkan analisa secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif serta penggabungan dari keduanya ( mixed research method ) berikut modifikasi metodologi oleh peneliti untuk menemukan keselarasan dengan tema spesifik dalam menyusun strategi. Analisa kuantitatif dimulai dengan uji kekerabatan berdasarkan kode genetis DNA induk udang windu dari beberapa perairan laut di Indonesia memakai metode RAPD-PCR yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Sentral Ilmu Hayati Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Analisa kuantitatif lainnya adalah deteksi residu nitrofuran , chloramphenicol dan tetracylin pada udang hasil budidaya yang diduga pemijahan induk udang mengalami malpraktek melalui pengiriman sampel ke Balai Laboratorium Pengawasan dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan (BLPPMHP) Surabaya. Untuk menemukan strategi implementasi traceability from sea to table , pada setiap tahapan penelitian dilaksanakan analisa mendalam dan spesifik sesuai dengan karakter setiap lini bisnis yang ada. Metode penelitian pada lini bisnis perbenihan serta lini bisnis pengolahan adalah analisa SWOT Balanced Score Cards ; pada lini bisnis budidaya adalah analisa Fish Bone Diagram Balanced Score Cards , pada lini bisnis supplier adalah analisa Snow Ball Effect Balanced Score Cards . Penggunaan Balanced Score Cards untuk membantu menilai capaian kinerja para pelaku bisnis dalam rangka menemukan langkah implementasi traceability . Pengambilan kesimpulan wujud implementasi strategi dilakukan melalui triangulasi dalam bentuk Focus Group Discussion yang melibatkan para stake holder, stock holder dan share holder di tingkat makro-meso-mikro dalam bisnis udang Indonesia. Perumusan hasil FGD diperoleh melalui analisa Soft System Methodology . Berdasarkan hasil analisa pada tiap lini bisnis, ditemukan bahwa: (1) penetapan induk udang yang dipijahkan merupakan starting point data telusur untuk implementasi traceability from sea to table , dan (2) supplier sebagai pelaku pada lini bisnis supplier adalah tokoh kunci yang paling tepat untuk berperan sebagai transformator data telusur dari up stream traceability menuju ke down stream traceability . Traceability from sea to table seharusnya sudah dapat diterapkan dalam bisnis udang Indonesia dengan mudah dan akurat mengingat perangkat pendukung utamanya berupa sumberdaya manusia menyatakan telah siap; serta perangkat ketetapan Pemerintah berupa zonasi wilayah perikanan dengan kode tertentu telah tersedia merupakan sumber informasi data telusur yang memadai.
English Abstract
Traceability is an absolute obligation that must be met in order for Indonesian shrimp can be exported to the EU, Japan and America. The European Union has implemented of systemic border system in 2006 which led to Indonesian fishery products can not penetrate the European market. The Indonesian government has been responding quickly and builds traceability at the level up stream to meet regulatory demanded by the European Union that for the fishery temporarily Indonesia finally able to export. The research aims to find a strategy for implementation of traceability from sea to table in Indonesian shrimp business. Meaning of traceability from sea to table means an attempt to implement a comprehensive traceability from broodstock in the form of sea shrimp before spawning, which in turn produces fry until shrimp grown cultivated and processed in a processing unit shrimp to ready meals as foods in consumer dining table. Given the lengthy chain of shrimp business, so to find a traceability implementation strategies in stages according to Indonesia s shrimp business lines in East Java, namely: (1) seed business lines, (2) cultivating business lines, (3) business line supplier, and (4) business line processing. The research is descriptive. Implementation strategies needed to find quantitative and qualitative analysis as well as a combination of both (mixed research method) following modification of the methodology by researchers to find harmony with a specific theme in the strategy. Quantitative analysis begins with testing the genetic code based on DNA kinship parent shrimps from several marine waters in Indonesia using RAPD-PCR method were carried out in the Central Laboratory of Biological Sciences Brawijaya University Malang. Quantitative analysis is the detection of residues of nitrofuran other, and chloramphenicol in shrimp aquaculture tetracylin alleged malpractice spawning broodstock experience through the delivery of samples to the Center of Quality Supervision and Testing Laboratory of Fisheries (BLPPMHP) Surabaya. Quantitative analysis begins with testing the genetic code based on DNA kinship broodstocks from several marine waters in Indonesia using RAPD-PCR method were carried out in the Central Laboratory of Biological Sciences UB. The other quantitative analysis is the detection of residues of nitrofuran, chloramphenicol and tetracycline in shrimp aquaculture that malpractice alleged spawning broodstock through the delivery of samples to the Center of Quality Supervision and Testing Laboratory of Fisheries (LPPMHP) Surabaya. To find a strategy for implementation of traceability from sea to table, at every stage of the research carried out in-depth analyzes and according to the specific character of each line of business there. Research methods in the seed business lines and business lines of processing is SWOT analysis Balanced Score Cards: on-line analysis of the business culture is Fish Bone Diagram Balanced Score Cards, the supplier is a business line analyzer Snow Ball Effect Balanced Score Cards. Use of Balanced Score Cards to help assess the achievement of the performance of the business in order to find a traceability implementation steps. Deduction form is done through triangulation strategy implementation in the form of focus group discussions involving the stake holders, stock holder and share holder at the macro-meso-micro in Indonesian shrimp business. Formulation of the results FGD obtained through the analysis of Soft System Methodology. Based on the analysis on each line of business, it was found that: (1) the determination broodstock to the spawning is the starting point for the implementation of a data traceability from sea to table, and (2) supplier as a key person to transformation a data tracing of shrimp from up stream traceability to down stream traceability. Traceability from sea to table should already be applied in Indonesia`s shrimp business easily and accurately recall the main support in the form of human resources said it has prepared, as well as the provisions of the Government in the form of zoning code with a particular fishery is a source of information has been available search data is sufficient.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/338.372 538 8/SOE/s/061400367 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.3 Other extractive industries |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 01 Jul 2014 11:51 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jul 2014 11:51 |
URI: | |
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