Sugiharti, Lilik (2012) Desentralisasi Fiskal, Migrasi Internal, dan Konvergensi Pendapatan Regional di Jawa Timur (Sebuah Pendekatan Spasial). Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jawa Timur telah mengalami disparitas yang cukup tinggi antar daerah, dan menunjukkan kecenderungan yang semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua isu utama, yaitu, (1) proses konvergensi pendapatan regional di Jawa Timur, terutama terkait dengan desentralisasi fiskal dan migrasi internal, dan (2), klustering pendapatan perkapita dan adanya ketergantungan spasial antar kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pertama terjadi pemerataan yang lebih baik pada pendapatan perkapita kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur selama 2004-2010. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan penurunan dispersi pendapatan perkapita kabupaten/kota selama periode penelitian. Hasil ini juga dikonfirmasi dengan adanya konvergensi beta absolut, artinya kabupaten/kota dengan PDRB perkapita rendah mampu mengejar ketertinggalan dari kabupaten/kota dengan PDRB perkapita tinggi, meskipun dengan kecepatan konvergensi yang relatif lambat. Kedua, hasil estimasi dengan model konvergensi bersyarat menunjukkan bahwa, desentralisasi fiskal yang direpresentasikan dengan pengeluaran total, mampu mempercepat proses konvergensi pendapatan perkapita di Jawa Timur, begitu juga dengan migrasi risen masuk. Dengan demikian, kebijakan desentralisasi fiskal ini masih diperlukan sebagai instrument untuk mengurangi ketimpangan pendapatan perkapita antar kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Ketiga, Terdapat ketergantungan spasial antar kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur dalam hal pertumbuhan ekonomi (regional spillover effects ). Keempat, hasil estimasi model konvergensi klub menunjukkan kecenderungan terjadinya polarisasi atau klusterisasi PDRB perkapita di Jawa Timur, sehingga memunculkan two spatial regimes . Klub pertama, klub tengah (core) membujur dari wilayah selatan ke utara, klub ini merupakan daerah-daerah kaya yang juga dikelilingi oleh daerah kaya. Klub kedua, klub pinggiran (periphery) yang berada di wilayah barat, timur, dan utara. Klub ini merupakan daerah daerah miskin yang dikelilingi oleh daerah miskin. Di kedua klub ini cenderung terjadi divergensi sebagai dampak adanya local spillovers .
English Abstract
East Java has experienced a high level of disparity across regions, and tend to increase over time. In addition, the majority of the studies on regional income convergence has usually ignored spatial dependence among regions. The research aims to address the two main issues, (1) the regional income convergence process in East Java, mainly towards fiscal decentralization and internal migration, and (2), percapita income clustering and spatial dependence in East Java. Based on a sample of 29 districts and 9 municipalities in East Java, over the 2004-2010 periods found that, first, a better equality on percapita income across regions. It was showed by sigma convergence, a decline in percapita income dispersion across regions during the period. This result was also confirmed with absolute beta convergence, low percapita income regions has been able to catch up the higher percapita income regions, eventhough the speed of convergence was relatively slower. Second, the estimation result on conditional convergence model showed that fiscal decentralization which was represented with total expenditure abled to speed up the convergence process, and also the internal migration. Third, spatial relationship or spatial dependence was quite relevant. A region`s economic growth was indeed affected by the the performance of its neighbors. This result suggests that the spillover effects among regions are important for growth. This results demonstrated, that spatial interrelation can not be ignored in the analysis of economic growth. Ignoring such relationships can result in model misspecification. Furthermore, this research also found two spatial regimes which can be interpreted as spatial convergence clubs. The first club, the central club ( core , rich regions surrounded by rich regions), located from south to north, from Malang to Surabaya. The second club ( peripheral , poor regions surrounded by poor regions), which was in western, eastern, and northern of East Java. It seems like a core and periphery structure in a new economic geography theory. The two spatial regimes had different convergence process, and tend to be divergence as impact of local spillover effects. The findings not only strengthened the endogenous growth theory and the new economic geography theory, but also important to develop a policy recommendation due to regional development planning.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/336.3/SUG/d/061307521 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 336 Public finance > 336.3 Public debt and expenditures |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 22 Apr 2014 11:02 |
Last Modified: | 22 Apr 2014 11:02 |
URI: | |
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