Zuhroh, Idah (2010) Studi Posisi Efisiensi Ekonomi Bank Syariah dalam Lingkup Industri Perbankan Nasional : Suatu Pendekatan Stochastic Cost Frontier. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengestimasi efisiensi ekonomi bank syariah dengan menggunakan pendekatan frontier biaya stokastik, (2), menentukan sumber-sumber inefisiensi ekonomi dan (3) menganalisis pengaruh variabel kompetensi mana g erial dan struktural terhadap efisiensi ekonomi (efisiensi biaya). Sampel pengamatan adalah 3 bank syariah penuh ( full banking system ) dan 19 bank konvensional yang go publik di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) secara purposive , dari tahun 2002.3-2008.4. Data-data analisis bersumber dari neraca dan R/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun bank syariah unggul dalam pencapaian efisiensi teknis,namun rata-rata efisiensi ekonomi jauh lebih rendah dibanding bank konvensional. Inefisiensi bank syariah lebih bersumber dari inefisiensi alokatif. Rendahnya efisiensi alokatif bank syariah disebabkan adanya beberapa persoalan struktural seperti : kecilnya skala usaha, minimnya kompetisi antar bank syariah, serta kurang efektifnya infrastruktur yang mendukung operasi perbankan syariah. Sementara efisiensi teknis ditopang oleh keberhasilan bank syariah dalam pengendalian likuiditas, pengendalian pembiayaan sehingga kualitasnya terjaga. Besarnya permodalan tidak signifikan menjelaskan perbaikan efisiensi disebabkan di awal-awal pengamatan, besarnya modal tidak banyak digunakan untuk mengekspansi pembiayaan, namun lebih untuk membangun infrastruktur pendukung operasional bank. penelitian ini sekaligus mampu membuktikan bahwa teori Stucture-Conduct-Performance (SCP) dan Relative-Efficiency yang selama ini memberikan hipotesis yang bertentangan dan juga terjadi dua kubu dalam pengujian hipotesis, terbukti saling mendukung dengan pemberlakuan asumsi ceteris paribus . Implikasi hasil penelitian ini bagi otoritas perbankan adalah mengefektifkan infrastruktur pendukung pengembangan perbankan syariah dan mendorong kompetisi antar bank syariah melalui serangkaian regulasi ataupun deregulasi yang membangun conduct bank. Bagi bank syariah, perlu pengendalian karakteristik kompetensi managerial sehingga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi teknis secara optimal. Peneliti selanjutnya dapat mengembangkan literature efisiensi bank syariah dari beberapa aspek kajian seperti : pendekatan profit, mengungkap regulasi dan institusi pendukung dengan proksi lebih terukur serta kompetisi dari aspek conduct .
English Abstract
This study aims at 1) estimating the economic efficiency of sharia banks using stochastic cost frontier approach, (2), determining economic inefficiency sources and (3) analysing the influence of managerial and structural competence variable on economic efficiency (cost efficiency). The samples of observation are three full sharia banking system and 19 conventional banks listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) purposively, from 2002.3-2008. The data was obtained from balance sheet and income statement. The result showed that although Sharia banks is superior in the achievement of technical efficiency, but the average economic efficiency is much lower than conventional banks. The inefficiency of sharia banks comes from allocative inefficiency. The lack allocative efficiency of sharia banks is caused by the existence of some structural problem, such as: the small business size, the weak of competition among sharia banks, and lack of effective infrastructure that supported by the success of Islamic banking operations. Technical efficiency is supported by the success of Islamic banks in controlling amount liquidity, controlling financing, so that its quality control is maintained. The amount of capital does not significantly explain the efficiency improvement due to early observations, the amount of capital is not widely used to expand the financing, but rather to built the bank`s operations infrastructure. This research also prove theory of structure Conduct Performance (SCP) and the Relative Efficiency where during the time was giving contradictive hypotheses and there are also two camps in hypotheses testing, proven to support each other by ceteris paribus assumption. The implications of this research result for the banking authorities are making effective the support infrastructure for developing sharia banking and encouraging competition between sharia banks through a series of regulation or deregulation that build the conduct of bank. For sharia banks, it is needed a control to the managerial competence characteristic in order to improve technical efficiency optimally. The further research can develop literature of sharia bank efficiency based on some study aspects, such as: Profit-approach, exposing regulation and supporting institution with more-measured proxy and competition from conduct aspect.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/332.1/ZUH/s/061002566 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 332 Financial economics > 332.1 Banks |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jan 2011 10:32 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2011 10:32 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/160729 |
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