Djelantik, IGustiNgurahSupartha (2012) Otonomi Desa Pakraman dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa di Provinsi Bali. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Dinamika politik hukum pemerintahan desa terus berubah-ubah dan menunjukkan inkonsistensi dalam berbagai kebijakan. Pemerintahan desa diposisikan untuk melayani kepentingan `kekuasaan` dari pada `subjek` demokratisasi, pelayanan publik dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Marjinalisasi, peminggiran, ketidakadilan tercermin dari rendahnya alokasi anggaran pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dan rendahnya atensi pemepintah terhadap berbagai problema yang membelenggunya. Desa sebagai bentuk pemerintahan terdepan yang memiliki posisi strategis tersebut ditempatkan sebagai objek dari pada subjek. Kondisi ini kemudian semakin dilematis berkenaan dengan kurangnya pemahaman elit pengambil kebijakan tentang hakikat desa dilihat dari perspektif filosofis, yuridis dan sosiologis. Inkonsistensi dan ketidaksesuain pemahaman baik pada tataran asa, konsep maupun substansi yang lahir dari ketidakmampuan elit kekuasaan untuk berpikir sistematis sebagai suatu kekuatan, dan cara kerja secara inkrumental, terpecah-pecah, tidak sistematis dan ketidakpahaman ketatanegaraan tentang pemerintahan desa mengakibatkan terjadinya dilema dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa di Bali dan `hancurnya` sendi-sendi kehidupan masyarakat, adat-istiadat, sosial-budaya, ekonomi, politik (demokrasi) di desa khususnya di Bali. Pemerintahan desa di Bali dilakukan oleh dua desa, yaitu desa dinas/kelurahan dan desa pakraman . Desa dinas menjalankan fungsi administratif dari pemerintahan kabupaten/kota dan desa pakraman atau sebelumnya disebutkan desa adat, menjalankan fungsi sosial, ekonomi, keagamaan, tugas pembantuan atau menjalankan tugas pemerintahan yang tidak mampu dilaksanakan oleh aparat desa dinas. Desa pakraman mendapat pijakan konstitusional dari Pasal 18B ayat (2) dan Peraturan daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2001 tentang Desa Pakraman . Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka dapat ditarik tiga permasalahan mendasar yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1. Bagaimanakah esensi desa pakraman dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa di Bali?; 2. bagaimanakah hubungan pemerintahan daerah kabupaten/kota dengan desa pakraman dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa di Bali?; 3. bagaimanakah bentuk otonomi desa pakraman dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa di Bali?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk membedah dan menganalisis masalah tersebut adalah yuridis normatif, dengan pendekatan filosofis, yuridis, historis, komparatif dan konseptual dengan mempergunakan kerangka teori sebagai pisau analisis dan memperkaya pemahaman gagasan tentang otonomi Pemerintahan desa pakraman di Bali, yaitu teori negara kesatuan, teori negara hukum, teori desentralisasi, dan teori volkgeist ; sedangkan konsep living law , konsep hukum responsif, dan semi autonomous social field . Berdasarkan analisis sebagai jawaban dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, hal-hal sebagai berikut: Pertama : 1. Desa pakraman merupakan lembaga politik, ekonomi, dan sosial-budaya, masyarakat adat di Bali, yang memiliki hukumnya sendiri ( awig-awig ), tumbuh dari bawah bukan berian, yang mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat secara mandiri (otonomi asli). 2. Landasan filosofis Desa Pakraman adalah Tri Hita Karana , yaitu yang mengatur hubungan antara manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan alam dan antara manusia dan manusia, untuk mewujudkan kehidupan yang harmonis. 3. Landasan sosiologis Desa pakraman marupakan tatanan yang bersifat khas, berbeda-beda ( desa kala patra , dan desa mawa cara ) antara desa pakraman yang satu dengan yang lainnya, yang mencerminkan apresiasi terhadap nilai-nilai perbedaan sebagai keniscayaan, demokratisasi dalam semangat kebersamaan yang religius magis. Karakter kekhasan tersebut merupakan manifestasi dari ajaran agama Hindu yang telah melembaga dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat sebagai penentu menjadi l pembentukan karakteristik KMHA Bali. 4. Landasan yuridis/kostitusional desa pakraman adalah Pasal 18B ayat (2) dan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2001 tentang Desa Pakraman . 5. Desa pakraman , merupakan pilar budaya, ekonomi, sosial-budaya ketertiban/hukum dan pelayanan yang sosioreligius. Esensialitas pencapaian hasil dalam berbagai kasus pelaksanaan program-program pembangunan menunjukkan hasil lebih baik melalui pendekatan sosio-kultural dibandingkan melalui pend
English Abstract
The legal politics of the village government keeps changing and shows inconsistency in its various policies. The village government is positioned to serve the interests of the `power` rather than the `subject`, democracy, public services and empowerment of people. The extremely limited budget allocated for empowering the rural people and the extremely limited attention paid by the government to the various problems the rural people face reflect marginalization and injustice. As the foremost form of government which has a strategic position, the village government is positioned as the object rather than the subject. Such a condition is getting more dilemmatic as a result of the fact that the decision-making elites are less knowledgeable of the principles of the villages if viewed from the philosophical, legal, and sociological perspectives. Inconsistency and misconception of the principles, concepts and substances resulting from the inability of the elites that have the power to think systematically as a strength, the incremental and unsystematic way of working, and being unknowledgeable of the matters pertaining to the village government have been responsible for the difficulties in executing the village government. These have also caused the foundations of the societal life, customs and traditions, socio-culture, and politics (democracy) in the Balinese villages in particular to `become destroyed`. In Bali the village government is executed by two types of villages, the administrative village and the traditional ‘pakraman` village. The administrative village executes the administrative functions of the regency/city government and the traditional `pakraman` village executes the social, economic, religious and supporting functions of the government which cannot be performed by the elites of the administrative village. The constitutional foundation of the traditional `pakraman` village is Article 18B clause (2) and the Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2001 concerning the Traditional Village. Based on the background described above, the problems of the present study can be formulated in three questions; they are (1) what principles are referred to by the traditional village in executing the village government in Bali; (2) how the regency/city government is related to the traditional `pakraman` village when executing the village government in Bali; (3) what is the autonomy of the traditional `pakraman` village like when performing the village government in Bali? The method used to analyze the problems of the study was the normative juridical method with philosophical, juridical, historical, comparative and conceptual approaches. The theory of unitary state, the theory of constitutional state, the theory of decentralization, the theory of volkgeist, the concept of living law, the concept of responsive law, and the concept of semi autonomous social field were used to analyze and enrich the understanding of the autonomy the traditional `pekraman` village has. Based on the analysis of the answers to the problems mentioned above, the conclusions which could be drawn are as follows: First : 1. The traditional `pakraman` village is a political, economic and socio-cultural organization of the Balinese people which has its own law ( awig-awig ), grows from the bottom, and organizes and manages the people`s interests independently (the original autonomy), meaning that the traditional village is not a given one. 2. The philosophical foundation of the traditional `pakraman` village is Tri Hita Karana , the philosophy which organizes the relation between human beings and God, the relation between human beings and their environment, and the relation among them in order to create a harmonious life. 3. The sociological foundation of the traditional `pakraman` village is specific in nature, meaning that one traditional village is different from another (based on the philosophy of desa kala patra , and desa mawa cara ‘the place, the time, and the condition). This reflects appreciation of the values of differences which cannot be avoided and democratization based on the motivation of magical religious togetherness. Such specific nature manifests Hinduism which has been institutionalized in different aspects of societal life which contribute to the formation of the characteristics of KMHA Bali. 4. The juridical/constitutional foundation of the traditional `pakraman` village is Article 18B clause (2) and the Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2001 concerning Traditional Village. 5. The traditional `pakraman` village is the pillar of culture, economy, socioculture, law and socio-religious services. The developmental programs in many cases have been better achieved through socio-cultural approach than through formal approach.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DES/320.84/DJE/o/061204275 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 320 Political science (Politics and government) > 320.8 Local government |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 26 Aug 2013 12:13 |
Last Modified: | 26 Aug 2013 12:13 |
URI: | |
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