Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude Toward Using dan Behavior Intention to Use terhadap Actual System Use dalam Implementasi Teknologi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Sys

Muliati, Niswah (2010) Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude Toward Using dan Behavior Intention to Use terhadap Actual System Use dalam Implementasi Teknologi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Sys. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Segala dimensi dalam korporasi mengalami perkembangan teknologi, karenanya pihak manajemen harus pandai dan cermat melihat perkembangan teknologi terkini sebagai bagian dari upaya optimalisasi kinerja dan kemajuan yang diharapkan. Salah satu bentuk kemajuan teknologi informasi terkini adalah implementasi sistem Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ). Penerapan teknologi dalam suatu organisasi mendorong terjadinya perubahan revolusioner terhadap prilaku individu dalam bekerja, dan dalam konteks penggunaan ERP , kemungkinan seseorang mempunyai keyakinan bahwa penggunaan sistem akan memberikan manfaat bagi dirinya dan pekerjaannya. Oleh karenanya persepsi para personil (orang-orang) yang terlibat dalam implementasi sistem akan berpengaruh pada akhir suatu sistem, kinerja sistem itu berhasil atau tidak, dapat diterima atau tidak, bermanfaat atau tidak jika diterapkan. Penelitian melalui metode survey ini ditekankan kepada 93 orang karyawan PT. Semen Gresik yang bersentuhan langsung dengan sistem ERP sebagai end-user di masing-masing bidang dan groupware , oleh karenanya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat menjawab besarnya pengaruh antara 5 konstruk utama di dalam technology acceptance model (TAM) yaitu perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude toward using, behavior intention to use serta actual system use, yang akhirnya mencerminkan penerimaan karyawan pada sistem ERP. Penelitian eksploratif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif ini menggunakan kuesner sebagai instrument pengumpul data primer dengan menerapkan skala semantic differential yang di kembangkan sedemikian rupa, dan data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah menggunakan teknik analisis data yaitu Partial Least Square (PLS) untuk melihat pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antar variabel. Adapun data sekunder diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara dan pengumpulan informasi terkait dari dokumen perusahaan dan official website PT. Semen Gresik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dari perceived ease of use terhadap perceived usefulness sebesar 72,9% (R 2 = 0,531, t = 12,882), dari perceived ease of use terhadap attitude toward using sebesar 60,1% (R 2 = 0,702, t = 8,927), dari perceived usefulness terhadap attitude toward using sebesar 29,1% (R 2 = 0,702, t = 3,564), dari attitude toward using terhadap behavior intention to use sebesar 74,1% (R 2 = 0,549, t = 14,778), dan dari behavior intention to use terhadap actual system use sebesar 36,2% (R 2 = 0,131, t = 4,603). Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penerimaan user terhadap suatu teknologi dipengaruhi kuat oleh persepsi kemudahan dan persepsi kemanfaatan yang menimbulkan sikap menerima dan kemudian minat berprilaku menggunakan sehingga menampakkan penggunaan sistem secara nyata dalam bentuk intensitas waktu penggunaan.

English Abstract

All dimensions of corporate experience in technology development, refore management has to be resourceful and scrupulous to take notice of latest technological developments as part of efforts to optimize expected performance and progress. One proof of current information technology advancement is implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP). Application of technology within an organization is to encourage revolutionary change of individuals behavior at work, and in context of use of ERP, re is possibility that someone has a belief that use of system will provide benefits for himself and his work. refore, perception of personnel ( worker) which are involved in implementation of system will effect to end of a system, system performance was successful or not, acceptable or not, useful or not, if it applied. Research through a survey method was emphasized to 93 employees of PT. Semen Gresik in contact directly with ERP system as end-users in ir respective fields and groupware, and refore this study aims to answer influence between five main constructs in technology acceptance model (TAM) that is perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude toward using, behavioral intention to use and actual system use, which ultimately reflects recruitment of employees on ERP system. This explorative research through quantitative approach is using questioner as primary data collection instrument by applying semantic differential scale that was developed in such a way, and data obtained was processed by using data analysis techniques namely Partial Least Square (PLS) to see direct and indirect effects among variables. secondary data obtained through interviewing techniques and ga ring relevant informations from company documents and official website of PT. Semen Gresik. results of this research showed an effect of perceived ease of use to perceived usefulness is 72,9% (R 2 = 0,531, t = 12,882) , perceived ease of use to attitude toward using is 60,1% (R 2 = 0,702, t = 8,927) , perceived usefulness to attitude toward using is 29,1% (R 2 = 0,702, t = 3,564) , attitude toward using of behavioral intention to use is 74,1% (R 2 = 0,549, t= 14,778) , and behavioral intention to use system to actual system use is 36,2% (R 2 = 0,131, t = 4,603). This research proves that user acceptance of a technology strongly influenced by perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness which are emerging acceptances and n behavior intention to use where as to reveal using of a real system in intensity of usage time .

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/658.403 801 1/MUL/p/041002517
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.4 Executive management
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 22 Nov 2011 10:04
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2011 10:04
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