Karakteristik Fisiko-Kimia Ubi Kelapa Kuning Dan Ungu Serta Sifat Pasta Ubi Kelapa Ungu (Dioscorea Alata)

Afriliana, Asmak (2013) Karakteristik Fisiko-Kimia Ubi Kelapa Kuning Dan Ungu Serta Sifat Pasta Ubi Kelapa Ungu (Dioscorea Alata). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ubi air (Dioscorea alata) adalah anggota dari keluarga monokotil Dioscoreaceae. Sebagai makanan, ubi air memiliki komposisi yang baik sebagai sumbernya karbohidrat juga mengandung pati, protein, serat dan gula. Karena itu Ubi air memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi berbagai macam produk bergizi. Apalagi di negara lain telah menggunakannya dalam kesehatan karena mengandung senyawa bioaktif. Hal ini karena pada daging umbi yang sangat bergetah atau berlendir keluar senyawa bioaktif seperti polisakarida yang larut dalam air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan sifat fisikokimia karakteristik dan karakteristik paste serta profil amilograf ubi air kuning dan ungu. Studi ini adalah pengamatan fisika-kimia ubi air. Pengolahan penelitian data menggunakan metode deskriptif. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan to memudahkan interpretasi data maka dibuat grafik atau histogram. Itu penelitian terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah penelitian tentang karakterisasi fisikokimia ubi air kuning dan ungu. Dari hasil tahap pertama diperoleh rendemen atau kandungan PLA kasar ubi ungu sebesar 572,20 mg/100g sedangkan ubi ungu sebesar 110,90 mg/100g. Hasil analisis proksimat kadar air adalah air berwarna kuning ubi memiliki kadar air yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan ubi ungu. Pada analisis dari protein, ubi air ungu memiliki kandungan protein yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan ubi kuning. Kandungan protein ubi air cukup rendah untuk umbi khas. Demikian pula, kandungan lemaknya cukup rendah, sehingga kontribusi terbesar terhadap energi dari ubi air berasal dari karbohidrat. Kandungan serat kasar air ubi rendah jika dibandingkan dengan buah-buahan dan sayuran. Hasil dari analisis antioksidan, ubi ungu memiliki kandungan antioksidan 47,83% sedangkan ubi kuning sebesar 45,38%.. Kandungan antosianin ubi ungu adalah 14,68 ppm. Kandungan antioksidan lain seperti total karoten pada ubi kuning sebesar 81,42 μg/100 g , dan betakaroten sebesar 54,31 μg/100 g. Hasil analisis serat pangan, serat larut ubi ungu dan ubi kuning hampir sama; mereka adalah 3,23% dan 3,28%. Selanjutnya dilakukan tahap kedua. Itu analisis segar viskositas ubi air dan analisis umbi dan tepung ubi ungu kekentalan yang telah diberi tambahan CMC hidrokoloid dan makanan aditif Sodium tripoli fosfat. STPP tambahan adalah 0,2, 0,25, dan 3% dari berat bengkoang yang telah diencerkan dengan air suling di dalam perbandingan (air suling : berat umbi = 1 : 1) untuk menghasilkan pasta yang halus. Di sana juga merupakan umbi ubi air yang telah dikukus dengan perlakuan yang sama diatas, namun penambahan hidrokoloid adalah CMC sebesar 0,5, 0,75 dan 1%. Itu analisis viskositas umbi ubi air tawar dilakukan dengan menggunakan RVA (Rapid Visco Analyzer) sedangkan analisis viskositas pasta dan tepung ungu umbi bengkuang menggunakan viskometer. Analisis dilakukan pada suhu 900C untuk viskositas kondisi panas dan 500C untuk viskositas kondisi dingin. Hasil analisis viskositas umbi segar meliputi gelatinisasi suhu umbi ubi ungu dan kuning sangat berbeda, yaitu 81.750C dan 50.250C dengan waktu gelatinisasi 8-9 menit. Viskositas puncak umbi ubi air ungu dan kuning juga sangat berbeda; mereka 603.08 dan 300.25 RVU. Hasil analisis viskositas warna ungu dan kuning ubi hampir sama; mereka adalah 228 dan 214,75 RVU. Akhir kekentalan umbi ubi air lebih tinggi dari kekentalan panas; mereka adalah 529 RVU untuk umbi ubi ungu dan 254 RVU untuk umbi kuning. Hasil dari analisis viskositas pasta umbi dan tepung ubi ungu menyimpulkan bahwa semakin banyak konsentrasi STPP dan CMC diberi viskositas yang lebih tinggi bahan. Bahan diberi tambahan CMC yang lebih tebal dari STPP. Ini karena konsentrasi CMC yang ditambahkan lebih tinggi dari STPP; mereka adalah 0,5, 0,75, dan 1% dari berat bahan. Dari hasil, itu juga dapat menentukan karakteristik kekentalan umbi ubi kelapa dimana kondisi panas viskositas rendah dan kondisi dingin tinggi viskositas maka viskositas pasta umbi kukus lebih tinggi dari viskositas tepung.

English Abstract

Water yam (Dioscorea alata) is a member of the monocotile family Dioscoreaceae. As food, water yam has a good composition as a source of carbohydrates also contains starch, protein, fiber and sugar. Therefore water yam has the potential to be developed into a wide variety of nutritious products. Moreover, in other countries have used it in health because its contain bioactive compounds. This is because on tuber flesh which very gummy or slimy coming out bioactive compounds such as water-soluble polysaccharides. The purpose of this research was to determine the physicochemical characteristic and the pasting charachteristic as well as the amilograph profile of yellow and purple water yams. This study is the observation of the physico-chemical water yams. Processing of research data using descriptive methods. The data were presented in tabular and to facilitate interpretation of the data then made graphs or histograms. The research consisted of two stages. The first stage is research of characterization of physico-chemical yellow and purple water yam. From the results of the first stage, the yield or crude PLA content of purple water yam was 572,20 mg/100g while the yellow yam was 110,90 mg/100 g. Proximate analysis results of water content were yellow water yam had higher water content than purple yams. On the analysis of protein, purple water yams had higher protein content than yellow yam. Protein content of water yam was low enough for typical of tuber. Similarly, the fat content is low enough, so that the largest contribution to the energy from water yams comes from carbohydrates. Crude fiber content of water yams was low when compared to fruits and vegetables. Results of antioxidants analysis, purple yams had antioxidants content 47,83% while the yellow yam was 45,38%.. Anthocyanin content of purple yam was 14,68 ppm. The content of other antioxidants such as total carotene in yellow yam was 81,42 μg/100 g , and betacaroten was 54,31 μg/100 g. Results of dietary fiber analysis, soluble fibers of purple and yellow yams were almost same; they were 3.23% and 3.28%. Further more, it carried out second stages. It was analysis of fresh water yam viscosity and analysis of tuber and flour of purple yams viscosity that has been given the additional hydrocolloid CMC and food additive Sodium tripoly phosphat. The additional STPP was 0.2, 0.25, and 3% from the weight of yam which had been diluted by distilled water in the ratio (distilled water: tuber weight = 1: 1) to produce a smooth paste. There was also a water yam tuber that had been steamed by same treated as above, but the additional hydrocolloid was CMC by 0.5, 0.75 and 1%. The analysis of fresh water yam tuber viscosity was done using RVA (Rapid Visco Analyzer) while the viscosity analysis of paste and flour of purple yam tubers using a viscometer. Analysis was done at temperature 900C for hot condition viscosity and 500C for cold condition viscosity. Results of viscosity analysis of fresh tubers include gelatinization temperature for purple and yellow yam tubers are very different, they were 81.750C and 50.250C with gelatinization time 8-9 minutes. Peak viscosities of purple and yellow water yams tubers were also very different; they were 603.08 and 300.25 RVU. Results of viscosity analysis of purple and yellow yam were almost the same; they were 228 and 214.75 RVU. The final viscosity of water yam tuber higher than the hot viscosity; they were 529 RVU for purple yam tubers and 254 RVU for yellow one. Result of viscosity analysis of tuber paste and flour of purple yam conclude that the more concentration of STPP and CMC were given the higher viscosity of materials. Materials were given additional CMC thicker than STPP. This is because the concentration of CMC was added higher than STPP; they were 0.5, 0.75, and 1% of the weight of the materials. From the results, it can also determine the characteristics of coconut yam tubers viscosity where hot condition was low viscosity and cold condition was high viscosity then viscosity of steamed tuber paste higher than viscosity of flour.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/635.23/AFR/k/041310050
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dioscorea alata, Water Soluble Polysaccharide, Viscosity
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.2 Edible tubers and bulbs
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 13 May 2014 14:16
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2023 01:33
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/158964
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