Fabrikasi Fiber Optic Ring-Resonator (FORR) Berbasis Serial Kaskada dan Analisis Single FORR sebagai Core Element Sensing Fiber Optic Gyroscope (FOG)

Syamroni, AbdulWachid (2012) Fabrikasi Fiber Optic Ring-Resonator (FORR) Berbasis Serial Kaskada dan Analisis Single FORR sebagai Core Element Sensing Fiber Optic Gyroscope (FOG). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Fiber Optic ring-resonator (FORR) telah banyak digunakan pada berbagai aplikasi devais optik dikarenakan struktur sederhana dan karakteristik FORR itu sendiri. FORR dengan struktur fiber waveguide telah diteliti dan digunakan pada berbagai aplikasi optik antara lain sebagai sensor optik. Penelitian lebih lanjut menyebutkan bahwa FORR memiliki karakteristik resonansi dinamis yang bisa digunakan sebagai core element sensing sistem gyro untuk mendeteksi tingkat perputaran pada suatu titik platform tertentu. Penelitian dilakukan melalui analisis perhitungan matematis program simulasi terhadap FORR berbasis kombinasi jumlah ring-resonator fiber tersusun secara serial dengan nilai koefisien kopler 0,5% (50/50) dan 0,05% (95/5), panjang gulungan fiber ( coil ring ) antara 9,8-10m pada kisaran panjang gelombang 1550nm. Menggunakan penurunan fungsi alih ( transfer function ) dengan pendekatan mason rule dan signal flow graph (SFG) didapatkan fungsi transfer intensitas daya optik FORR sebagai gambaran karakter masing-masing konfigurasi. Hasil fungsi alih intensitas daya optik kemudian digunakan sebagai acuan dalam proses fabrikasi FORR dengan konfigurasi SFORR, 2SK-FORR dan 3SK-FORR. Hasil simulasi dan fabrikasi FORR dengan satu sinyal input optik ( single waveguide ) menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketajaman resonansi (finesse) dan puncak tukik resonansi (dip) konfigurasi 3SK-FORR memiliki tingkat kinerja ( performance ) lebih baik yaitu sebesar Fin =8,5587 dan dip ≈ 36,5 dB sedangkan konfigurasi S-FORR dan 2SK-FORR sebesar Fin =6,125 dan dip ≈ 8,43 dB; Fin =6,3639 dan dip ≈ 33,2 dB. Faktor penting lainnya adalah kesesuaian antara nilai koefisien kopler K dan panjang gulungan fiber ( coil ring ) dalam menentukan titik resonansi yang tepat pada masing-masing konfigurasi FORR. Hasil analisis matematis pembandingan ( comparation ) tingkat sensitifitas konfigurasi single FORR dengan variasi jumlah kopler sebagai core element sensing gyroscope , membuktikan bahwa nilai K juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap tingkat sensitifitas kedua konfigurasi, dengan dua sinyal input optik ( double waveguide ). Konfigurasi yang dimaksud yaitu single ring single coupler (SRSC) sebesar 0,616 º/Jam dengan K =0,1 dan 9,122 º/Jam dengan K =0,5. Sedangkan konfigurasi single ring double coupler (SRDC) sebesar 7,587 º/Jam dengan K1=K2 =0,1 dan 7,587 º/Jam dengan K1=K2 =0,5.

English Abstract

Fiber optic ring-resonator (FORR) has been widely used in various application of optical devices due to its simple structure and characteristics of FORR itself. FORR with fiber waveguide structures have been studied and used in various optical applications such as optical sensors. Fur r studies mentioned that fiber optic ring resonator (FORR) had a dynamic resonance characteristics which had benefit as a core element gyro sensing system for detecting rotation at some point at particular platform. study was conducted through analysis of a ma matical calculation of FORR-based program simulating based on combination of number of ring-resonator fiber arranged in series with coefficient of coupler 0.5% (50/50) and 0.05% (95/5). length of fiber coil was between 9.8-10m in wavelength range center at 1550nm. Transfer function of optical power intensity of FORR as a character description of each configuration was obtained using transfer function with Mason rule approach and signal flow graph (SFG). results of power intensity of optical transfer function was used as a reference in fabrication prototype process with configuration SFORR FORR, 2SK-FORR and 3SK-FORR. result with single waveguide showed that finesse and dip of 3SK - FORR had better performance ( with Fin = 8.5587 and dip ≈ 36.5 dB) than configuration of S - FORR (with Fin = 6.125 and dip ≈ 8.43 dB) and 2SK - FORR ( Fin = 6.3639 and dip ≈ 33.2 dB) . value of coefficient coupler K that is fit to length of fiber coil, was important in determining exact resonance point in each configuration of FORR . comparison of sensitivity of single FORR with double waveguide , with variation numbers of coupler used for core element sensing gyroscope, was also affected by K value . SRSC (single ring single coupler ) had sensitivity of 0.616 º/Hour with K = 0.1 and 9.122 º/Hour with K = 0.5. While SRDC (single ring double coupler ) had sensitivities of 7.587 º/Hour and 7.587 º/Hour with K1 = K2 = 0.1 and K1=K2 =0.5, respectively.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/621.369 2/SYA/f/041204243
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2012 13:10
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2012 13:10
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/158660
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