Sensitivity and Specificity of OMP Acinetobacter Baumannii Antigen Dot Blot to Detect Secretory-IgA in Urine Of Patients with Acinetobacter Baumannii Infection

Salah, SalahBenaessaMohmed (2014) Sensitivity and Specificity of OMP Acinetobacter Baumannii Antigen Dot Blot to Detect Secretory-IgA in Urine Of Patients with Acinetobacter Baumannii Infection. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK) merupakan salah satu infeksi nosokomial di rumah sakit. Salah satu agen nosokomial ISK yang paling umum adalah A.baumannii . A.baumannii juga menyebabkan sistitis, pyelonephritis akut maupun kronik, batu ginjal, bakterimia, sepsis dan lain-lain. Sejauh ini, metode pendeteksi A.baumannii menggunakan metode pengecatan bakteri dan kultur yang membutuhkan waktu lama. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeteksi bakteri pada ISK yang disebabkan oleh A.baumannii berdasar prinsip reaksi serologi. Prinsip ini menggunakan Dot Blot sebagai alat diagnostik untuk melihat respon imun humoral secretory-Ig A (s-IgA) sebagai antibodi spesifik terhadap OMP yang merupakan antigen bakteri A.baumannii. Desain penelitian dibagi 2 tahap, eksperimen eksploratif untuk mendapatkan antigen OMP dari A.baumannii dilanjutkan laboratory eksperimen untuk identifikasi respon imun s-IgA dari urin pasien yang dicurigai ISK. Penelitian ini menggunakan Dot Blot untuk diagnosis klinik ISK. Sampel urin dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok positif dan negatif terhadap A.baumannii pada hasil analisis Dot Blot, sebagai perbandingannya menggunakan hasil kultur sebagai gold standard . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berat molekul OMP A.baumannii sebesar 57.2 kDa berespon terhadap s-IgA. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian respon imun humoral antigen 57,2 kDA A.baumannii dengan s-IgA. Pengujian Dot Blot dan kultur didasarkan pada gold standard 110 sampel urin dengan perolehan mean cut off 42,44 sensitivitas 71.43%; spesifisitas 95,15%; positive predictive 50,00 % dan negative predictive 98,00 %. Penelitian ini masih membutuhkan pengembangan lebih dalam untuk digunakan sebagai alat screening maupun alat diagnosis ISK yang disebabkan oleh bakteri A.baumannii .

English Abstract

Urinary tract infections (UTI) represent one of nosocomial infections in hospitals. One of most common agents of nosocomial urinary tract infections is an A.baumannii bacteria. In addition to o r infections for example, cystitis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, kidney bladder stone, bacteremia and sepsis, etc. So far, this is used to identify bacteria staining and culture methods, which require a long time. aimed of this study was to detect bacteria in urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by A.baumannii using principles of serological reactions Dot blot method as diagonstic tool to see humoral immune response secretory-IgA (s-IgA) as antibody against OMP specific as antigen A.baumannii bacteria.This study design was divided into two stages. First stage is an explorative experimental to obtain an antigen delivered form OMP of A.baumannii , followed by second stage of an experimental laboratory for identification of an immune response of s-IgA from urine patients suspected of suffering from a bacterial UTI. In addition, it helps to make a clinical diagnosis of UTI cases using dot blot. Urine samples with results grouped into positive and negative bolt bot urine cultures as compared with gold standard. results of study also showed that molecular weight of OMP A.baumannii 57.2 kDa responded to s-IgA. An examination was made of humoral immune response to an antigen 57.2 kDa A.baumannii . Dot blot examination and culture examination were based on gold standard in 110 urine samples obtained at 42, 44 with mean cut off value of sensitivity 71.43 %, specificity 95. 15.%, Positive predictive value 50, 00 % and negative predictive value 98, 00% .Clinical application still needs to be done as well as more in depth research related to development of this method.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/616.6/SAL/s/041405976
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.6 Diseases of urogenital system
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 26 Sep 2014 19:01
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2014 19:01
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