Wulandari, RatnaFeti (2015) Pengaruh Pemberian Genistein Terhadap Kadar Interleukin-6 Dan Interleukin-8 Padamencit Model Endometriosis. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Endometriosis merupakan penyakit inflamasi dengan pertumbuhan jaringan endometrium di luarkavum uteri. Proses inflamasi ditandai dengan adanya produksiberlebihandarisitokinproinflamasi,makrofag, prostaglandin dan substansi inflamasi lainnya yang berperan dalam proses nyeri dan gejala sub infertilitas. Sitokin yang diproduksipada proses inflamasi adalah IL-6 dan IL-8. Apabilasitokin yang diproduksidalam jumlah berlebihan, maka dapat mengakibatkan dinding vascular rusak dan terjadi disfungsi organ. SitokinIL-6 mengaturperadangan dan imunitas yang memodulasisekresisitokinlain, mempromosikanaktivasi sel T dan diferensiasi sel-B serta menghambat pertumbuhan berbagai jalur sel. Sedangkansitokin IL-8 adalahsitokinangiogenik, sitokin yang mempromosikanpertumbuhanmenginduksikemotaktisneutrofildanmenginduksiekspresibe berapaseldanjugamenfasilitasiperlekatanawalsel-sel endometrium pada permukaan peritoneal. Pengobatan endometriosis menggunakan NSAIDs memiliki efek sampingmual, muntah, pusing dan terjadi iritasi lambung. Terapi yang diperlukan adalah terapi yang aman, tidak ada efek samping serta dapat mengurangi inflamasi. Genisteinmerupakansenyawaisoflavonantiiflamasiyang bekerjasebagai SERMs. Genisteinbersifatsebagaiantiestrogenik. Terapi yang mengandungsenyawaantiestrogenikdapatmenghambatfaktortranskripsi, ermasukaktivasiNFκβsebagaifaktorinflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisapengaruhpemberiangenisteinterhadapkadar IL-6 dan IL-8 pada mencit model endometriosis. Desain penelitianiniadalahekperimental, denganPost test only Control Group Design. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mencit model endometriosis yang diberikan perlakuan denganberbagaidosisgenistein, yaitu 0,13 mg/hari, 0,26 mg/hari, 0,52 mg/hari, 0,78 mg/hari, 1,04 mg/hari, dan 1,30 mg/hari. Cairan peritoneal diperiksa kadar IL-6 dan lesi endometriosis diperiksa kadar IL-8 dengan menggunakan metode ELISA. Data dianalisis dengan Uji One Way Anovadanregresi. Hasil berdasarkan uji one Way Anovaadalah Ada pengaruhpemberiangenisteinterhadapkadar IL-6 dan IL-8 pada mencit model endometriosis (p 0,05). Genisteinmampumenurunkan Kadar IL-6 dan IL-8 pada dosis 0,26 mg/hari. Hasil uji regresipenambahandosisgenisteintidakmerubahkadar IL-6tidak berbeda secara statistik (P value= 0,768). Ada korelasiantarapemberiangenisteindengankadar IL-8 (Pvalue= 0,018). KesimpulannyaadalahGenisteindapat menurunkan kadar IL-6 dan IL-8 pada mencit model endometriosis pada dosis 0,26 mg/hari.
English Abstract
Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by the development of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. This inflammatory process is characterized by excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines, macrophages, prostaglandins and other inflammatory substances that play a role in the process of pain and symptom of sub infertility. Cytokines produced in the inflammatory process are IL-6 and IL-8. If cytokines are produced in excessive amounts, it can lead to damaged vascular wall and organ dysfunction. IL-6 cytokines regulate inflammation and immunity that modulate othercytokine secretion, promote T-cell activation and differentiation of B-cells and inhibit the growth of various cell lines. Meanwhile,IL-8 cytokines are angiogenic cytokines which promote induced growth and induce the neutrophil chemotactic cells and also facilitate the initial attachment of endometrial cells in the peritoneal surface. The treatment of endometriosis using NSAIDshas side effects of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and stomach irritation. The therapy needed is a safe therapy which has no side effects which can reduce inflammation. Genistein is isoflavone compounds, anti-inflammatory that works as SERMs. Genistein is antiestrogenic. Antiestrogenic therapy contains compounds which can inhibit transcription factors, including the activation of NFқβ as inflammation factor. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of genistein on the levels of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in mice model of endometriosis. This study uses an experimental research design, with Post test only control group design. The sample in this study is mice model of endometriosis, which are treated with various doses of genistein, which are 0.13 mg/day, 0.26 mg/day, 0.52 mg/day, 0.78 mg/day, 1.04 mg/day, and 1.30 mg/day. Peritoneal fluidsare tested on IL-6 while endometriosis lesions are tested on the IL-8 level by using ELISA method. Data analysis is done using One Way ANOVA and Regression. The results obtained fromOne Way ANOVA test show that there is aneffect of genistein on the levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in mice model of endometriosis(p 0.05). Genistein is capable of reducing the levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in a dose of 0.26 mg/day. The results of regression test show that the addition of genistein dose does not change the levels of IL- 6 statistically (p value=0.768). There is a correlation between the levels of genistein administration and the levels of of IL-8 (p value=0.018). In conclusion, genistein can reduce the levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in mice model of endometriosis at aoptimum dose (0.26 mg/day).
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/615.321/WUL/p/2015/041501329 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Kebidanan, Fakultas Kedokteran |
Depositing User: | Sugiantoro |
Date Deposited: | 19 May 2015 10:10 |
Last Modified: | 10 Jan 2023 04:16 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/158037 |
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