Pengaruh Kombinasi Vitamin C Dan E Terhadap Kadar Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Dan Malondialdehid (MDA) Pada Tikus Yang Dipapar Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Rohmawati, Wiwin (2014) Pengaruh Kombinasi Vitamin C Dan E Terhadap Kadar Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Dan Malondialdehid (MDA) Pada Tikus Yang Dipapar Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Turunan dari asam amino glutamate yang berbentuk glutamate salah satunya adalah Monosodium gluatamat (MSG). Mengkonsumsi MSG yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan nekrosis pada neuron hipotalamus dan nukleus arkuata hipotalamus, kemandulan pada jantan dan betina, berkurangnya berat hipofisis anterior, adrenal, tiroid, uterus, ovarium, dan testis, kerusakan fungsi reproduksi, dan berkurangnya jumlah anak. Pemberian MSG memberikan pengaruh penurunan kadar FSH dan menurunkan kadar LH. Pada seorang wanita, FSH dan LH bekerja merangsang perkembangan, pematangan dan ovulasi dalam ovarium. Penurunan FSH dan LH darah tentu saja akan merangsang proses perkembangan dan pematangan folikel tersebut. Fungsi dari MSG adalah sebagai penyedap rasa lezat pada makanan, apabila konsumsi monosodium glutamat dalam dosis berlebih dapat meningkatkan glutamat dalam plasma darah dan secara kimia dapat menyebabkan terjadinya radikal bebas, hal ini reseptor glutamat lebih reaktif bekerja sehingga terjadi exitotoxin. Adanya radikal bebas tersebut maka jalur signal glutamat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh sebagai pembentuk asam amino dan neurotransmitter menjadi rusak. Reseptor glutamat di hipotalamus yang mengalami exitotoxin dapat berakibat gangguan pada hipotalamus pituitary adrenal axis sehingga hipofisis tidak mensekresikan hormon FSH/LH dengan seimbang. Tubuh manusia mempunyai enzim antioksidan endogen (SOD, Catalase dan Glutathion) yang bekerja secara sistematis dan bersinergi untuk menetralisir radikal bebas. Terjadinya radikal bebas yang masuk dan peningkatan glutamat sudah melebihi maka enzim tersebut tidak mampu menetralisir radikal bebas dan mencegah kerusakan sel pada organ tertentu. Antioksidan alami vitamin C dan vitamin E sebagai antioksidan dapat membantu antioksidan endogen untuk meredam reaksi berantai radikal bebas, sehingga diharapkan mampu organ dalam tubuh berfungsi dengan baik sesuai dengan metabolisme tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi vitamin C dan Vitamin E terhadap kadar FSH dan `MDA pada tikus yang dipajan Monosodium Glutamat menggunakan desain eksperimental. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara In Vivo dengan menggunakan hewan coba tikus betina rattus novergicus strain wistar 25 sampel yang terdiri 5 ekor tikus per kelompok. Kelompok I (KN) kontrol negatif (normal), Kelompok II (KP) kontrol positif MSG tanpa disertai vitamin C dan vitamin E, kelompok perlakuan I (PI) MSG 140mg/200gr/BB, vitamin C 0,2mg/grBB dan vitamin E 0,04IU/BB, kelompok perlakuan II (PII) MSG 140mg/200gr/BB, vitamin C 0,04mg/grBB dan vitamin E 0,4IU/BB dan kelompok perlakuan III (PIII) MSG 140mg/200gr/BB, vitamin C 0,8mg/grBB dan vitamin E 0,04IU/BB. Diberi perlakuan secara oral dengan menggunakan sonde selama 42 hari. Pada hari ke 43 dilakuan swab vagina tikus untuk menentukan fase proestrus kemudian dilakukan pembedahan diambil darah jantung dan organ ovarium tikus. Darah tikus digunakan untuk memeriksa kadar FSH dengan menggunakan metode Elisa dan organ ovarium kiri digunakan untuk mengukur MDA dengan metode TBA dan dibaca dengan sprektofotometer dengan panjang gelombang 532 nm. Analisis hasil penelitian menggunakan Uji Anova dengan tingkat kepercayaan 0.05 menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada rerata kombinasi vitamin C dan vitamin E pada kelompok perlakuan berbagai level dosis dapat mencegah penurunan FSH tikus yang dipajan MSG dengan nilai p = 0,003. Secara statistik pada rerata kombinasi vitamin C dan vitamin E pada masing – masing level perlakuan dapat mencegah peningkatan MDA yang dipajan MSG dengan nilai p=0,007. Hasil Uji LSD perbedaan rerata kadar FSH menunjukkan bahwa antara perbandingan kelompok kontrol negatif dengan kelompok kontrol positif didapatkan berbeda signfikan, dan perbandingan kelompok kontrol positif dengan kelompok perlakuan I tidak berbeda signifikan tetapi dengan perlakuan II dan III terdapat perbedan yang signifikan. Pada perbedaan rerata kadar MDA menunjukkan bahwa antara perbandingan kelompok kontrol negatif dengan kelompok kontrol positif berbeda signifikan demikian juga antara kelompok kontrol positif dan kelompok perlakuan I tidak berbeda signifikan, tetapi pada perbandingan kelompok kontrol positif dengan kelompok perlakuan II dan III terdapat perbedaan signifikan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi vitamin C dan vitamin E dapat mencegah penurunan kadar FSH dan mencegah peningkatan kadar MDA pada tikus yang dipajan monosodium glutamat.

English Abstract

One kinds of the derivative of amino glutamate acid in the form of glutamate is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Over consuming MSG was able to cause necrosis on the neuron hypothalamus and nucleus Arcata hypothalamus, infertility toward male and female, loss weight of anterior hyphophysics, adrenal, tyrhoyd, uterus, ovarian, and testis, the damage of reproduction function, and birth decreasing rate.Giving MSG was able to reduce the FSH and LH level. For a woman, FSH and LH had function to stimulate the propagation, maturation, and ovulation in ovarian. The reduction of FSH and LH in the blood certainly was able to stimulate the propagation and maturation process of the follicle. MSG had a function as the delicious flavoring in the food, where if the monosodium glutamate was over consumed in the excessive doses could increase the glutamate level in the blood plasma and in the chemistry was able to cause the unhampered radical, in this case the glutamate receptor would be more reactive which caused exit toxin. The effect of the unhampered radical caused the damage of glutamate line signal that was needed by human`s body which was able to produce the amino acid and neurotransmitter. The glutamate receptor in the hypothalamus that got anexit toxin was able to cause the damage of the pituitary adrenal axis of hypothalamus so the hyphophysics would not secrete the hormones of FSH or LH proportionately. The human`s body has antioxidant endogen enzyme (SOD, Catalane, and Glutathione) that worked systematically and in synergy in order to neutralize the unhampered radical. The entry process of unhampered radical and the over increased of glutamate made the enzyme was unable to neutralize the unhampered radical and prevent the cell damage in the certain organ. The natural antioxidant of vitamins C and E was able to support the endogen antioxidant in order to muffle the continuous reaction of the unhampered radical, so it was expected that the inner organ would be function well as the body metabolism. The purpose of this research was to know the influence of the combination of vitamins C and E toward the FSH and MDA to the mouse treated by Monosodium Glutamate by using experimental design. This research was done using 25 female mice Rattus Novergicus Wistar in which divided by 5 mice in a group. Group I (KN) negative control, group II (KP) positive control MSG without vitamins C and E, group I (P1) MSG 140mg/200gr/BW, vitamin C 0,2mg/grBW, and vitamin E 0,04IU/BW, group II (P2) MSG 140mg/200gr/BW, vitamin C 0,04mg/grBW, and vitamin E 0,4IU/BW, and group III (P3) MSG 140mg/200gr/BW, vitamin C 0,8mg/grBW, and vitamin E 0,04IU/BW. It was gave the oral by using sondes for 42 days. In the day 43rd, it was did the vagina swab to the mouse in order to decide the pro-estrus phase then the operation in order to take the heart blood and mouse`s ovarian organ. The mouse`s blood was used to control the FSH level by using Elisa method and the left ovarian organ was used to control the MDA by using TBA method and was read by using sprectophotometer with the wave length was 532 nm. The experimental result analysis used ANOVAs test with the confidence level of 0.05 showed that there was a main average difference in the combination of vitamin C and E toward the group in the various doses that it was able to prevent the derivation of the mouse`s FSH that was treated by MSG with the value of p=0,003. Statistically, the average combination of vitamin C and E in each was able to prevent the MDA increase that was exposed by MSG with the value of p=0,007. The LSD test result of the average difference of the FSH showed that there was significant difference between the negative control group and positive control group, and the insignificant difference between the positive control group and group I, but there was significant difference between the group II and III. In the average difference of MDA showed that there was significant difference between the comparison of the negative control group and positive control group, similarly there was insignificant difference of the positive control group and the group I, but a significant difference between the positive control group and the group II and III. It can be concluded that the combination of vitamins C and E was able to prevent the derivation of FSH level and prevent the increase of MDA toward the mouse that was treated by monosodium glutamate.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/612.399/ROH/p/041401542
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 612 Human Physiology > 612.3 Digestive system
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Kebidanan, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 03 Apr 2014 11:07
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2014 11:07
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