Iswahyudi (2013) Upaya Pelestarian Ikan Wader Cakul (Puntius binotatus) dengan Teknologi Budidaya. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Ikan wader termasuk ikan endemik Indonesia yang perlu dilindungi dari penurunan populasinya akibat dari aktivitas manusia seperti pembukaan lahan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia itu sendiri. Salah satunya dengan cara upaya pelestarian ikan Wader Cakul ( Puntius binotatus ) dengan menerapkan teknik budidaya yang sesuai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengkaji proses pemijahan ikan wader cakul dengan pemberian substrat ijuk; (2) mengetahui tingkah laku pemijahan ikan wader cakul; dan (3) mengetahui perkembangan telur dan benih ikan wader cakul. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk topik anatomi dan morfologi ikan, biologi reprduksi, tingkah laku reproduksi,dan perawatan larva, sedangkan pada proses pemijahan menggunakan metode eksperimen untuk mengetahui perbandingan induk jantan betina. Ijuk yang digunakan dalam proses pemijahan beratnya 50 gram, tinggi 5 cm dari dasar akuarium dengan kerapatan 40% – 50% luas dasar kolam. Substrat ijuk berguna untuk tempat melekatnya telur ikan wader yang adhesive. Warna telur ikan wader yang telah dibuahi berwarna bening. Induk jantan memiliki tubuh yang lebih ramping dibandingkan induk betina. Induk jantan akan mengeluarkan sperma dan induk betina akan mengeluarkan sel telur jika ditekan bagian perutnya. Pemijahan ikan wader cakul berlangsung pada malam hari. Proses pemijahannya, induk jantan dan betina saling berkejar-kejaran dan berdampingan kemudian telur dikeluarkan secara bertahap. Ikan wader kurang lebih 4 – 5 kali mengeluarkan telur. Diameter telur ikan wader cakul 0,9-1 mm. Jumlah larva yang dihasilkan rata-rata 1105 - 1317 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan wader cakul dapat memijah menggunakan substrat ijuk Perkembangan telur ikan wader cakul meliputi beberapa fase, yaitu: stadium cleavage , stadium morula, stadium blastula, stadium gastrula, organogenesis dan penetasan. Stadium cleavage dicapai pada satu jam setelah pembuahan, stadium morula dicapai pada dua jam dua puluh tiga menit setelah pembelahan, stadium blastula dicapai pada enam jam setelah pembelahan, stadium gastrula dicapai pada tujuh jam setelah pembuahan, organogenesis dicapai pada sembilan jam setelah pembuahan dan penetasan terjadi pada dua puluh empat jam setelah pembuahan. Ikan wader cakul ini memiliki panjang total (TL): 8,5 cm; panjang standar (SL): 6,8 cm; dan panjang kepala (PK): 1,6 cm. Fekunditasnya 5156 - 7814 butir. Nilai regresi didapatkan y = 0,008x 3.205 Laju pertumbuhan ikan wader cakul sebesar 0,08 gram/hari. Ikan wader cakul memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif. Hasil pengamatan kualitas air rata-rata aquarium ikan wader cakul adalah suhu 27,7 – 30,8°C; kecerahan 30 – 40 cm; pH 8,21 – 9,71; dan DO 3,65 – 7,88 mg/L; dan debit air 0,32 liter/detik.
English Abstract
Spotted Barb is an Indonesian`s endemic fish that need to be conserved from population decline due to human activities such as land clearing and the fulfilment of human needs. One of them by way of conservation effort of spotted barb fish ( Puntius binotatus ) by applying appropriate aquaculture technology. The purpose of this research were to (1) study the process of spotted barb spawning substrate by giving fiber;(2) know the spotted barb spawning behavior; and (3) know the development of spotted bar eggs and seeds. This research was conducted using a descriptive method for topic fish anatomy and morphology, biology reproductive success, reproductive behavior, and care of larvae, whereas the spawning process using experimental methods to campare the male and female parent. Fibers weight that were used in the spawning process was 50 grams, height 5 cm from the bottom of the aquarium and the density was 40% - 50%. Substrate attachment fibers useful to place the eggs because the nature of this eggs were adhesive. Colour of the spotted barb eggs that have been fertilized was nodes. Male parent has a more slender body than the female. The male parent will release sperm and the female parent release eggs when pressed their abdomen. Spotted barb spawning takes place at night. Female and male parent process nurseries each side romp and then gradually released eggs. Spotted barb fish approximately 4-5 times eject eggs. Diameter Spotted barb egg was 0.9-1 mm. Average larvae produced was 1105 – 1317. The results showed that the spotted barb fish can spawn receipts substrate fibers.The development of spotted barb fish eggs includes several phases, that is: cleavage stage, morula stage, blastula stage, gastrula stage, organogenesis, and hatching. Cleavage stage reached in one hour after fertilization, morula stadium achieved on two hours twenty three minutes after the cleavage, blastula stage reached in six hours after cleavage, gastrula stage reached in seven hours after fertilization, organogenesis is achieved at nine hours after fertilization and hatching occurs in twenty-four hours after fertilization. Spotted barb has a total length (TL): 8.5 cm standard length (SL): 6.8 cm, and head length (HL): 1.6 cm. Fecundity was 5156-7814 eggs. Regression values obtained for weight (gram) = 1,235 – 0,9397 length (cm) + 0,2026 length (cm)2. Growth rate of spotted barb was 0,08 gram/day. Spotted barb has negative allometric growth pattern. Observations of water quality on average aquarium spotted barb was: temperature 27,7 – 30,8°C; brightness 30 – 40 cm; pH 8,21 – 9,71; DO 3,65 – 7,88 mg/L; and water discharge 0,32 liter/second.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/597.482/ISW/u/041403111 |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates > 597.4 Miscellaneous superorders of Actinopterygii |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan |
Depositing User: | Endro Setyobudi |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jun 2014 15:10 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jun 2014 15:10 |
URI: | |
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