Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Makroinvertebrata Bentos sebagai Bioindikator Kelayakan Kualitas Air Irigasi di Kabupaten Malang

Kartikasari, Desi (2013) Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Makroinvertebrata Bentos sebagai Bioindikator Kelayakan Kualitas Air Irigasi di Kabupaten Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kualitas hasil pertanian sangat dipengaruhi oleh air irigasi. Pemantauan kualitas air irigasi merupakan hal penting yang diperlukan dalam rangka pengelolaan air irigasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kualitas air beberapa saluran irigasi tersier Kabupaten Malang, (2) mengetahui struktur komunitas dan diversitas makroinvertebrata bentos pada saluran irigasi tersier, (3) mengetahui korelasi antara kualitas air dengan struktur komunitas dan diversitas makroinvertebrata bentos pada saluran irigasi tersier dan (4) menentukan efektivitas pemanfaatan makroinvertebrata bentos sebagai bioindikator kualitas air di saluran irigasi tersier Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan: (1) melakukan survey ke beberapa saluran irigasi di Kabupaten Malang untuk mengetahui interaksi antara kualitas air dengan struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata bentos di saluran irigasi; (2) melakukan perbandingan kualitas fisiko-kimia air dan struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata bentos pada saluran irigasi yang mempunyai kualitas baik dan buruk untuk mengetahui efektivitas makroinvertebrata bentos sebagai bioindikator kualitas air irigasi. Penelitian pertama dilakukan di Kabupaten Malang yaitu Karangploso dan Kepanjen pada bulan Mei-Juni 2012, Tumpang pada bulan Desember 2012 sedangkan penelitian kedua dilakukan di Desa Kedung Pendaringan Kecamatan Kepanjen pada bulan November 2012-Maret 2013. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian pertama dilakukan pada daerah hulu yang dekat dengan mata air (satu stasiun) dan saluran irigasi pertanian (dua stasiun) dengan ulangan tiga plot pada setiap stasiun pengamatan. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian kedua dilakukan pada saluran irigasi yang tidak ditanami vegetasi riparian (hulu) dan sesudah penanaman vegetasi riparian (hilir) dengan ulangan masing-masing tiga plot pada tiap stasiun. Makroinvertebrata bentos diidentifikasi di Laboratorium Ekologi dan Diversitas Hewan. Data kualitas air (suhu, pH, DO, konduktivitas) diamati langsung di lapangan, sedangkan variabel alkalinitas, nitrat, fosfat terlarut, TOM, TDS dan TSS diamati di Laboratorium Ekologi dan Diversitas Hewan dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Hasil pengukuran kualitas air dan penghitungan makroinvertebrata bentos pada penelitian pertama digunakan untuk penghitungan indeks kualitas air (WQI) dan indeks biotik (beberapa indeks ekologis dan indeks diversitas). Hubungan antara kualitas air dengan struktur komunitas dan diversitas makroinvertebrata bentos pada saluran irigasi pertanian diketahui melalui analisis biplot. Efektivitas makroinvertebrata bentos sebagai bioindikator diketahui dari uji korelasi indeks biotik terpilih dengan indeks kualitas air. Hasil penelitian tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air pada mata air dan saluran irigasi tersier di Kepanjen, Karangploso dan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang sangat bervariasi. Nilai pH, DO, Nitrat, Fosfat terlarut, TOM, TDS dan TSS pada saluran irigasi tersier Kabupaten Malang masih memenuhi standar baku mutu kualitas air berdasarkan PP RI No. 82 tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air Kelas II dan III. Berdasarkan beberapa Indeks kualitas air (NSF-WQI, Indeks O`Connor`s dan Indeks Prati`s Implicit ) diperoleh informasi saluran irigasi tersier Kabupaten Malang termasuk dalam kategori medium hingga good dan dari acceptable hingga slightly polluted . Habitat saluran irigasi tersebut, berdasarkan hasil analisis cluster pada tingkat kesamaan 80% dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu wilayah Tumpang 1 dan 2 (kelompok 1) dan wilayah yang lainnya menjadi kelompok 2. Karakteristik kualitas air kelompok 1 dicirikan oleh nilai TDS, nitrat, debit, konduktivitas dan alkalinitas lebih tinggi serta nilai TOM dan TSS yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok 2. Makroinvertebrata bentos yang ditemukan di saluran irigasi tersier lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan mata air. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan melalui kekayaan taksa, kelimpahan, indeks nilai penting (INP), indeks diversitas dan beberapa indeks ekologis (HBI, ASPT, EPT, EPT/C). Pada saluran irigasi hampir semuanya didominasi oleh taksa Melanoides tuberculata dan Tarebia granifera yang merupakan kelompok taksa toleran terhadap pencemar sedangkan daerah mata air didominasi oleh taksa Baetidae, Hydropsychidae, Planariidae dan Caenidae yang merupakan kelompok taksa sensitif. Interaksi antara kualitas air dengan makroinvertebrata bentos berdasarkan analisis biplot multivariat dan interaksi antara indeks kualitas air dengan beberapa indeks ekologis menunjukkan bahwa mata air Tumpang 1 secara konsisten menunjukkan kualitas air yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan semua wilayah saluran irigasi yang diteliti dan mata air Karangploso yang ditandai dengan rendahnya kadar TOM dan TSS, keberadaan jenis Planariidae, Hydropsychidae dan Baetidae, rendahnya nilai HBI, dan tingginya nilai ASPT, kekayaan taksa, nilai indeks EPT dan EPT/C. Saluran irigasi Kepanjen 1 secara konsisten mempunyai kualitas yang lebih buruk dibandingkan wilayah lainnya yang dicirikan oleh kadar TOM tertinggi, keberadaan jenis M. tuberculata dan T. granifera , nilai H, EPT, EPT/C dan ASPT yang relatif rendah, serta nilai HBI tertinggi. Validasi pemanfaatan indeks ekologis dan taksa makroinvertebrata bentos telah dilakukan pada saluran irigasi yang ditanami riparian 250 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makroinvertebrata bentos dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator kualitas air irigasi. Peningkatan kualitas air ini tercermin dari peningkatan nilai DO dan penurunan kadar alkalinitas, fosfat terlarut, nitrat dan TSS pada daerah hilir, indeks ekologis dan taksa makroinvertebrata bentos. Peningkatan kategori kualitas air dari fairly poor (HBI=6,84) di bagian hulu menjadi fair (HBI=6,5) di bagian hilir, serta probable moderate pollution (ASPT=4,0) di bagian hulu menjadi doubtful quality (ASPT=5,14) di bagian hilir. Selain itu, juga terjadi perubahan struktur komunitas makroinvertebrata bentos yang didominasi oleh taksa toleran ( M. tuberculata dan T. granifera ) pada daerah hulu menjadi taksa sensitif (Caenidae dan Baetidae) pada daerah hilir. Dengan demikian nilai HBI rendah (kuran

English Abstract

Quality of agricultural products was strongly influenced by irrigation water. Therefore, monitoring of irrigation water quality is very important in order to manage irrigation water. The aims of this research were to (1) know the quality of water in some tertiary irrigation drains of Malang District, (2) know community structure and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate in tertiary irrigation drains, (3) know correlation between water quality, community structure and or diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate in the tertiary irrigation drains and, (4) determine the effectivity of utilization benthic macroinvertebrate as bioindicator tertiary irrigation drains water quality in Malang District. This research was carried out by: (1) survey some irrigation drains in Malang District to determine the interaction between structure of benthic macroinvertebrate community and water quality in irrigation drains; (2) compare physico-chemical water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure grown in good quality of irrigation drain water and the lower one to determine effectiveness of the benthic as a bioindicator of irrigation water quality. The first research were done in Kepanjen and Karangploso on May to June 2012, whereas in Tumpang was done on December 2012, while the second research was done in tertiary irrigation drains at Kedung Pendaringan Village, Kepanjen on November 2012 to March 2013. Samples collection of the first research were done on the upstream (one station) and agricultural irrigation drains (two stations) with three plots as replication in each station. Whereas, samples collection of the second research were done at the upstream site of the irrigation drain before and after riparian vegetation plantation (downstream site) with three plots of each site as replication. Measurement of water temperature, pH, DO, and conductivity were done directly in the field. While determination of the alkalinity, nitrate, dissolved phosphate, TOM, TDS and TSS, as well as benthic sample identification were taken place in the Ecology and Animals Diversity Laboratory and Microbiology Laboratory of Biology Department, Brawijaya University, Malang. Data of water quality measurements and benthic macroinvertebrate on the first research were used to calculate water quality index (WQI) and biotic indices (some ecological indices and diversity index). Correlation between irrigation water quality with benthic macroinvertebrate in agricultural irrigation drains was determined by biplot analysis. The effectiveness of benthic macroinvertebrate as bioindicator was determined by correlation test between selected biotic indices and water quality indices. Result of the first research showed that water quality significantly varied in the springs and tertiary irrigation drains in Kepanjen, Karangploso and Tumpang of Malang District. The value of pH, DO, nitrate, dissolved phosphate, TOM, TDS and TSS in tertiary irrigation drains of Malang District still fulfilled water quality standard of Classes II and III based on Indonesia Government Regulation No. 82 in 2001 on water quality management and control of water pollution. Irrigation water quality of Malang District, based on some of the water quality indices (NSF-WQI, O`Connor`s Index and Prati`s Implicit Index) were grouped into medium to good category or acceptable to slightly polluted. Based on cluster analysis at the 80% similarity index, water irrigation were clasified into two groups, the Tumpang 1 and 2 (become first group) and the rest sites as second groups. The first group was indicated by higher value of TDS, nitrate, flow, conductivity and alkalinity, the lower value of TOM and TSS to compare to the second. Benthic macroinvertebrates in the tertiary irrigation drains were found more simple rather than those grown in springs. These were shown by taxa richness, abudance, important values (IV), diversity index and some ecological indices (HBI ASPT, EPT, EPT/C). Almost all of tertiary irrigation drains were dominated by Melanoides tuberculata and Tarebia granifera as tolerant taxa to pollution, while taxa in the spring generally were dominated by Baetidae, Hydropsychidae and Caenidae that are sensitive and intolerant to pollution. Based on multivariate biplot analysis, it was revealed a strong interaction between water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate, as well as some ecological indices. It was shown that spring water ‘Tumpang 1` consistently grouped as good water quality compared to all irrigation water, even though with water in Karangploso spring, indicated by low value of TOM and TSS, presence of species belonging to Planariidae, Hydrosychidae and Baetidae, low value of HBI, and high values of ASPT, taxa richness, EPT and EPT/C indices. Otherwise, irrigation water of Kepanjen 1 was consistently showed lowest water quality, indicated by high concentration of Total Organic Matter, presence of M. tuberculata and T. granifera , low value of H, EPT, EPT/C and ASPT, while highest value of HBI. Utilization of ecological indices and benthic macroinvertebrate was validated in an irigation water drain planted by diverse riparian species along to 250 m in Kepanjen District. It was proven that benthic macroinvertebrate could be a good bioindicator of irrigation water quality. Improvement of water quality was shown by increasing concentration of DO and decreased value of alkalinity, dissolved phosphate, nitrate and TSS in the downstream, ecological indices and benthic macroinvertebrate taxa. Increasing water quality category from fairly poor to fair (HBI base) and from probable moderate pollution becomes doubtful quality (ASPT base), as well as improvement benthic macroinvertebrate communities structure. In the upstream, benthic were dominated by tolerant species ( M. tuberculata and T. granifera ), however then changed to become sensitive ones (Caenidae and Baetidae) on downstream. Thereby the lower value of HBI (less than 6.5), higher value of ASPT (more than 5) and the presence of Caenidae and Baetidae could be consistently used as indicator of good quality of irrigation water or slightly polluted. Whereas the high value of HBI (more than 6.5), the lower value of ASPT (less than 5), presence of M. tuberculata and

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/577.77/KAR/e/041307549
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 577 Ecology > 577.7 Marine ecology
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2014 11:46
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2014 11:46
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/157721
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